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Chapter 1.First thing's first. Let's talk about the

Illuminati sect.
Episode 2.The famous "Atlantis"
Chapter 3.Crop Circles and Alien Signs
Chapter 4. Abductions. How true is it?
Chapter 5.Easter Island. What's there?
Chapter 6.sirens.
Chapter 7.Orion Constellation. Are there our
Chapter 8.The Sumerians. The Origin of
Chapter 9.Underground. A hidden world.
Chapter 10. Matrix. let's wake up at once

Throughout history many strange events

have occurred. Events which today,
thanks to hundreds of researchers who
have dedicated themselves to finding
details and connecting the dots, we can
understand certain things.
The issue is that it seems that in general,
we do not want toseethem.
The proofs are there. And for thousands
of years they have been.
In this e-book what you are going to see
is how the dots are connected. As
everything already is and has been there
but we have not wanted to see it.
We will see from Illuminati issues and
high government spheres to mysteries
that have been overlooked but when
knowing them several points are
connected to understand everything.
Clearly in this book you will not find
an answer or absolute truth to anything.
In it we decided to unite several
topics that have been of great mystery
throughout history and synthesize the
information so that everything can be
understood a little more.
Perhaps the biggesttruth is that there is
no single truth, butwhatis quite true is
that we have been deceived for a long
See for yourself in the chapters that
We hope you enjoy this read.
CHAPTER 1. First things first. Let's
talk about the Illuminati sect

The word "illuminati", within the terms

used by the most well-known conspiracy
theories, is used interchangeably today
to refer to the alleged secret societies
that allegedly conspire to control world
affairs, establish a new world order and
seek the increaseintheir political,
economic and esotericpower.
To delve deeper into this we must know
a little about its origin, where this sect
comes from.
It was in the year 1776 when a group of
men met in a forest in southern
Germany, they swore an oath, but the
day of this meeting was not accidental.
They chose very sacred dates to
hold their meeting.
That fateful night the Order of the
Perfectibilists was born, better known as
the Order of the Illuminati of Bavaria
or simply the Illuminati.
But…. Who had the idea of making a
secret society?
His name was Adam Weishaupt who was
a professor of law at the University of
Ingolstadt, this character was born on
February 7, 1748.
At the age of 5 hewasorphaned and was
welcomed by his grandfather and
guardian, his grandfather had a large
library full of books by great
philosophers and he began to be
interested in Freemasonry and other
similar organizations.
When he was 25 years old, he entered a
secret society called the mysteries of the
Memphis sages. A few years later, his
mentors saw his great intellectual
capacity, and they appointed him a priest
of their order.
But when they discovered that he did not
agree with the principles of the order,
they decided to expel him.
In the year 1776 he decided to create a new
order, he made a new regulation that had to
do with Freemasonry and he took as a
symbol a pyramidwith an open eye
inside, he namedittheall-seeing eye.
Adam Weishaupt only accepted
people from high society, and above
all, they were financially well off.

Weishaupt had a saying "Few, but well

placed" what he meant was that he did
not want an organization with many
members, but rather few, but with power.
For this reason, he sought and found
from the outset the financial support of a
banker who has gone down in history as
one of the richest men on the planet:
Meyer Amschel Rothschild.
Its growth strategy had a great effect and
already had barons, dukes, counts and
even princes as members, in a short
time they opened various lodges in
countless countries.
In the year 1784 anedict was approved
by which the constitution of any
society, fraternity or secret circle was
strictly prohibited.
In May 1785 the persecutions, arrests
and torture of the lower members of the
organization began.
On the night of July 10 of the same
year, a Weishaupt envoy was struck by
lightning while galloping in a storm.
Among his clothes, they found important
and compromising documents that
revealed the secret plans of world
Adam Weishaupt died much later, in
November 1830, at the age of 82.
But before he knew that he would not be in
charge of completing the great project of the
Illuminati, but he no longer cared, others
would finishitfor him and, when
they did, they wouldhave no choice but to
pay homage to his memory.
It is said that he planned the
French Revolution
When the Illuminati arrived in America
they had to look for new partners, if in
Europe they had the Rothschilds, in
America they needed their own dynasty
of millionaires, and they found them, it
was the Rockefeller clan.
The Rockefellers began working with
the Rothschilds in the 1880s.
And it is said that the descendants of
these two families continue to dominate
the secret society of the Illuminati.
As these data are remotely theoretical, we
cannot conclude anything 100% accurate,
but it does bring us closer to something:
the Illuminati sect is led by the most
powerfulfamilies in the world.
To know a little moreabout this sect, let's
talk about the symbology they use:
The famous American one dollar billIt
would have a series of Illuminati and
Masonic symbols printed on it, such as
the ¨All-Seeing Eye¨.
That appears on the top of a truncated
pyramid on the back of the bill and
that although it is associated with the
eye of God.
It was introduced on the dollar bill by
approval of US President Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, a 32nd degree
Freemason of the Scottish Rite and also
a member of the Shriners.
Additionally, the dollar bill displays
more symbology:
The pyramid has 13 steps, at the base of
which is written the number 1776 in
Roman numerals (the year of the
independence of the 13 colonies and the
foundation of the Illuminati order).
On this number it is accompanied by the
sentence "Annuit Cœptis" which means:
"He favors (or helps)what he has started"
(or "Our companyissuccessful")
Under this pyramid you can read the
legend "Novo Ordo Seclorum" ("New
Order of the Centuries"), one of the best-
known mottos within the Freemason
group of the Illuminati.
The all-seeing eye or the eye of
Providence is the symbol par excellence
and one of the most recognized of the
This represents the eye of Lucifer seeing
everything in general from the top of a
pyramid. The all-seeing eye”, in ancient
Egypt, represented Horus, the sun god,
who symbolized absolute power.
This symbol was used in witchcraft, it is
one of the most powerful magical
symbols in the world.Itis said to
represent the 4 elements.
The earth, the wind, the fire and the
water, since it has 4 points that symbolize
them. The fifth point is the spirit
surrounding them, which predominates
over the forces of the elements.
Normally, it is used in magical rituals. It
is usually enclosed in a circle called a
pentacle and is used to invoke forces or
to banish them.
This symbol represents a six-pointed
star. Normally, it is known as a magical
symbol of preservation and protection
against destruction.
The primordial idea that it is a symbol of
protection leads to the origins of magic, where
talismans usedtobe made under
an astral influence.Either Saturn, Venus
or Jupiter.
This, to protect its carriers from different
The scarab is a really ancient symbol. It
was used mainly in Egyptian culture and
its meaning is that of reincarnation.
On the other hand, it has a slightly
stronger meaning: It is the symbol of
Beelzebub. Also known as "lord of the
It is said that when the Illuminati wear it,
it equates to power. According to the
story, it is a source of protection against

