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In Python, the elements of ordered sequences like strings or lists can

be -individually- accessed through their indices. This can be
achieved by providing the numerical index of the element we wish to
extract from the sequence. Additionally, Python supports slicing that
is a characteristic that lets us extract a subset of the original
sequence object.

In python sequence data types, we can access elements by indexing

and slicing. Sequence data types are strings, list, tuple, range

What are Indexing and Slicing?

Indexing: Indexing is used to obtain individual elements.

Slicing: Slicing is used to obtain a sequence of elements.

Indexing and Slicing can be be done in Python Sequences types

like list, string, tuple, range objects.


Indexing starts from 0. Index 0 represents the first element in the

Negative indexing starts from -1. Index -1 represents the last
element in the sequence.

Indexing in string

Indexing in strings

Example of Indexing in strings

print (s[0])#Output:P
print (s[-1])#Output:n
print (s[-2])#Output:o

Indexing in List
Indexing in List

Example of Indexing in List

print (list_[0])#Output:10
print (list_[-1])#Output:50
print (list_[-2])#Output:40

Indexing in tuple and range object

#Indexing - tuple
print (t[0])#Output:1
print (t[-1])#Output:5
print (t[-2])#Output:4#Indexing - range object
print (r[0])#Output:0
print (r[-1])#Output:4
print (r[-2])#Output:3


 Slicing (Range Of Indexes):

We can specify a range of indexes.

s[i:j:k] — slice of s from i to j with step k

Slicing Strings

slicing allows you to obtain substring

1. s[1:3] — Returns element from the first index to the third
print (s[1:3])

2. s[0:3]-Returns element from the beginning of the string till the

third index(excluded).
print (s[0:3])

3. Slice indices have useful defaults; an omitted first index defaults

to zero, an omitted second index defaults to the size of the string
being sliced.

Omitted start index:

s[:4]-Returns element from the beginning of the string till the third
print (s[:4])

Omitted stop index:

s[2:]-Returns element from the second index till the end of the
print (s[2:])

4. Negative index.

s[-2:]-Returns element from second last index till the end of the
print (s[-2:])

5.Using step-index.
s[1:5:2]-Returns element from index 1 till index 5(excluded) using
step 2.
print (s[1:5:2])

Image Source: Author

6.Out of range index.

Out of range indexes are handled gracefully when used for slicing.
print (s[10:])

Slicing List:

Slicing List returns a new list containing requested elements.

1. Shallow copy.
n[:] -Returns shallow copy of the list.
#Output:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Refer to my story for shallow copy.

2. n[1:3]-Returns new list containing elements from index 1 till

index 3(excluded)
#Output:[1, 2]

3.Omitted stop index

n[1:]-Returns a new list containing elements from the first index till
the end of the list.
#Output:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

4. Omitted start index

n[:4]-Returns new list containing elements from the beginning of

the list till the third index
#Output:[0, 1, 2, 3]

5. Slicing returns a new list but indexing returns the item


n[1:2]-Returns a new list containing an element from index 1.n

s[1]-Returns the element at index 1
print (n[1])

6.Using step:

n[1:5:2]-Returns new list containing an element from index 1 till

index 5(excluded) using step 2.

Exception Handling in Python

The cause of an exception is often external to the program itself. For

example, an incorrect input, a malfunctioning IO device etc. Because
the program abruptly terminates on encountering an exception, it
may cause damage to system resources, such as files. Hence, the
exceptions should be properly handled so that an abrupt
termination of the program is prevented.

Python uses try and except keywords to handle exceptions. Both

keywords are followed by indented blocks.

try :
#statements in try block
except :
#executed when error in try block
The try: block contains one or more statements which are likely to
encounter an exception. If the statements in this block are executed
without an exception, the subsequent except: block is skipped.

If the exception does occur, the program flow is transferred to the

except: block. The statements in the except: block are meant to
handle the cause of the exception appropriately. For example,
returning an appropriate error message.

You can specify the type of exception after the except keyword. The
subsequent block will be executed only if the specified exception
occurs. There may be multiple except clauses with different
exception types in a single try block. If the type of exception doesn't
match any of the except blocks, it will remain unhand-led and the
program will terminate.

The rest of the statements after the except block will continue to be
executed, regardless if the exception is encountered or not.

Regular Expressions in Python

In Python, regular expressions are supported by the re module. That

means that if you want to start using them in your Python scripts,
you have to import this module with the help of import:
import re

Raw strings
Different functions in Python’s re module use raw string as an
argument. A normal string, when prefixed with ‘r’ or ‘R’ becomes a
raw string.

Example: Raw String

>>> rawstr = r'Hello! How are you?'
>>> print(rawstr)
Hello! How are you?

The difference between a normal string and a raw string is that the
normal string in print() function translates escape characters (such
as \n, \t etc.) if any, while those in a raw string are not.

