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Name Class-Section Cambridge

Secondary 2
Subject BIOLOGY Roll No Submission 10/01/2024

Think Like A DOCTOR

Vitamins and minerals of focus:
Vitamin D, Calcium, Folic Acid (Folate), Iron, Vitamin A,
Potassium, Vitamin B12,Vitamin C

Part 1: Research
Use the internet search to find the following information about the 8 vitamins and
minerals of focus.( Format as below)
Students may create a booklet on the 8 different vitamins and minerals. The
format for the same is below.
Once completed, students need to do Part 2 Case study.
Date of Submission- 10th January 2024
This Holiday HW is graded and will be continued in school.
1.Why is it important?
2. Who is at risk? (age, sex, race, etc.)
3. Symptoms if deficient?
4. Name of the deficiency disease.
4. Foods that provide this nutrient.
Part 2: Case Study
Draw 1 of the vitamins ( Comic/ Chemical Structure) and write a narrative of a
fictional patient who is experiencing a deficiency in your vitamin or mineral. The
story should include the patients name, age, gender, other risk factors and
symptoms. DO NOT include the name of the vitamin.
Example of a Vitamin D deficiency:
John is a 45 year old Caucasian male. Last year John was in a car accident that
left him handicap and homebound. He has experienced some depression and
does not like to go outside, so he spends most of his time indoors his living room.
John has recently been experiencing pain in his muscles and feelings of fatigue
after simple day-to-day activities. John came into the hospital this week because
he broke his arm scooting himself down the couch. The nurses noticed that John
sweats excessively, and while they x-rayed his arm they noticed that he also had a
broken finger that was probably broken over a month ago.

Part 3: To be done in class at school(DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS)

Share your patient case study with the class. They will use this information to try
and diagnose your patient. As each person presents the case study of their patient,
fill in the information below and make a diagnosis of deficiency.
Possible vitamins and minerals include: Vitamin D, Calcium, Folic Acid (Folate),
Iron, Vitamin A, Potassium, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C
Patient’s Name Deficiency Evidence
Name the vitamin or Explain how you identified
mineral the vitamin/mineral
Part 1: Format of the research
Research Vitamin or Mineral:
Vitamin D
1.Why it is important:
2. Who is at risk for deficiency:
3. Symptoms of deficiency:
4. Foods that provide this:
5. Name of the deficiency disease

Vitamin or Mineral: Folic Acid

1. Why it is important:
2. Who is at risk for deficiency:
3. Symptoms of deficiency:
4. Foods that provide this:
5. Name of the deficiency disease

Vitamin or Mineral: Calcium

1. Why it is important:
2. Who is at risk for deficiency:
3. Symptoms of deficiency:
4. Foods that provide this:
5. Name of the deficiency disease

Vitamin or Mineral: Iron

1. Why it is important:
2. Who is at risk for deficiency:
3. Symptoms of deficiency:
4. Foods that provide this:
5. Name of the deficiency disease

Vitamin or Mineral: Vitamin A

1. Why it is important:
2. Who is at risk for deficiency:
3. Symptoms of deficiency:
4. Foods that provide this:
5. Name of the deficiency disease

Vitamin or Mineral: Potassium

1. Why it is important:
2. Who is at risk for deficiency:
3. Symptoms of deficiency:
4. Foods that provide this:
5. Name of the deficiency disease

Vitamin or Mineral: Vitamin B12

1. Why it is important:
2. Who is at risk for deficiency:
3. Symptoms of deficiency:
4. Foods that provide this:
5. Name of the deficiency disease

Vitamin or Mineral: Vitamin C

1. Why it is important:
2. Who is at risk for deficiency:
3. Symptoms of deficiency:
4. Foods that provide this:
5. Name of the deficiency disease.

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