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+ Name: Tiger4
+ Gender: F
+ CA: 1;4
+ context: book reading.
+ child's mother served as examiner.
+ picture book was used for session.
+ these are utterances with an x.
e clifford he small red puppy, look!
e there’s the puppy.
c aeee[GN:OVER].
= eat.
e he's gonna eat some food?
= child nods yes.
e he's eating, clifford is eating.
c x.
= child points to picture of clifford.
e hi I’m^
c x.
= points to Clifford/s tail.
e (oh) his tail.
e I’m emily elizabeth and this is clifford my big^
e red dog.
e there's that girl and (oh) she's going to pet clifford.
c doee[GN].
= dog.
= child points to a picture of a dog.
e a dog.
c doee[GN] ba[AW].
= dog barks.
e yesterday my friend Martha said <i got my dog>.
c <xxx>.
= child points to clifford.
e i got my dog from a fancy pet store.
c x.
= child points to a picture.
e where did you get your dog?
c ge[AW].
= get.
c daddy[SN].
e (oh).
c daddy[SN].
e daddy gave me my dog.
= child nods yes.
e so i told her how <i got clifford>.
c <me[MOD]doeee[GN]>.
= my dog.
e you have a dog, you do have a dog.
e does that look like your dog?
= child nods yes.
e what does your dog look like?
c un[GN:OVER].
= cotton.
e what's your dog's name?
c un[SN].
= cotton.
e this one?
e is this cotton?
= child nods yes.
e cotton's your dog.
c me[MOD]doee[GN].
= my dog.
c doll[GN].
= child points to picture of a doll.
e (oh) another doll.
c xxx.
= child points to girl with a dog in picture.
e but she has a dog.
c doee[GN].
= dog.
= child points to window and outside.
e you're right there's a dog outside.
c bebe[GN].
= baby.
= child points to a picture of a little girl.
e a baby, let's see what the baby's <gonna do>.
c <bebe[GN] cree[AW]>.
= baby cry.
= child points to picture.
e one day the man^
c doee[GN].
= dog.
= child points to picture of puppy.
e there's a dog.
c doee[GN].
= dog.
= child points to a different puppy.
e there's another dog.
c doee[GN].
= dog.
= child points to different puppy.
e there's a dog.
c doee[GN].
= dog.
= child points to the last puppy.
e where’s the man in this picture?
= child shrugs.
c x.
= child points to picture.
e there’s the man.
c bebe[GN].
= baby.
e should the little girl get a puppy?
= child nods yes, then shakes head no.
c uhuh[PS].
= no.
e no, why not?
c bebe[GN].
= baby.
c xxx.
= child tries to turn the page.
e (wait) wait we're gonna look at the puppies.
c doee[GN].
= dog.
= child points to a dog.
c xx.
c x bebe[GN].
e x papa's baby dog died, but it didn't really die.
= child shakes head no.
c na[MOD]da[AW].
= not die.
e it didn't die, what happened?
c na[MOD] da[AW].
= not die.
e it didn't die, it came home.
= child nods yes.
c xxx.
e x papa had to walk it and give it a bath.
= child nods yes.
e why did he have to give it a bath?
c xxx.
= child sticks out tongue.
e it smelled yucky.
c bebe[GN].
= baby.
= child points to a girl.
e that's the baby.
e i <named my puppy> clifford.
c <bebe>[GN].
= baby.
= child points to clifford.
c xxx.
= child points to a picture of toys.
e that's a clown.
= child points to an alligator.
e that's an alligator, she has an alligator.
c x.
e what?
c doee[GN] ba[AW].
= dog bark.
= child points to clifford.
e there's a dog.
c xx.
= child points to a picture of emily.
e there's a girl.
c mama[SN].
= mom.

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