It is well known,frommovies or some
story, that snakes represent temptation.
That temptation given from the Garden
of Eden, where it induced Adam and
Eve to take their first steps.
The snake is normally known as the one
that imparts certain forbidden
knowledge and is used as a lure.
In the same way, the Illuminati use it.
It represents wisdom. The Illuminati see
themselves as the only wise ones to rule
the planet.
The Minerva symbol is used by the
bohemian grove elite and was used by
the Bavarian illuminati.
It is said that famous singers, actors,
actresses, soccer players, even scientists
belong to this secret society.
It also ensures thatthese have been
subjected to traumaticmethods of
personality dissociation (MKUltra).
Turning her into a celebrity with alter
egos, that are docile, but above all
manipulate them, and that, through her
videos, songs, among other things, can
give hidden messages to the audience.
Infinite hidden symbolism in your videos
can show that this society exists and that
it has control over them.
Also, that there are celebrities who make
different signs in honor of this sect.
Like the symbol of the all-seeing eye,
the horns, the 666 among many others.
Now, let's talk about this top-secret
project created by the CIA in the 1960s:
The MK Ultra projectIt was created by the
CIA in the 60s, in order to control
people's minds, it made cruel experiments
withhuman beings, to find
the vulnerable pointsofthe mind and
thus control and manipulate people
to your liking.
This society is credited with infinities of
events and projects:
It is a mysterious project of the North
American air force, its facilities are
located in Gakona, Alaska, it has 180
These emit artificial pulses that stimulate
the ionosphere creating waves that can
travel great distances through the lower
atmosphere and penetrate deep into the
earth to find missile depots, tunnel
underground, or communicate with
submerged submarines, among many
other applications.
But others think that this project is made
to control the world's climate.
As perhaps expected,the Illuminati are
closely related to famous people as well.

It is said that this society its members are
blood-drinking, flesh-eating, shape-
shifting, reptilian extraterrestrial
humanoids with one goal: to enslave the
human race.
Conspiracy theorists mention that all
these societies are part of the
"Brotherhood of Babylon", founded by
reptilian extraterrestrials from the
fourth dimension.
Reptilians come from the star
Alpha Draconis, in the constellation
of the Dragon.

Many specialists inthesubject mention

that these were the first intelligent
inhabitants of the Earth; the founders
of the first pre-human civilization on
our planet and even the architects of
In addition to stating that the majority of
celebrities in Hollywood are reptilians.
Others that are also being considered to
be reptiles are:
-All the presidents of the United States,
the Rockefeller family, the Rothschilds,
the Guggenheims, even Queen Elizabeth
II of England say that she is the
mother of the reptilians.
This is due to the infinities of evidence
that affirm that they are not from this
vertical pupils Deformations
in yourskin

Holographic glitch through a

camera Pointed teeth among others.
And now, as if what we have seen so far
were not enough, they are also associated
It is said that this sect has a pedophilia
network that operates in Washington
through symbols and code words inside
family pizzerias.
In addition, it is thought that there are
many important people involved in this
network and that it was kept a secret until
Wikileaks leaked thousands of emails
from politicians speaking in codes with
reference to food.