Example: String vs Raw String

str1 = "Hello!\nHow are you?"
print("normal string:", str1)
str2 = r"Hello!\nHow are you?"
print("raw string:",str2)

normal string: Hello!
How are you?
raw string: Hello!\nHow are you?

In the above example, \n inside str1 (normal string) has translated

as a newline being printed in the next line. But, it is printed as \
n in str2 - a raw string.
meta characters

Some characters carry a special meaning when they appear as a part

pattern matching string. In Windows or Linux DOS commands, we
use * and ? — they are similar to meta characters. Python’s re
module uses the following characters as meta characters:


When a set of alpha-numeric characters are placed inside square

brackets [], the target string is matched with these characters. A
range of characters or individual characters can be listed in the
square bracket. For example:

PatternDescription[abc]match any of the characters a, b, or c[a-

c]which uses a range to express the same set of characters.[a-
z]match only lowercase letters.[0–9]match only digits.

re.match() function

This function in re module tries to find if the specified pattern is

present at the beginning of the given string.
re.match(pattern, string)

The function returns None, if the given pattern is not in the

beginning, and a match objects if found.

Example: re.match()

from re import matchmystr = "Welcome to TutorialsTeacher"
obj1 = match("We", mystr)
obj2 = match("teacher", mystr)

<re.Match object; span=(0, 2), match='We'>

The match object has start and end properties.


>>> print("start:", obj.start(), "end:", obj.end())

start: 0 end: 2

The following example demonstrates the use of the range of

characters to find out if a string starts with ‘W’ and is followed by an

Example: match()

from re import matchstrings=["Welcome to TutorialsTeacher",
"weather forecast","Winston Churchill", "W.G.Grace","Wonders of
India", "Water park"]for string in strings:
obj = match("W[a-z]",string)

<re.Match object; span=(0, 2), match='We'>
<re.Match object; span=(0, 2), match='Wi'>
<re.Match object; span=(0, 2), match='Wo'>
<re.Match object; span=(0, 2), match='Wa'> function

The function searches for a specified pattern anywhere

in the given string and stops the search on the first occurrence.


from re import searchstring = "Try to earn while you learn"obj =
search("earn", string)
print(obj.start(), obj.end(),
7 11 earn

<re.Match object; span=(7, 11), match='earn'>

This function also returns the Match object with start and end
attributes. It also gives a group of characters of which the pattern is
a part of.

re.findall() Function

As against the search() function, the findall() continues to search

for the pattern till the target string is exhausted. The object returns a
list of all occurrences.

Example: re.findall()
from re import findallstring = "Try to earn while you learn"obj
= findall("earn", string)

['earn', 'earn']

This function can be used to get the list of words in a sentence. We

shall use \W* pattern for the purpose. We also check which of the
words do not have any vowels in them.

Example: re.findall()

obj = findall(r"\w*", "Fly in the sky.")
print(obj)for word in obj:
obj= search(r"[aeiou]",word)
if word!='' and obj==None:

['Fly', '', 'in', '', 'the', '', 'sky', '', '']

re.finditer() function

The re.finditer() function returns an iterator object of all matches

in the target string. For each matched group, start and end positions
can be obtained by span() attribute.

Example: re.finditer()
from re import finditerstring = "Try to earn while you learn"
it = finditer("earn", string)
for match in it:

(7, 11)
(23, 27)

re.split() function

The re.split() function works similar to the split() method

of str object in Python. It splits the given string every time a white
space is found. In the above example of the findall() to get all
words, the list also contains each occurrence of white space as a
word. That is eliminated by the split() function in re module.

Example: re.split()

from re import splitstring = "Flat is better than nested. Sparse
is better than dense."
words = split(r' ', string)

['Flat', 'is', 'better', 'than', 'nested.', 'Sparse', 'is',
'better', 'than', 'dense.']

re.compile() Function

The re.compile() function returns a pattern object which can be

repeatedly used in different regex functions. In the following
example, a string 'is' is compiled to get a pattern object and is
subjected to the search() method.

Example: re.compile()

from re import *pattern = compile(r'[aeiou]')
string = "Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than
words = split(r' ', string)
for word in words:
print(word, pattern.match(word))

Flat None
is <re.Match object; span=(0, 1), match='i'>
better None
than None
nested. None
Sparse None
is <re.Match object; span=(0, 1), match='i'>
better None
than None
dense. None

The same pattern object can be reused in searching for words having
vowels, as shown below.

Example: search()

for word in words:

Flat <re.Match object; span=(2, 3), match='a'>
is <re.Match object; span=(0, 1), match='i'>
better <re.Match object; span=(1, 2), match='e'>
than <re.Match object; span=(2, 3), match='a'>
nested. <re.Match object; span=(1, 2), match='e'>
Sparse <re.Match object; span=(2, 3), match='a'>
is <re.Match object; span=(0, 1), match='i'>
better <re.Match object; span=(1, 2), match='e'>
than <re.Match object; span=(2, 3), match='a'>
dense. <re.Match object; span=(1, 2), match='e'>

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