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oy | 3 Fae eons = ey Ca Cy te Coy eee Coli Can Law CNT erat Tay CLT ee ae PMR cro cern ard P a Annual General Meeting 2020 « UCT Oa ae mc ba Oo Col eC ey pas mm / CHIROPRACTOR IN Pr tact Ts Corea Wow! Congratulations on receiving THREE World Spine Day Awards from Hong Kong. What an accomplishment! The World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) hosts its biggest annual World Spine Day competition every year. The WFC WSD competition is open to WFC member national chiropractic associations, chiropractic educational institutions and individual chiropractic clinics worldwide. Commendation of the national association category went to the Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong (CDAHK) with an outstanding program of of community action, utilizing bus and tram advertising saw thousands benefit from self-help advice, tips and general education to maintain a healthy spine. In the individual/clinic category. first prize went to the New York Medical Group (Hong Kong SAR, China). NYMG ran an outstanding WSD campaign. Commendation goes to Children Chiropractic Foundation (Hong Kong SAR, China). World Spine Day organizing committee co-chair, Dr Dani Weisner. said, "Public health initiatives like World Spine Day are critical in raising awareness, providing information and empowering the public to care for their spines. For spine health experts, World Spine Day provides a perfect opportunity to meaningfully contribute and proactively participate in their communities through education.” —SCIENTIFIC— REPORTS natureresearch Nature study shows that chiropractic rarely causes serious side effects Hong Kong Study In one of the largest studies on the topic, researchers found that the incidence of severe adverse events associated with chiropractic spinal manipulation was 0.21 per 100,000 ‘treatments in Nature Scientific Reports. It includes 960,140 treatment sessions. We found that severe adverse events related to chiropractic spinal manipulation were very rare, with only two severe adverse events (incidence of 0.21 per 100,000), both of which were rib fractures occurring in older women with osteoporosis. No adverse events were life-threatening or resulted in death Data were sourced from patient surveys and phone calls, complaints, clinician reports, among other sources, and corroborated by medical records and imaging reports from a large integrated health care organization. The study included 30 chiropractic clinics in Hong Kong, with a data range from January 2017 through August 2022, including 54,846 unique patients. The author team used a systematic approach towards grading adverse events, using the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE), and completed the study adhering to a registered protocol Chiropractors should be cautious when treating elderly Patients or those with poor bone density. Forceful spinal, ‘manipulation is contraindicated in these patients... NA ee tar Physiotherapy Centre, New Rat iT A Cnr De Cur eae Ua Cy DM Macey eee ie te ei areca E MUL en Cre) Deas ead Cir Der sane i PTE Cn Ree ad Research, New Zealand PUT eee le laa re ET MYLO ane PCC Hong Kong University of City ur it f He sich lilgiiaiiea Science and Technology Kong “The woy we look at it is we want to empower our members with Al, but not have Al necessarily making the decisions” He regularly meet with the Professors Ray Cheung at City University. Researchers at The HKUST ity have developed an Al-based technology to help doctors better making diagnosis. Or Chu regularly meet with the Professors Gary Chan Dr Alex Shiu returred and shared his experience in Australia HEALTHCARE POLICY CDAHK leaders are actively involved in many heakthcare policy Chiropractor can GREATER BAY AREA FORUM influence the Chief Executive election = DRS'WALERIE CHU'AND KO WING MAN Dr Valerie Chu This is the first time chiropractor can decide who is the next Chief Executive of Hong Kon security law implementati After the national .ction Committee (EC) of the Chief Executive is re-organized of 1500 members, who must be Hong Kong permanent residents, Foreign national passports holders and previous stakeholders had changed. In the healthcare sector, the medical community used to wn all election committes, who are responsible For nuominating Chief Executive (CE) candid electing the CE, electing 40 members of the Legislative Council (“LegCo”) and nominating LegCo candidates. This time, CDAHK had allocated all resources for two