And if we talk about historical events, we

have the following:
Many believe they did so because they
needed an excuse to start the wars against
Afghanistan and Iraq, sell and test more
new weapons, and launch large-scale spy
However, that day, although it was an
unforeseen attack, all the most important
bankers and businessmen who worked
in the Twin Towers rested; none showed
up for work, as if someone had warned
them of what would happen that
It is said to this society that when you
enter you have to keep quiet and follow
their rules.
But many times there are people who do
not like the atrocities they see there and
try to spread what happens, so many
celebrities die of very strange causes.
There are many examples:
The death of John F. Kennedy, Avicci,
Lady di, Michael Jackson, among others.
The drug most desired by this elite:
It is a hormone that arises after a person
is subjected to a state of pain, suffering,
torture, prior to death, (as if life itself is
not enough), this means that the
substance is extracted after altered states
in which the adrenaline is at its peak.
It is described as one of the most
addictive and delicious drugs in the
world of drugs, so much so that they are
willing to kill a child to get it, being one
of the most desiredandsought after
drugs by the so-called elite, satanic
cults or very sick people.
And not surprisingly, they have their own
This sect has its famous meetings in
mansions far from the city and it is
even said that in underground caves
where they do all kinds of rituals.
From milk baths to blood baths, I
don't doubt much that cannibalism
could occur.
And if all this did not surprise you, it is
said that it has its own airport
Listed as one of the most sinister places on
the planet, the Denver airport stands as a
kind of gloomy sanctuary full of hidden
symbology unfolded through murals,
commemorative plaques, and
very strange sculptures.
It is said that there are rooms that are
very exclusive that a normal person
cannot enter.
CHAPTER 2. The Famous “Atlantis”

It is said that Atlantiswasaland

abundant in natural resources, with
exuberant vegetation and the existence of
valuable mineral deposits, including
silver and gold. The people who
inhabited Atlantis were a people who
enjoyed a high scientific and cultural
level. In the very center of Atlantis, on
the top of a small hill, stood a palace and
a temple, around which the great city
stretched, measuring 19 kilometers in
length. Around the hill, a wide canal
allowed the passage of sailing ships.
Around the city, other waterways formed
concentric circles; the canal that encircled
the citadel communicated with the open
sea through a system of docks and ports,
which exported the country's valuable
products to all of the then known world.
Atlantis was a rich and famous country;
so much so that, despite
the fact that it disappearedfrom the face
of the Earth many centuries before the
Christian era, the name of Altántida is
even more familiar to men today than
many of the nations that survived it.
According to the philosopher Plato:
In the outer rings of land sat the
shipyards and ports, surrounded by a
dense wall of buildings, of houses. From
this area, where a very large population
lived, a constant din of voices and noises
arose, during the day as well as at night.
Beyond stretched the plains, where those
aromatic substances that also today
produce the earth and are made from
roots, herbs, trees, flowers or fruits
reached perfection. All this was
produced in abundance by that hallowed
island, when it was still under the sun.
where those aromatic substances that the
earth produces today also reached
perfection andaremade.fromcom roots,
herbs, trees, flowers or fruits. All this was
produced in abundance by that hallowed
island, when it was still under the sun.
where those aromatic substances that the
earth produces today also reached
perfection and are made from roots,
herbs, trees, flowers or fruits. All this was
produced in abundance by that hallowed
island, when it was still under the sun.
Text Taken from "Critias and Timaeus",
by Plato.
Plato's texts place Atlantis in front of the
Pillars of Hercules, a place attributed to
the Strait of Gibraltar that marked the
limit of the known world, and describe it
as an island larger than Libya and Asia
together. For years, scientists and
archeology enthusiasts have claimed to
have found Atlantis, one of the most
recent being anaeronautical engineer
from the United Kingdom Bernie
Bamford, who in 2009 claimed to have
found it using the Google Ocean search
engine, part of Google Earth and that it
turned out be a map of the ocean floor.
However, after two years of research, an
international team in which Professor
Richard Freund from the American
University of Hartford (Connecticut)
participated, believes that they have
located the lost island in the Doñana
National Park. "We have discovered a
geological pattern that is not usually
found in nature," said Freund, who
explained that the structure and
arrangement of the large rocks detected
shows that there has been human
intervention and could be the remains of
the ancient island.

