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Excel Cheat Sheet for Data Analysts _=SUM(numbeci, number 2,...) vadds the values in tne cells or adds the numbers Specified =TFC¢ logical -test,Cvalue—if true], [value —if_falsed) “serucns one value if a condition is +eue_and another value if it's false “logical_test: the condition you want to test “volue —if_+eue: the value that you want ferucned if the result of logical_test is true ~ value_if_false : the value ypu want ceturned iF the cesult of logical_test is false LFS Cogical_test 1, value _if_truel , Clogical_test2, value if_+eue2J,...) checks whether one or more conditions ore met and rcerucns a value that corresponds to +he ficst TRUE condition =COUNTLE Crange, criteria) “counts +he number of cells +hat meet a ccikecion = Tange : the group of cells you want +0 count criteria: a number, expression, cell ceference, oO text Steing tat determines wihich cells will be counted = SUMLF Cranag, criteria, Lsum_cange]) sums +he values in a cange that meet criteria +hat you specify, = SUMIFSCsum_range, critecia_range1, criterial, Ceriteria_range2, criteria2J, ...) ~tests multiple conditions and cerurns oa value based on those conditions = VLOOKUPClookup-_value, table -array, Col_index—num, Crange - lookup ]) ~ Finds things in a tolbte_or range by cow “lookup-value: the value you want +o lookup table arcay: the range or table +o look foc the value ~col_index_num: the number of tne column in the range containing the ceturn value “range lookup: optionally specify TRUE for approximate match oc FALSE for on exact match = XLOOKUPClookup— value, lookup-acray, return—array, Cit_not_foundJ, Lmatch_ model, Lsearch_modeJ) ~ Searches a range or an array, and then returns the item corresponding to the first match it Finds; iE no match exists, then XLOOKUP can return +he closest Capproximate) match —lookup.array: +he array or range to search “return_array: the array or range to return ~ if¥_not found: where o valid match is not found, ceturn the if_not_ found ~match_ mode: specify the match type: 0 — exact match; if none found, verucn #N/A -1— exact match; if none found, cerucn +he next Smaller item 1 exact match; if none found, return +he next larger item 2-7 a wildcard match where *,?, and ~ have special meaning ~sSeacch_mode: specify the search mode to use: 1 — pecform a search starting at tne fest item 1 — perform a reverse Search Starting at the last item 2 perform a binary search that relies on lookup-array being sorted in Ascending order “2 perform a binary search that celies on lookup-array being sorted in descending order = MATCHClookup_value, lookup_ array, [match —+ype]) “Searches for a Specified item ina range of cells, and then returns the relative position of that item in the range —moatch type: specify the match type: 1 -> Finds the largest value that is less than or equal to lookup—value 0 — Finds the First value that is exactly equal +o lookup—value -1 — finds the smallest value +hot is greater than or equal +o lookup—value

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