candidates to run for the position. Dr Valerie Chu, Chairman of Hong Kong Chiropractic Council and Treasurer of Chiro| ¢ Doctors Association of Hong Kong (CDAHK), was appointed as one of the EC. POLITICAL MEETINGS POLITICAL MEETINGS Primary Healthcare Blueprint Symposi Reform On The Road 2022473 Chief Executive CE EC Election “It was exciting to be the first chiropractor on the election committee of the CE. It implies the generation that chiropractic has the say on the top political leadership in Hong Kong. It was also unfortunate to see our other chiropractor lose the election by one vote, due to the diversity of the chiropractic profession. But in the long run, the leaders we incubate will be taking higher responsibility and influence the community" Described by Dr Valerie Chu However, CDAHK members are the major players in the healthcare policies in Hong Kong and southern China. We work closely with the government Greater Bay Area CEPA and Professional Services: The Mainland and Hong, Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) is a free trade agreement signed between the Maintand and Hong Kong in 2003. Adopting a building block approach, CEPA has continued to expand in content and scope over the years. 1) encourage Hong Kong's private healthcare services providers and professional groups to develop and conduct taining in the Greater Bay Area 2) deepen cooperation in the field of alternative medicine development and support Hong Kong to leverage on the strength of the Government Chinese Medicines Testing Institute for promoting standardization and internationalization 3) improve coordination mechanism on emergency medical rescue services, explore rolling out a pilot cooperation scheme for cross-boundary referral of patients between designated healthcare institutes. 4} promote integration of rehabilitative and geriatric care for Hong Kong and Macao residents to retire in Guangdong We have been constantly advising and implementing policy for the Hong Kong healthcare development. CELT Ee Seine BOMeT Te ES uy) a se mS a PABGEREREEReARaamaa ad ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE J Contemporary Chiropr 2022;5:7-12 The healthcare industry has evolved tremendously over the years, and many of these changes have been promoted by technological enablement, digitalization, and automation, Artificial intelligence (AD, telemedicine, virtual reality, robotics, precision medicine, 3-D printing, genomics, and other emerging technologies can now be integrated into healthcare clinics in various ways. (1) Rehabilitation typically involves balancing science, philosophy, and the art of medicine. Art is often considered to be a manual technique and empathy expressed by a caregiver to a patient. Science is limited to the data analysis of each therapy. It is now an innovation age driving the extraordinary breakthroughs in patient care, helping the patient journey, and making preventative decisions. The use of these technologies is heavily dependent on the clinician's mindset, including considerations of cost control, efficiency optimization, and patient outcomes. Rehabili tion clinicians are primarily trained to use their hands; therefore, consumer expectations may often be ignored regarding the application of new treatment technologies. Fifty-nine percent of consumers in the United States would appreciate a digital healthcare experience. (2) Furthermore, patients expect healthcare services to be provided more quickly, be more accessible, comfortable, and personalized ESSENTIAL FACTORS OF SMART REHABILITATION CLINIC TRANSFORMATION + Demand for Clinical Outcomes and Quality Diagnostic and treatment errors are prevalent in the healthcare industry. In the United States, over US $210 billion is charged for “unnecessary services." (3) Saber et al (4) revealed that 47% of, diagnostic error-related adverse events result in severe disability, and over 20% of orthopedic surgeons would perform a wrong-site surgery at some time during their careers. (5) To fundamentally change, the healthcare system must be completely transformed. Artificial intelligence, robotics, and other emerging technologies have the potential to improve diagnostic and treatment precision and reduce the risk of error. + Corporatization of Rehabilitation Ciinics Due to market demands in different countries, the leading rehabilitation groups offer a variety of wellness services in addition to physical therapy. In the United States, IMAC, a Nasdaq-listed chiropractic group, has been