According to Freund, in 2003, a team of

German scientists led by Werner
Wickboldt discovered rectangular
structures and several concentric rings in
satellite images of the Mediterranean Sea
that match the Greek philosopher's
descriptions of the island. Among the
images, one of the Hinojos marshes
drew attention, in which two rectangular
structures and the remains of several
concentric rings that would have
surrounded them stand out, as indicated
by the Greek philosopher in his writings
that we saw pages back.
Using Plato's description as a guide and
satellite photographsofwhat appears to
be a submerged city just north of Cádiz,
in Huelva, Freund and the international
team tried to locate the island, which was
925 meters in diameter and surrounded
by several circular structures, some of
land and others of water.
Jorge Bonsor, perhaps the most
important archaeologist in Spain at
the beginning of the 20th century, was
already searching in the 1920s in the
Doñana la Atlántida park.
To determine the exact coordinates of
the island, which historians say was
buried underwater by a massive tsunami
flood, they have used a combination of
underwater technology, ground-depth
radar and digital mapping.
The team of archaeologists and historians
led by Freund focused on
terrestrial measurements and marked the
place where to excavate, made carbon
analyzes and confirmed that in the layers
corresponding to the Age Bronze there
are signs that there was a violent storm or
tsunami in the area.
Another of the teams, led by professors
from the University of Huelva Juan
Antonio Morales and Claudio Lozano,
focused on measuring the geological
formations that could belong to the area
of the ancient Bay of Tartessos.
In addition, radiocarbon analyzes carried
out in Madrid and Miami (Florida)
indicated that the deadline for a
settlement in the Doñana National Park
to have been 2,500 BC, which coincides
with the approximation made by
The German scientistWickboldt
pointed out in hisresearch that it could
be that the Greeks confused the Egyptian
word for coast and translated it as island
when transmitting the story to the
following generations, which would
confirm this discovery.
Already in Plato's time (5th and 4th
centuries BC) the story had mythical
overtones. If there is a verifiable truth
throughout history, it is that human
beings, especially after a certain age, tend
to believe that all past times were better
and more authentic. Some later
interpreters of the creator of the theory
of ideas have wanted to see only a
metaphor through which the author
conveys his views on politics and social
organization. He said it was an island
"greater than Libya and Asia" with its own
kings and a great temple clad in silver,
and that it lay under the sea after being
destroyed by thegodsto.punishcom the
ambition of its inhabitants. Large
explosions were already known in that
area and there are Egyptian hieroglyphics
from the same period that speak of a
gigantic cloud of dust.
Historians before the Christian era
(Strabo and Posidonius) believed that
the place was real, but it was not until the
19th century, with Jules Verne's 'Twenty
Thousand Leagues Under the Sea' and
another less-remembered book, 'Atlantis:
The Antediluvian World', by Ignatius
Donnelly, when the fascination that
continues today began. Researchers,
communicators of the mysterious like the
current Iker Jiménez, occultists like the
famous Madame Blavatsky (who spoke
of the Atlanteans, a race of humans
earlier but superior to ours, who
inhabited the island) or the Nazi leader
Heinrich Himmler(whoorganized
expeditions in an attempt to unite this
mythical ethnic group with the German
Aryan race) are just a few examples.
Explosion in the Greek islands
But in the end, is there any truth?
Will we ever find remains that give
meaning to the testimonies? Perhaps it is
possible, just as Schliemann's
archaeological excavations discovered
Troy at the time, showing that Homer's
Iliad described real settings. In recent
days a new investigation has been
published in 'Nature' with conclusions
different from the majority on the
disappearance of the Minoan civilization
(the ancient Cretans). Experts from the
University of Athens believe that the
eruption that created the current Santorini
archipelago (location, for many, of the
real Atlantis) did not happen as
expected. It wasalreadyknown that
between the year 1628 and 1500 a. C.
there were great caldera explosions
that devastated that area of the
Mediterranean, causing waves of
evacuees from Crete.
After examining the seabed, these
scientists believe that the caldera (a large
steep depression caused by volcanic
eruptions) was not in contact with the sea
at the time of the collapse, but instead
flooded afterwards, and that it was the
large amount of pyroclastic material
(burning cloud of gases, solid materials,
lava, ash and trapped air), which quickly
flowed into the sea, the reason for the
local tsunamis being created, huge
masses of water moving and destroying
everything in its path. They base this
conclusion on the finding of a 60 meter
thick layer of deposits of this type off the
coast of Santorini.
The Krakatoa we don't know
These deadly waves have been a "global
challenge", the researchers say, since the
eruption of Krakatoa in May 1883, when
a series of explosions began that blew the
three islands (the archipelago was named
after the volcano, Krakatoa) to pieces.
The distant witnesses who could tell it
suffered one of the biggest thunderclaps
in history (in Java and Sumatra several
people had their eardrums burst) and the
horrifying vision of large pieces of earth
flying on the horizon. It is estimated that
the energy released on that occasion was
equivalent to 7,000 Hiroshima bombs.
Studies like this one, which detail how
natural disasters work, are fundamental
to one day learning how to minimize
their damage. If Plato created the
metaphorical city of him with the
example of whathappened in Santorini,

as some believe, we would be facing one

of the historical events that left the most
mark on mythology and religion. The
authors of this new contribution -
geologists, geophysicists and experts in
lava and volcanoes led by Paraskevi
Nomikou- have changed the way of
seeing this fact, which could have
inspired not only the Greek philosopher
but also similar narratives,sincethe
Universal Deluge of the Bible to the
Great Chinese Flood of Gun-Yu.

