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1. A. The use of gamification techniques in e-marketplace applications is a technique currently

being developed in Indonesia, and many business leaders are using gamification techniques
to attract the attention of their customers. For example, Shoppe releases games such as
Shopee Taman and Shake Shopee to remind customers of their experience. In addition,
Gojek and Starbucks use gamification methods in their applications. This method represents
a way for entrepreneurs to improve their applications and businesses. For executives, this
method is very attractive to users, especially when adopting it in business applications, so it
can not only attract new users, but also increase customer loyalty, retention, etc. .. However,
too many e-Marketplace gamification methods can affect the company's own goals.
Companies need to prioritize the goals they want to achieve with gamification techniques.
Therefore, businesses need to understand the benefits of gamification for consumers. One
of them is to remove the element of the gamification badge to help someone raise
consumer interest in checking reviews and potentially influence future decisions /
B. Based on the above survey, the element of gamification (badge) is one of the main signals
for consumers to review products on online platforms, and consumers who read these
reviews usually read the products. It is explained to help you make decisions before you buy.
From this, the importance of using gamification and WOM elements for people can influence
and encourage consumers to take action (evaluating companies, visiting restaurants, etc.). I
recommend it to others). In addition, the author explains that the use of badges helps
businesses analyze whether badges can affect a company's consumer rating / consumer
interest in the company.
2. A. The function or purpose of the preliminary investigation is to find the problem identified
in the investigation. Based on the phenomenon created by the author, the author should
conduct a preliminary study. It is intended to allow investigations to test and analyze
phenomena. To be more effective, researchers need to narrow down the problem being
analyzed, the objects specified, and the method used. Therefore, preliminary surveys also
help authors collect data through primary surveys (preliminary surveys) and provide
additional knowledge to authors. In addition, the use of preliminary studies helps authors
narrow down the phenomena discussed in the study so that the boundaries of the study are
clear. Preliminary research can be conducted by collecting information from scientific
journals, publications, etc. via secondary data. This helps the author integrate the data /
theory. In addition, preliminary research can help future researchers save time and money,
as it can reveal research problems.
B. The method used in the preliminary survey is carried out by collecting data through a
primary survey (preliminary survey) in which the author distributes a survey related to the
problem or phenomenon under investigation. In addition, authors can also acquire / collect
data through secondary research that can be collected from data collection / theory through
journals, publications, statistics available over the Internet, and more. as it can reveal
research problems.
3. A. Many e-marketplaces in Indonesia use gamification techniques as one of their marketing
strategies, so it's a common or "mandatory" way for e-marketplaces to update their
applications to make them more attractive. It has become. Gamification can also be used to
enhance the uniqueness of a company's e-commerce. When a company selects the right
game and adds it to the application, it can affect the reputation and brand equity of the
company's brand. However, many companies use this gamification technique to increase
customer loyalty by providing additional incentives from gamification. Therefore, companies
using gamification techniques need to understand and understand whether they aim to
increase the purpose / purpose of using gamification, brand awareness, sales, consumer
confidence, etc. I have. This is very important if this company does not understand the
purpose of using gamification. If you want to maintain gamification, it will affect your
company in the future.
B. In relation to the number of Indonesian e-marketplaces: The survey above explains that
one of the elements of the gamification badge has a direct or indirect effect on word-of-
mouth directly or indirectly on the consumer himself. Meanwhile, the direct effects of
gamification have been explained in previous studies. Previous studies also described how
user ratings affect consumer and sales behaviour. Therefore, the research gap in this study
focuses on the indirect impact of gamification on the consumer's WOM, the element (badge)
that indicates the consumer's WOM when reading the WOM contributors, or Is to use their
reviews when evaluating a company.

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