delivering a variety of routine testing and treatments, including stem cell therapy, through rehabilitation clinics. (6) Singapore's largest physiotherapy group, Core Concepts, also offers a variety of self-branded wellness and Pilates services to rehabilitation patients and 43% of the practitioners are not licensed physiotherapists. (7) TAGS Spine and Joint Specialists, 3 Malaysian rehabilitation clinic with 42 physiotherapists and 14 chiropractors, uses new technologies as part of the transition to, outpatient care by enabling considerable integration across various disciplines, including traditional Chinese medicine, radiology, physiotherapy, orthopedics, and orthotics, which enhances treatment quality and patient, satisfaction. (8) Australia’s 2.2 billion dollar physiotherapy industry offers pain-free physiotherapy and allied health provided podiatry, dietetic, acupuncture, and massage wellness care. (9) The Advent of Informed Patients With information transparency through social media, patients need to be treated as, allies in their own healthcare and included as co-designers of treatment plans. More healthcare organizations now focus on patient-centered management and operations. Rather than passively following doctors’ advice and accepting treatment, evidence suggests 2 positive correlation between positive patient journey and symptom recovery with patient engagement adherence to healthcare advice, clinical outcomes, and decreased redundancy in service utilization. It has been reported that patients’ experience is directly related to clinical longevity. (10) From Disease Treatment to Wellness Care The transformation from disease treatment to health management, which includes wellness, healthy lifestyle, disease prevention, and rehabilitation, has been significant in recent years (Figure 1). Patients who want to live longer, healthier lives, and those facing economic constraints are driving the demands. Many countries around the world are transitioning to heath management. For instance, the Singapore government created the Health Promotion Board to encourage Singaporeans to embrace healthy lifestyles by disseminating evidencebased information and illness prevention initiatives to their homes, businesses, and schools. (11) Residents of Singapore are encouraged to pay attention to their diet, exercise regularly, and undertake preventive screenings, all of which serve to lower the risk of disease development (or progression) and hospitalization. The Health Promotion Board also provides residents with a tangible thrust to stay out of, and get Out of hospitals by focusing on the non-hospital elements of the overall patient care pathway. CHARACTERISTICS OF SMART CLINICS images of smart chiropractic clinics where real-time patient information arrives on-site before the patient, check-in desks are not required, and treatment and preventive recommendations are based on an entirely new spectrum of technological enablement, digitalization, automation, Al, telemedicine, virtual reality, and robotic spinal adjustment are intriguing. Here, we describe the characteristics of smart chiropractic clinic. SMART CLINICS PROVIDE SERVICES AT MULTIPLE SITES These clinics focus on a smaller number of highvalue services delivered through a larger network of organizations, many of which are not Usually inked with healthcare, For example, preventive treatments and healthcare management programs are provided in clinics, gyms, and even using patient home devices. Ambulatory care centers offer a variety of medical treatments and procedures. Therefore, only major surgeries, intensive care, management of severe trauma, and treatment for other acute and complicated disorders are delegated to hospitals. SMART CLINICS ARE PART OF THE DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM As primary care providers, rehabilitation clinics possess full personal health records that can be synchronized with hospital electronic health record (EHR) systems. Health data can be combined with claims data, health behaviors, and DNA data to thereby guide the development of preventive and precision treatment, drug discovery, and health policy recommendations. (12) In addition, at EC Healthcare, a Hong Kong rehabilitation clinic, patients wear PlainSight—a mobile EKG analysis solution that collects and tracks a detailed measurement and risk analysis. The clinical staff use mobile devices to access all health data, which enables more efficient clinical operations. SMART CLINICS ARE AUTOMATED