CHAPTER 3. Crop Circles and

extraterrestrial signals
Crop circles, cropcirclesor circles in the

grass (crop circles, also called crop

circles) are circular designs of lying or
burned grass that appear in crop fields,
generally cereals such as wheat and corn.
The work of aliens or CIA experiments?
Is it the result of the work of street artists
transferred to the countryside or a
mistaken strategy of mere scammers who
try to 'sneak' us into a big lie?
The first cases, in the 1970s, appeared
in the United Kingdom.
Both the CIA and the aliens have given
no explanations. Some, we suppose,
would justify their silence under the
official seal of 'classified report'; the others
for obvious reasons: statements by a
Martian in the press are not known.
Those who have spoken are the scientists,
who, examining in detail the fields where
thesestrange designs appear,
have elaborated a'discourse of the
method', developing theories about how
they manage to create geometric figures
that have been increasing in complexity
since they began. The first cases
appeared in England in the 1970s.
Where some, the scientists, say high
technology, the others-the creators-
speak of patienceandtraditional

Scientific theory: with GPS

and microwaves

Richard Taylor, a professor of physics at

the University of Oregon, decided to
apply the scientific method to discover
how these increasingly complex
drawings were designed. His conclusion,
published in the journal Physics World,
is that a combination of computing, GPS
and microwaves is used.

1. The first creates the drawings in

design programs.

2. These are then translated into GPS

coordinates. 3. And finally, already in the
field, the circle creators move to the field
and apply microwave radiation to the
crop: thus they get the joints of the stems
to soften. This waytheybend, but don't
break. And ready.Thefield becomes a
canvas that the next morning (they
usually work at night and treachery) will
leave more than one speechless.

Artistic theory: with ropes and planks

John Lundberg, head of

and creator of hundreds of circlemakers
in England, says his method is simpler.
He agrees with Taylor only on the
computer. In it they create the designs
and a series of detailed instructions. The
rest, he says, they do with no technology
other than a topographical tape (a 100
meter long tape measure) to trace the
drawing and a plank of wood with a rope
at each end for the stem bender. The
artists put a foot on the board and hold
the extraterrestrial phenomenon and
these types of "signs" that seem to leave
Now everythingfitsalittlemore and the
possibilities that they are a simple human
creation have their logic.

But you also have to be realistic.

Technology is advancing by leaps and
bounds and combined with human
creativity incredible things can be done,
like these figures in the fields.
CHAPTER 4. Abductions. How
true is it?
There are many people throughout history
and in differentparts of the world
who have claimed to have suffered
an unexpected visit in the middle of
the night.
Let's look at this case:
One cold winter night with rain and
absolute silence, Miquel Bibiloni was
lying in his bed. The specialist in
Theoretical Physics and Calculation of
Reactors woke up with a start when he
saw a female presence in front of him.
She «She was similar to a blurred
woman whose feet and arms could not
be seen. But she had something very
characteristic: almond-shaped eyes ",
explained Íker Jiménez in the latest
installment of" Fourth Millennium ".
What was really happening to him?
Subject was suffering from an episode of
sleep paralysis.
Like Bibiloni, many Americans suffered
these "visits." When the person is
exposed to this experience, he is fully
conscious, but cannot move or speak,
which generates great anxiety. But what
caused and really causes this uneasiness?
"At the end of the eighties and beginning
of the nineties, there was a rebound of
people who interpret them from an
extraterrestrial perspective," commented
Pablo Vergel, sociologist and
collaborator of the Cuatro program.
This information began to leak out and
found its way to John E. Mack, an
American abductionpsychiatrist, writer,

and professor at Harvard Medical

School. «He was one of the first, the
most popular, who treats these subjects
who experience night terrors not as
victims of a pathology, but systematically
analyzes what happens to them. The
first thing he realizes is that the anguish
they are experiencing is real," Jiménez
Mack noticed that the people who
attended his office manifested a series of
symptoms related to post-traumatic stress,
he also helped many people who, without
knowing anything, had the same
experience: that of having been abducted
or that of having had contact with beings
from another world. "What struck me the
most is that there were people from all
over the country who, without
knowing each other,toldexactly the
same story," he recalls of the expert in
an old interview.
The psychiatrist traveled to Boston
where there were people from different
states of the country who claimed to have
been abducted by aliens. They told the
"same story and reported a series of
traumas and post-traumatic stress." From
this study the book “Abduction” was
born. «When I published it in 1994, I
had already analyzed between 50 and
100 cases. I was beginning to realize that
this was not going to lead to any
conventional explanation," Mack
explained. «I approached the subject as I
thought it should be done. Finding the
cases, registering them, marking the
places on a map, collecting the
testimonies and analyzing them».
Despite the intense work carried out by
the renowned psychiatrist,he was unable
to close the study.
His conclusion is that the phenomenon
cannot be explained. He even goes so
far as to say that there may be some
intelligence outside of man trying to
interact with us," Vergel said. "A
technology too developed to be
understood can be turned into magic."
This is amazing.
Hundreds of people around the United
States told similar stories which
happened to them in the same period of

Another case:
Also, in 2013, former NBA player Baron
Davis. The former all star claimed to
have been abducted by aliens. This player
hung up hisboots in 2012 at the
age of 33 due to aserious knee injury, he
explained in 2013 that "I was a little tired,
driving from Las Vegas to Los Angeles"
when "I saw this big light that looked like
a truck, and it The next thing I
remember, I was inside that fucking steel
thing." The hosts of the program, Neal
Brennan and Moshe Kasher, were
surprised and asked Davis to explain:
"Those fucking people, who were half
human... like ugly sons of bitches."
According to the point guard, who was
offended by the doubts of his
interlocutors, in the "steel thing" he met
"half-human people" who "put something
up my nose, they looked me in the eye
and tied my hands. The next thing I
remember, I was in Montabello on my
way to Los Angeles."
The truth is that I could fill this book
with many more abduction cases, but
that's not whatit'sabout.

