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Deseo aUoe a ena ae Resa sera Sa EL Ree hope they are helpful to you as you go down the road! — Jimmy Lee Workout Basics 1. Work hard. There is no substitute for hard work. It takes 10,000 hours of practice for musicians and athletes to master a particular skill. 2. Know your stuff cold ~ ice cold. Don't rely on the knowledge of a specialist when you talk to a client. ‘You must be viewed as an expert and be prepared for every conversation. 3. Prepare like crazy. There's no such thing as being over-prepared. Do your homework. Being prepared for anything and everything will give you increased confidence and make you unflappable. To prepare for any client presentation for any major deal, | will meet with the deal team every single day to make sure we leave nothing to chance. 4, Be a great partner. Help others. Treat your internal colleagues as you would your clients. Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated. 5, Anticipation and Follow-Up. Anticipate what your boss or client will want to know and surprise him or her with the information ahead of them asking. Follow all meetings and conference calls with a short email that identifies follow-up, accountability and timetable. 6. Go the extra mile, Always do more than what you ‘were asked to do. Doing what you were asked shows that you can execute. Doing more shows that you are driven and can think strategically. 7. Don't guess. If someone asks you a question, never begin your answer with “I think...” Know the answer and deliver it with confidence. If you don't know the answer, be up front and ask for time to, find it. A right answer that takes a little bit longer to get is always better than a quick, wrong one. 8. Make lists. Making a daily to-do list first thing in the morning keeps you focused on what's important for the day ahead. The same is true about keeping, your desk clean and organized. Sharpen the axe to ensure you can effectively manage your time. 9. Being on time is being late. If a meeting is scheduled to start at 9:00 a.m. be there by 8:45 a.m. at the latest. if it is a meeting with a client and other banks, be there by 8:30 a.m. to get yourself and. your team positioned properly. 10. Build your network. One of the best things about working for a global, 250,000-person company like JPMorgan Chase is that you can build a broad-based, diverse network. Find people that have the skills or characteristics you want to learn, and ask for their help in acquiring those skills. This is something | do outside of the company with equal and vigorous focus. Lifelong Learning 1. Ask questions. Never be embarrassed to raise your hand and ask a question when you don't. understand something - that's how you learn. ‘Whatever the question, chances are you aren't the first and won't be the last to ask it. 2. Seek enjoyment out of the learning process. I've been in this business for more than 35 years, and can say firsthand that there's something new to learn every day. That's a big part of the reason why people choose to work in this industry - it's constantly evolving. if someone tells you they know. itall, they're lying. Be enthusiastic about learning because the day you stop learning is the day that you stop being able to develop the best solutions for your client. 3. Learn by doing, Cllent interaction and deal flow is how you learn. The more of both, the faster you learn. Strive for both in your area and try to learn from the best. 4, Be really current. in our business, informationis | key. Whether it's reading about the markets, industry | trends or our clients, starting the day with all the news feeds and major media outlets is not optional. If you don't, you'll always be playing catch up. 5, Follow all of JPMorgan Chase, Be sure to stay up-to-date on what's happening at JPMorgan Chase. If clients fee! like you don’t know what’s happening with your own firm, they won't be able to trust you with their business. Your business card carries the weight of the firm behind it, so it’s up to you to know everything you can about the company and be an ambassador for it. Controlling your Destiny 1. Use your energy on what you can control. There will always be things that don’t go your way or that are outside of your control. So focus on what you can control - giving 100% every day and striving to be the best at what you do. 2. Bea positive force every day. Whether it’s with yourself, your colleagues or clients, make your. presence felt ina positive way. 3, Speak up but do it respectfully. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion or disagreement. Just do it with the same respect that you would want from others. 4, Build equity. Developing a strong reputation as someone that can be counted on to get things done is one of the most important things you can do. ‘The personal equity you build by working hard and helping others is the key to your long-term success. 5, Have several mentors. One of the best things about working for a company like JPMorgan Chase is that there are countless talented people that, can mentor you. Find people that have the skills or characteristics you want to learn, and ask for their help in acquiring those skills. And pay it back by being a mentor yourself. 6, Play for the long term. Executives aren't made overnight. You have to put in the time and hard work to gain the experiences that will prepare you for your next role. if you always do the right thing. for the firm and our clients, your own success will follow, but it will take time. 7. Take ownership of your career. Even with mentors and good managers, you can't be successful unless you take ownership of your career. That way you get to decide where your career goes. Otherwise, someone else will and you might not like the - direction they take it in, get it right the next time. 9. Look sharp. Dress for the job you want. Your. appearance is the first thing people notice and always looking your best shows that you respect your work and your clients. 10, Be responsive. Return all emails and phone calls as soon as possible. | try to respond to all calls and. emails the day I receive them. 11, Be respectful. When you are with our senior executives in a meeting, listen and learn from them. Don't spend the meeting flipping through the deck. This is how you learn investment banking - not in school and not in your cubicle. 12. Show good judgment and respect to others junior to you. if you are supervising juniors think about the workload at the beginning of the week and plan accordingly, Giving out assignments on Friday night for work you knew about on Monday is not. good judgment. 13, Exercise humanity. Before we offer someone a big job Jamie always asks, Would you want your child to work for that person? At the end of the day we are all human beings sharing the same planet. 14. Be as serious about your health as your work. These jobs are so demanding that to master them you must look after yourself. Eat smart. Exercise. Take time to recharge. Of all habits you want to get into - this is the most important. 15. Family comes first. There will be times when you have to choose between work and family. Choose family. Nobody retires saying they wished they spent more time in the office, but countless people have regretted that they didn't spend more time with family.

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