Smart clinics rely on various technologies to enhance operations and automate procedures, resulting ina considerable increase in total productivity and accuracy. For example, the use of radiofrequency identification (RFID), bar codes, and other novel sensing technologies can improve internal management. In various care settings, automated procedures and gadgets replace certain human operations, enabling employees to devote more time to direct patient care. Many back- and front office activities are automated increase efficiency. The efficiency of clinical operations is further improved through web-based tracking of all patient services, computerized capacity allacation, and digital patient record administration CHARACTERISTICS OF SMART CLINICS sma linics are Holistic and Interdisciplinary Owners: Rather, its a holistic, deeply ingrained, system-wide approach that involves all staff members, including clinicians, nurses, clinic managers, and investors. SMART CLINICS ARE PATIENT- CENTRIC AND OFFER A SUPERIOR PATIENT JOURNEY To promote patient-centricity and improve patient satisfaction, smart technology has facilitated enhancement of the patient experience, A patient can employ wearables or remote-sensing equipment to monitor and record blood pressure in real time before nitiating treatment. When the device detects an unusual reading, an automated warning is transmitted to the patient. The patient can then upload the blood pressure data and communicate with online staff to assist in identifying a suitable physician and to confirm an appointment. SMART CLINICS ARE DRIVEN BY DATA ANALYSIS Even a high-volume chiropractic clinic may not always have sufficient data to fully realize the promise of analytics on its own and would benefit from having access to clinical data obtained by other entities in the health ecosystem. Data collection operations should consider both what is legally appropriate and what is required to ensure patient privacy under all circumstances, Advanced nificantly improve treatment quality and operational efficiency when clinics have easy access to data via digital connections. For example, analytics can assist in speeding up diagnosis, enabling e: tection and response, and analytics can si ty optimizing the use of essential facilities. SMART CLINICS WITH ROBOTIC TECHNOLOGY By supporting clinicians in providing continuous training for extended periods and collecting data to monitor progress, robotic technology meant to assist rehabilitation can potentially boost the efficiency and accessibility of therapy. Through telerehabiltation, automation of care could enable numerous patients to be treated simultaneously and perhaps even remotely in the comfort of their own homes. The information gathered can be used to objectively evaluate perfarmance, track compliance, and progress. These factors can help clinicians efficiently handle a considerably greater number of patients, Most crucially for patients, it can expand access to therapy, which is frequently in great demand and heavily rationed in todays economic situation. In recent years, many low-cost home devices have been embraced for use in therapy sessions, and strategies for improving motivation and engagement have been incorporated. 21) WFC ANNUAL MEETING OF MEMBERS 2022 CDAHK is the only Hong Kong organization attending the WFC Annual Meeting of Members 2022. which took place by Zoom teleconference commencing at 08:00 am Eastern Standard Time (UTC -5) on Tuesday, November 22, 2022. The President welcomed delegates from the 41 national chiropractic associations in attendance and thanked them for being present. The President welcomed delegates from the 41 national chiropractic associations in attendance and thanked them for being present. He reminded Members that 2022 would mark 25 years of being in official relations with WHO and referenced the statement of solidarity published by WEC and the public health statements ‘OUR NEUROLOGY? Speaker: Mrs Agnes Koon, MH. Chief Executive of KSY Specialty Ltd BERRA mR +, Matis MmM Ammen iL 2sx/ lease) BEABION. qRAQEE TULANE EMERG ORE -ARERD CAM HARES Oe AMMEN! LYWMGte See ca BN 0m SWe have invited Dr Ramneek Bhogal, DC, Ee Natural Medicine Journal, Former torial Board Member at air of Technique/ '¢ Chiropractic Department C Issociate Professor of L College West to be our guest speaker. The topic of this CPD will be "Neurologically informed Chiropractic Care". Please click on the link below to register for this event. , Speaker: Dr. Simon Wong (PGDE) . SoM (PocL BERS Language : INCREASE SPINAL HEALTH AWARENESS EQEMMAS x Of) EMMAS iB S635 3k EGA BSH So Busse ae EL in NTSC) Dee UC CED. mer Ta) Ai Technology in Rehab Using new technologies, practitioners have been able to make their patient care vastly better while decreasing their workload. The entire healthcare system has been transformed, from booking appointments to diagnostics to treatment procedures. Rehabilitation, however, has largely been untapped. That's where electronic EMMAS re eee oe Oe oe ee: Ly Cureus JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE First Asia Pacific Chiropractic Study Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, T: Singapore, Malaysia Chiropractors often use manual thrust cervical spinal ‘manipulative therapy (thrust-cSMT) to treat musculoskeletal neck conditions. We hypothesized <50% of surveyed Asia-Pacific chiropractors would report using thrust-cSMT given potential contraindications, and secondarily explored predictors of thrust-cSMT use. We designed, validated, achieved sufficient reliability, and disseminated a survey to explore thrust-cSMT use. The survey queried chiropractors’ characteristics (e.g, years in practice, education level, time with patients, importance of subluxation), and use of thrust-cSMT for uncomplicated neck pain and vignettes describing vertebral artery disorders, Amold-Chiari malformation, and anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF), We performed logistic regression for each vignette with thrust-¢SMT as the dependent variable and chiropractor characteristics as covariates, There were 241 respondents, having 12.8#10.9 years in practice, representing >15 countries. Less than 50% of chiropractors reported the use of thrust-cSMT for each vignette, including vertebral artery insufficiency (14%) and stenosis (17%), Amold-Chiari type | (18%) and type I (5%), C5/6 ACDF (39%) and C3-6 ACDF (27%), Regressions identified significant predictors of increased or decreased use of thrust-cSMT including time spent with new patients, focus on subluxation, degree, group practice environment, use of thrust:cSMT on a healthy patient, and hours reading scientific literature (P<.05 for each). This study was the first to chiropractors’ use of thrust-cSMT for complicated neck pain and found that most Asia-Pacific chiropractors reported avoiding this treatment in the presence of a potential treatment contraindication. The Use of thrust-cSMT in complicated neck pain may be related to practice characteristics. However, further research is needed to identify specific reasons why chiropractors use or avoid thrust-cSMT Cite this article as: Chu € C, Trager R J, Lee WT (December 12, 2022) Use of Thrust Cervical ‘Spinal Manipulative Therapy for Complicated Neck Pain: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Asia- Pacific Chiropractors. Cureus 14(12): €32441 doi:10.7759/cureus.32441 Use of Cervical Spinal Manipulative See aeons eT Ripe ee eta») Resa ee Meu d a kai Cet Cael i See date ri eesti ieee Cureus JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Hong Kong study shows that chiropractor identified prostate cancer. Hong Kong Study patients with hip pain due to the chances of prostate cancer. Chu, Lee W (2023) Prostate Cancer Presenting as Hip Pain at the Chiropracticy Office: A Case Report and Literature Review. Cureus 15(1): (934049, DOI 10.7759/curous.34049 We report the case of a 62-year-old male with no history of cancer and no previous prostate cancer screening who visited a chiropractor for the care of worsening left hip pain after a marathon. The patient visited other healthcare providers and was suggested to have degenerative conditions, The study is focused on the need for a comprehensive chiropractic evaluation of patients with hip pain due to ‘the chances of prostate cancer. There are higher chances of ignoring cancer symptoms during a hip examination Comprehensive evaluation and advanced imaging could help chiropractors detect patients with prostate cancer. Chu €, Lee W (OE Tir lava paid) ese lalate etal etal) eT a aC Chiropractic Office: A Case Report and erature Review. Cureus 15(1): rrrte te (ei Vfl i-th 34049 Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care EXPLORING SCRAPING THERAPY: CONTEMPORARY VIEWS ON AN ANCIENT HEALING - A REVIEW 1NEW YORK CHIROPRACTIC AND PHYSIOTHERAPY CENTRE, 2DEPARTMENT OF REHABILITATION SCIENCES, THE HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY, HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, SAUSTRALIAN CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALIA, ACHIROPRAKTISCHE FAMILIENPRAXIS, LUNEBURG, GERMANY CHU EC, WONG AY, SIM P, KRUGER F. EXPLORING SCRAPING THERAPY: ‘CONTEMPORARY VIEWS ON AN ANCIENT HEALING ~ A REVIEW. J FAMILY MED PRIM CARE 2021;10:2757-62. Gua sha is a traditional healing technique that aims to create petechiae on the skin for a believed therapeutic benefit. Natural healings are mostly based on repeated observations and anecdotal information. Hypothetical model for healing does not always fit the modern understanding. Yet, the mechanisms underlying Gua Sha have not been empirically established. Contemporary scientific research can now explain some events of traditional therapies that were once a mystery. It is assumed that Gua Sha therapy can serve as a mechanical signal to enhance the immune surveillance function of the skin during the natural resolving of the petechiae, through which scraping may result in therapeutic benefits. The current review, without judging the past hypothetical model, attempts to interpret the experience of the ancient healings in terms of contemporary views and concepts 1NEW YORK CHIROPRACTIC AND PHYSIOTHERAPY CENTRE, HONG KONG 2THE HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY, HONG KONG 3 THE OPEN UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG ‘CHU ECP, WONG AYL, LEE LYK. ‘CHIROPRACTIC CARE FOR LOW BACK PAIN, GAIT AND POSTURE INA PATIENT WITH PARKINSON'S DISEASE: A CASE REPORT AND BRIEF REVIEW. AME ‘CASE REP 2021, AME Case Report CHIROPRACTIC CARE FOR LOW BACK PAIN, GAIT AND POSTURE IN A PATIENT WITH PARKINSON'S DISEASE: A CASE REPORT AND BRIEF REVIEW ere or ROLE a Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder with cardinal motor features of tremor, bradykinesia, muscle rigidity, impaired gait and posture, Muscular pain or arthral non-motor symptom in PD. The PD-related pain is probably attributed to a combination of altered posture, abnormal muscle tone, and truncal dystonia A 59-year-old male taxi-driver with PD treated with levodopa for 18 months complained of progressive low back pain and gait difficulties that prevented him from normal activities in the past 2 months. Magnetic resonance imaging showed degenerative disc disease with multiple levels of bulging dises in the lumbar a is a common spine. After 35 chiropractic sessions, there was a significant improvement in various aspects of well- being, including pain resolution measured by a numeric rating scale, physical.and mental improvement measured by the Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire, gait stability depicted by gait cyclogram, and better postural alignment and stability assessed by radiographic parameters. The current study may serve as an example of spinal manipulation showing the potential to address gait and posture problems associated with pain in a patient with PD. AME Case Report CRANIOCERVICAL INSTABILITY ASSOCIATED WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS (RA) IS AN AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE THAT AFFECTS THE SYNOVIAL TISSUE WHICH LINES JOINTS AND TENDONS. CHU ECP, WONG AYL, LEE LYK. CRANIOCERVICAL INSTABILITY ASSOCIATED WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: A CASE REPORT AND BRIEF REVIEW. AME CASE REP 2021;5:12. ‘The craniocervical junction is made up exclusively of synovial joints and ligaments and especially vulnerable to the inflammatory process of RA. The chronic inflammation of RA leads to loss of ligamentous restriction and erosion of the bony structures and results in craniocervical instability (CC1). This is a case report of an 80-year-old woman who had been diagnosed with seropositive RA two decades ago presented with head dropping and losing balance while walking for several months. Radiographic images of the cervical spine showed RA-related features of instability in the form of atlantoaxial instability cranial settling and subaxial subluxation. § physical therapy and acupuncture previously failed to provide a substantial, long-lasting outcome, the patient sought chiropractic care for her condition. The chiropractic regimen consisted of upper thoracic spine mobilization/adjustment, electrical muscle stimulation of the cervical extensors, home exercises and neck bracing. She regained substantial neck muscle strength, gaze angle andl walking balance following a 4-month chiropractic treatment, although cervical kyphosis persisted Amerivan Journal of Mens Health CHRONIC ORCHIALGIA STEMMING FROM LUMBAR DISC HERNIATION CHRONIC ORCHIALGIA CAN BE THE RESULT OF PATHOLOGICAL PROCESSES OF THE SCROTAL CONTENTS OR STEM FROM NON- INTRASCROTAL STRUCTURES. CHU ECP, WONG AYL. CHRONIC ORCHIALGIA STEMMING FROM LUMBAR DISC HERNIATION: A CASE REPORT AND BRIEF REVIEW. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEN'S HEALTH. MAY 2021. DOI:10.1177/15579883211018431 Successful pain management depends on identifying the source of localized or referred pain. This is a case report of a 39-year-old male sports coach who presented with low back pain, right orchialgia, and sciatica refractory to conservative management Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging revealed disc protrusion at L3/L4 and L4/L5 levels. Positive outcomes in relieving back and testicular pain were obtained after a total of 30 chiropractic sessions over a 9-week period. The evidence of the subjective improvement was corroborated by regression of the herniated discs documented on the repeat MR imaging. While chronic orchialgia is not an uncommon problem for men of all ages, it has seldom been described in association with lumbar discogenic disease. The current study provided preliminary support for a link between orchialgia and lumbar disc herniation. Chiropractic mafipulation had provided a mechanistic alleviation of noxious lumbar stimuli, leading to symptomatic and functional improvements Clinic and Practice RESOLUTION OF GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE FOLLOWING CORRECTION FOR UPPER CROSS SYNDROME NEW YORK MEDICAL GROUP SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER, CHU,E.C.P.;BUTLER,K.R. RESOLUTION OF GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE FOLLOWING CORRECTION FOR UPPER CROSS SYNDROME—A CASE STUDY AND BRIEF REVIEW. CLIN. PRACT. 2021,11,322- 326, Upper cross syndrome (UCS) is a condition caused from prolonged poor posture manifesting as thoracic hyperkyphosis with forward head and It has been associated with several other secondary conditions, causing pain and discomfort to those with the condition. This is a case report of a 35-year-old female presenting to clinic with a sharp pain in the neck, upper back, and sternum area for 4 weeks and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). She had been working at home for several months after the shelter at home order was issued. Following evaluation and corrective treatment with cervical adjustment and soft tissue massage, the patient’s posture improved and reported full pain resolution. Her symptoms of GERD concurrently resolved as well, She continued to receive chiropra for correcting spinal misalignment, Full restoration of posture was attained on the full spine radiographs at 9 months follow-up. The patient remained symptom- tic adjustment two times per month free at 12 months follow-up. Manipulative and prevent UCS should be more widely adopted to prevent ve therapies aimed at treating and preventing secondary conditions. European Journal of Mol and Clinical Research THORACOLUMBAR DISC HERNIATION: A HIDDEN CAUSE OF MONOSYMPTOMATIC NOCTURNAL Epiconus Conus —_— medullaris Cauda equina OCTURNAL ENURESIS, ALSO CALLED BEDWETTING, IS AN INVOLUNTARY URINATION WHILE SLEEPING, AFTER THE AGE AT WHICH CONTINENCE HAS BEEN ACHIEVED GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE ROSS SYNOROME—A CASE STUDY AND ENURESIS u Effects of Spinal Injury L1-S1 Leg muscles Bowel, bladder & “sesarss sexual functions A 30-year-old male with a 4-year history of chronic back pain complained of recent episodes of sharp mid back pain referred to his right sacroiliac joint and gluteal area, presumably resulting from twisting injury occurred while playing basketball one week prior Magnetic resonance imaging showed obvious intervertebral disc degeneration and a right, paracentral soft disc herniation compressing the spinal cord at the T12/L1 level. The patient experienced significant pain relief and was able to regain significant mobility of his mid back within two weeks after starting chiropractic care. Moreover, the patient also reported a multi-year history of nocturnal enuresis without daytime symptoms. He unexpectedly found that the symptoms of enuresis spontaneously resolved during the course of, treatment. Monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis under discussion was an unéommon consequence of spinal cord compression (conus medullaris syndrome) caused by thoracolumbar disc herniation open access —_________ o scientific and medical research ess Dovea. Cervical