I think it is quite clear that those

apparent "sleep paralysis" were not just
Let's look at this theory that could bring
us closer to the truth behind it.
It is said that the former US
presidentdwight eisenhower, who ruled
the northern power between 1953 and
1961,would have signed a secret pact
with extraterrestrial visitors in 1954.
In February 1954 Eisenhower
"disappeared" for a week. Although
presidential spokesmen explained that
the president had had to undergo
emergency dental surgery, there are those
who say that during those days the man
was meeting with gray alien
representatives, with whom he would
have agreed that theycould abduct
humans and use themfor different
experiments at in exchange for
providing the United States of America
with cutting-edge military technology.
The chilling meeting, of which there is
no evidence, would have taken place on
February 21 at the Edwards Air Force
Base (AFB) located in Southern
Some ufology experts even assert that the
aliens with whom Eisenhower signed the
unlikely treaty came from the Pleiades.
Clearly we always return to theories, but
apparently they are not very far from
what reality may be.
CHAPTER 5. Easter Island. What's
Few islands are wrapped in mysteries
like the moai, those monumental
human-faced statues on Easter Island in
the Pacific Ocean.
Six hundred years after its construction,
they still arouse uncertainty among
researchers: how the Haumakas, the first
900 inhabitants of the island, moved
statues from 2 to 9meters high and
weighing 80 tons overdistances of long
kilometers. But there is much more to
this region where nature and history
converge perfectly.

The origins of the iconic sculptures

of Easter Island
Thanks to the discovery of tools and
unfinished moais on Easter Island, the
beginning of the life of these giants could
be established. The Haumakas would
first carve the front of the moai out of a
rock, then dig the back until the statue
detached from the wall. They would slide
it over a carpet of round pebbles to carry
it to a hole dug in the ground, where it
would right itself. There, the sculptors
finished the back. They filled the hole in
the ground as they went, allowing them
to finish the top.

The moai in figures:

•There are 887 moais, which
measure from 1m to 21m.
•397 have never left the rano
raraku area. The largest, Tokanga,
measures 21 meters and weighs
around 150 tons.
• 288 were transported across the
island and erected on Ahu, sacred
terraces. The largest of the
displaced moais is 10 meters long
and weighs 74 tons.

Easter Island was discovered in the 18th

century, thanks to the navigator Jacob
Roggeween, who came across it in 1722. It
was annexed as a sovereign territory to Chile
in 1888. Duetoits remoteness and
a clear lack of interestin part of the
Chilean government, it failed in the
administration of the island.

Due to this, from the year 1895 and for

60 years, Chile rented the island to the
"Compañía Explotadora de la Isla de
Pascua". A British capital company that
transforms Easter Island into a large
sheep farm. A chapter in the history of
the island that had traumatic results.
Since it led to a series of transformations
in the native population that almost led
them to extinction.

This stage is characterized by slave expeditions, an accelerated development of epidemics, the arrival of Catholic missions and foreign and national investors. Which contributed to a rapid deterioration, and almost disappearance, of the Rapa Nui culture. A culture
whose economy is based on fishing and agriculture.

Settlement of Easter Island

The settlement process of Easter Island
is still unknown. Although, traditionally
there are two theories that have greater
scientific support. More research is still
needed. But what does seem to be clear
is that the first settlers of the island must
have been intrepid navigators. That they
decided to settle on this remote island
and form a new civilization.
The Norwegian scientist, Thor
Heyerdahl, a great scholar of Polynesian
migrations and their links with South
America, defended the idea that it was
the South American natives who
ventured into the Pacific Ocean,
discovering and populating Easter Island.
As proof of his theory, he organized an
expedition that in 1947 left the coast of
thePeruin a rudimentary wooden boat,
called Kon Tiki.
This boat arrivedinFrench Polynesia,
following the sea currents. Much higher
than Easter Island, but this scientist
maintained that leaving from a port
further south in America it would be
possible to reach Easter Island.
However, recent studies based on DNA
tests carried out on the natives of Easter
Island refute Heyerdahl's theory. Since
the Rapa Nui have Polynesian and not
South American genes.
On the contrary, the most accepted
theory of the settlement of Easter Island
is the one traditionally told and which
says that King Hotu Matu'a came to
Easter Island from the mythical Hiva
Island. Could be the Marquesas Islands.
From which he would have departed
between the 6th and 8th centuries AD
The tradition also tells that King Hotu
Matu'a organized society in a balanced
way, dictating social and religious norms
for his new community.

But now for the really interesting part...

The mysterious Moais of Easter Island:
The Moais are a group of more than
1,000 giant stone statues found on Easter
Island. With a weight of at least 80 tons
and 10 meters high. It is unknown how
they were modeled with the technology
of that date. According to recent studies,
the location of these tremendous stone
structures, located throughout the
island, follow a pattern that at first glance
does not seem very clear.

