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This research project endeavours to explore the history of Disneys marketing in order to seek out how Disney has

gone from a small company, to being a global success. In order to fully understand and to be able to critically analyse the history of Disneys marketing; its important to look at the socio-political and economic environment at the time Disney was established. After WWI the US prospered greatly, partly because of the enormous reparations owed by Britain to them during the years after the war. The US thrived and expanded with innovations in marketing and trading. As industry, technology and trading was growing in the 20th Century, so was advertising and marketing in juxtaposition. This new mode of advertising developed to make people dissatisfied with what they wanted. The vision exerted on society was that with consumption of a product, it could make your life better. It was seen to be possible to consume/buy your way out of unhappiness and misfortune. The new mode of advertising did its best to appeal to consumers insecurities in order to sell them products. Disney emerged in the early 1920s, with little money and short cartoon. Whilst its marketing was clearly a success, the economic climate was what pushed Disney into a global brand. Conclusion Evidently Disney is a hugely successful multinational company and it has achieved this through its marketing strategies. However its important to remember that through out its cycle, it has not always been successful. It emerged in the peak of capitalism and a prospering USA, it was heavily influenced by the effects of the war, economy, industrial and technological change. The success of Disney is also due to its adept use of new technologies e.g. in 1930s sound & colour, 1980s home and video cable tv. Disney utilised the technology out there and became an innovator of it. It found the niche markets Undoubtedly the success of Disney is down to us as audiences. Cultural dupes we have been described as before and this has not changed. We are and have been susceptible to its marketing and advertising. Perhaps if media and cultural studies was taught in schools from an early age, Disney might not have been so successful? Disney homogenised culture, and us as an audience were passive to this in turn spurning them on to be the capitalist enterprise that it is. Small beginnings

How has Disney achieved global success?



Character merchandising?


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