Spondylosis as a Hidden Contributing Factor Chu ECP , Lee LYK ‘The present case study describes the long-term symptomatic remission in a patient with fibromyalgia (FM) after multimodal spinal manipulation. A 44-year-old woman presented with a chronic headache, severe neck pain, shoulder pain, and back pain lasting for 2 years after experiencing domestic violence. She had sleep disorders, fatigue, and depressive mood. Her primary care physician diagnosed her with FM and comorbid depression, Despite treatment with non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, anti-depressants, anti-epileptics, acupuncture, and aqua-therapy, she experienced no appreciable relief from her symptoms. The patient then sought a chiropractic evaluation and potential treatment for her symptoms. At presentation, widespread tenderness was palpable over the neck, shoulder, back, anterior chest, abdominal wall, and buttock. Radiographs showed loss of cervical lordosis, widespread degenerative spondylosis, and osteitis pubis. Surface electromyography (SEMG) revealed neck and thoracic paraspinal muscular spasms. The patient was diagnosed with FM based on the American College of Rheumatology diagnostic criteria and the associated comorbidities. Multimodal chiropractic approaches, which consisted of spinal manipulation, massage, and intermittent motorized cervical traction, were used twice weekly to relieve soft- tissues and intervertebral joints and stretch core ‘musculatures. The patient's physical and mental complaints were mostly resolved near the end of 9 months of treatment. Her symptom alleviation was associated with corresponding change in normalized EMG signal and cervical spine realignment at the 16th- and 26th-month follow-ups. Widespread pain in FM can lead to confused thinking and a lack of awareness of cervical spondylosis. In this example, itis assumed that the noxious cervical inputs triggered an ongoing FM process. Chiropractic treatment blocked noxious inputs coming from pain sources, corrected pain thresholds, and lowered excitability, thereby eradicating FM symptoms, MCTIMONEY CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE be competent in the philosophy, science and art of chiropractic have not established a college, CDAHK has been sending over udents in studying T in the past years. With a 10 years relationship at the Mctimoney Chiropractic College, this is 4th year the college is accepting a large admission from Hong Kong, and provide 3 scholarships to the top students. Time to enter Clinic! This is when all of that learning comes together and udents become clinical interns in our patient community clinic. Here our latest cohort of MChiro Interns who are very excited to be finally putting all of their studies into real world prac 1d caring for their own patients as part of their final master's year of clinical training UNIVERSITY ESTAOLISMED © 1976 7 = The Life University Scholarship Program Hong Kong is a Doctor of Chiropractic or undergraduate plus the DC program available to high school seniors and university graduates with financial need who. seek to attend and graduate from Life university. Selected from the pool of applicants, up to 4 students will become CDAHK scholarship and have access to funding for up to 50% of the studies. Drs Isabel Chow and Cheryl Ho were endorsed by CDAHK members Drs Kevin Huang and Alex Shiu 5 years ago, Both scholarship recipients became the outstand graduates and obtained their Hong Kong registration. They will help the next generation CDAHK and grow the profession together id, Vz) Bist celaccyssasiiNin) ee sD ba peek Sn aE PORTE REE AE Thank you for Supporting CDAHK CDAHK is the peak body for the chiropractic profession in Hong Kong. Representing most registered chiropractors, the CDAHK has actively involved in all kinds of chiropractic activities and public health care events since its establishment. CDAHK is committed to advance chiropractic health care by raising awareness through public education, membership services, research, public engagement and governance 0/3 baby THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING CDAHK CHAIRMAN ERIC CHUN PU C RERAR VICE CHAIRMAN RICK PAK WAI LAU BI tft 88 HONORARY SECRETARY KARY KA WAI LAM MERE HONORARY TREASURER VALERIE KOK YAN CHU ATER BB ETHICS/EDUCATION CHAIR KINGSLEY LEUBNG PUBLIC RELATION JACKY-YEUNG. BEA B FOUNDING CHAIRMAN VINCENT W H CHAN BR AAS BS FOUNDING PRESIDENT ALBERT C H LEUNG RAR

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