At the time of its discovery, various

stories and hypotheses about its origins
came to light. But these still do not have
a reliable answer. In recent excavations it
has been possible to verify that their
bodies are found under the heads of the
moáis. Fact that has increased the
mystery around them.

This study, carried out by California

State University Long Beach, has found a
common element in all the moais. This
common element is water and the moais
are strategically placed in the only places
on Easter Island where there was
drinking water.

Apparently, these huge sculptures would

indicate to the inhabitants of the different
communities the existence of freshwater
springs, a highly valued asset on an
island of volcanic origin. Therefore, it
can be concluded that these moais did
not fulfill any defensive, decorative, or
ritual function.

In this way, the location pattern of these

stone sculptures is consistent, where we
do not find them, we do not find fresh
water either. But, it is recurrent that
where we find moáis, even in the interior
of the island, sources of drinking water

are located.

With this, communities began to

develop around these water sources, with
which the moai became an important
piece for the Rapa Nui. These moais
became a center of activity and of great
importance for the inhabitants of
dispersed communities that gathered
around the water sources and the moais
to share various resources.
But hey, beyond its already apparent
logical history, what happens with these
huge, perfectly carved sculptures is a
great mystery, something like the
Egyptian pyramids.
The question is similar: how were they
able to move/make these sculptures with
the technologies of that time?
Intuitively, it is not very accurate to affirm
that the inhabitantsofthat time were
capable of doing them.
CHAPTER 6. Mermaids
Talking about mermaids is without a
doubt talking about past events
At present it is a subject that has been left
very aside, but even so it continues to
have many interesting unknowns.
The truth is that many of us would like
this to be true, to confirm and prove that
mermaids exist, or that they did exist. But
for now, we can only appeal to stories and
stories,which, even so, are
still extremely interesting.

But when did the legend about the

existence of mermaids arise?

According to the ancient Greeks,

mermaids were birds with the face of a
woman that flew over the coast of
Sorrento, in Italy.
It was in the Middle East that the tragic
story that gave rise to mermaids arose.
As was? Thus: When Derceto offended
Venus, the goddess of love, she made
her fall in love with a shepherd. From
the love between the woman and him, a
girl was born, Seminaris, but the
goddess's punishment was that this love
ended completely after she was born.
Derceto, shattered with pain, decided to
go into the sea and that's when the gods
decided to turn her into a mermaid to
avoid her death.

What does science say?

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration of the United States
(NOAA) released a statement in which it
stated: "Evidence of the existence of
these aquatic humanoids has never been
This announcement should have been
made two years ago, after an Animal
Planet documentary became such a hit
that many Americans began to believe its
existence was entirely real.

In the documentary, Paul Robertson, a

former NOAA employee, and his team
can be seen investigating different
theories about mermaids and at one
point a video of one of them entering
the sea could be seen.

As the channel wanted to make it look

like somethingtotallyreal,they did it in a
documentary format. “We wanted
people to approach the story with a sense
of possibility and wonder,” said Charlie
Foley, the show's executive producer.
The public was so shocked that they did
not read the warning that it was a fictional
documentary, based on pure theories
that no one had proven.

Of course, more than one argued that

NOAA's claim was a lie to cover up the
fact that they were investigating real
mermaids in their studies. In addition, in
the statement they issued, they included a
question that left the door open for new
research on the subject: “Why, then, do
they occupy the collective unconscious of
almost all seafaring towns? That is a
question best left to historians,
philosophers, and anthropologists."

In the end, it's all about believe or bust

Regardless of whether science confirms it

or not, there are many who believe that
they did exist and many others who claim
to have seen mermaids at some time.

For example, in Egypt there is a cave

with cave paintings in which you can see
people with fish tails, even some with
spears and nets.

But beyond these ancient drawings, the

strongest stories come from sailors and
pirates, who have assured that when they
found large animals such as sharks and
whales, they had strange wounds from
spears and harpoons.Even these same
sailors managed to find samples of the
mysterious spears that wounded them.

Another old story that affirms its

existence is that of the Danish mermaid.
There, a beautiful hand-carved statue in
the Harbor Bay of Copenhagen is the
symbol of the Danish legend that tells
that these evil creatures bewitched the
fishermen and sailors of the area, but this
famous little mermaid, very Ariel-like,
would have abandoned her immortality
in the seas, to become a woman and be
able to fully live love with her beloved

Maybe they are not "mermaids" as they

are painted...

In 1493, Christopher Columbus noted in

his logbook the sighting of "mermaids" off
the coast of Haiti.Columbus wrote that

"they are not as beautiful as they are

represented and that their faces were
more reminiscent of those of a man."
Today, it is believed that the explorer
wrote in his journal about manatees. In
total there are four different species. If
we add the dugong to these, we have the
entire order of sirenians, also known as
sea cows – as they are the only
herbivorous marine mammals.
Wherever these animals appear,
supernatural symbols and powers
are attributed to them.

