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Dear Sir/Ma'am,

This letter is to acknowledge the receipt of reply to my Fraud Appeal for temporary suspension/ devivce
ban of my Shopee account. I was reprimanded by Shopee, account suspended for abusing Shopee's
voucher benefits, with multiple buyers' accounts within the same network; with more than an individual
should get. multiple cancelled orders causing my account for suspension and banned the shoppe app to
my device. This is to acknowledge my fault, but with strong expression that the cancelled orders do not
intend to defraud sellers local and abroad. do understand however the damage it may have caused to
the hardworking sellers and learned to be more responsible in settling payments especially those that
involves card payments. For this reason, I commit to Shopee as a Gold buyer of goods in its market, to
be mindful of my payment transactions and to strictly follow its terms and conditions to avoid
committing this mistake moving forward.

For your judicious consideration.

Thank you very much.


USERNAME : reylagria22

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