A story that is toldoutthere:

In the 1820s, a US Marine bought the
mummified body of a supposed
mermaid in Japan. Twenty years later he
sold it to a Boston museum and it was
named the Fiji Mermaid. It was some
kind of monster, half fish, half monkey.
A biologist was unable to determine that
it was a fraud. Unfortunately, in 1860 it
disappeared after a fire.
CHAPTER 7.TheConstellation of
Orion. Are there our creators?
As one of the most visible
constellations in the sky, Orion has
always been present in many
mythologies and stories.

In Greek mythology, Orion was a giant

hunter who was placed in the stars by
Zeus. after your death According to
myth, Orion was the son of Poseidon,
the Greek god of the sea, from whom
he inherited the ability to walk on the
sea.Water. After crossing the sea to the
island of Chios, where he attacked the
daughter of the island's ruler, Orion was
blinded as punishment. However, he was
later healed by Helios,
thepersonificationsun greek
Orion became arrogant due to his great
hunting skills and vowed to kill every
creature on the planet. The Earth
Goddess Gaia responded by sending a
giant scorpiontodestroyit. In the
ensuing battle, Orion was killed and
both he and the scorpion were placed
among the stars.
Orion is also present in Egyptian
mythology, and according to it, the gods
descended from the belt of Orion and
Sirius, the brightest star in the sky.
Orion and the pyramids of Egypt
There is a theory that the Giza
pyramids mimic Orion's belt.
The 3 pyramids, as well as the 3 stars in
the belt of the Orion constellation, are
not in exact symmetry. This would prove
that it is not a miscalculation, but that
they were built this way on purpose.
Furthermore, the orientation of these
pyramids is directed towards the Nile
River, just as the orientation of the
constellation faces the Milky

Also the pyramids of Mexico

The ancient city of Teotihuacan, located
in Mexico, is another wonder of the
ancient building that is linked to Orion.
According to the theory, like the
pyramids of Giza, the city's monuments
point directly to the three stars in
Orion's belt.
Let's talk a little more about this
sacred constellation:

For thousands of years, the Orion

constellation has been tracked across the
sky by numerous ancient cultures who
studied the skies since time immemorial.

Based on the constellations and

position of the stars, the ancients built
fascinating monuments, calendars, and
"observatories"thatallowedthem to track
the position of the constellations and
celestial bodies across the sky. After
all, the gods of these constellations
came to Earth.

Since thousands of years ago, ancient

cultures around the world firmly believed
that we came from the stars, just as
deities and "gods" came to Earth from the
One of the constellations most studied
by ancient cultures thousands of years
ago is the Orion constellation.

Throughout the ancient world, from

Egypt to Mexico, this constellation has
been the center of the skies in search
of our ancestors.

Why are monuments such as the

Egyptian pyramids assigned in such a way
that these constructionsimitate the

Why was Orion so important? And

why is it that so many monuments and
structures on earth are correlated with
the position or movements of the stars
and constellations like Orion?

Orion is undoubtedly one of the most

visible constellations in the sky. It can be
seen best between latitudes 85 and -75

Its right ascension is 5 hours, and its

declination is 5 degrees. Alnilam,
Mintaka, and Alnitak, which form
Orion's belt, are the most prominent
stars in the Orion constellation.

Betelgeuse, the second brightest star in

Orion, sets the hunter's right shoulder.
Bellatrix serves as Orion's left shoulder.

The Orion Nebula the formation of

dust -a, hydrogen, helium and other
ionized gases instead of a star is the
middle "star" in Orion's sword, which
hangs from Orion's belt. The
Horsehead Nebula is also nearby.

While many other stars and

constellations were crucial to ancient
cultures around the world, Orion
was one of the most important.
As above, so below, the pyramids of
Giza imitate with fascinating precision
the three most important stars in the
Orion constellation.

So we could ask ourselves the

following question:

Are the ancient pyramid builders trying

to tell us something with that likeness?

If we look back atancient Egypt, we will

find that this ancient culture believed
that their gods literally came down from
the heavens - from Orion and Sirius - in
the form of human beings. Orion was
associated with the god Osiris, while
Sirius was connected with the goddess
Isis. Together, Osiris and Isis created
human civilization.

Without a doubt, one of the most

fascinating ancient civilizations on Earth
is the Egyptian, and one of the most
fascinating structures ever built by man
are the pyramids found in Egypt. Orion
was worshiped by the ancient Egyptians.

As a result, there is a mysterious

correlation between the three main stars
in the Orion constellation and the three
main pyramids on the Giza plateau.

The Giza pyramidsareconsidered by

many to be the most mysterious
structures ever built on Earth. They are
both puzzling and mysterious and are a
perfect example of sacred alignment as
they form what many believe is a three
dimensional map of Orion's three
main stars on the ground.

As a result, the builders of the pyramids

made sure to mimic the constellation to
the best of their ability so when the
pyramids were built, the brightness and
location of Orion's three main stars was
something the builders took into account.
CHAPTER 8. The Sumerians.
The origin
Little is known about the origin of this
culture that was born around 4000 BC.
C. between the Tigris and Euphrates
rivers (Mesopotamia) and that has given
history cities as important as Ur, Lagash
or characters as curious as Gudea.
Although archeology has been
continually providing evidence to help
solve the mysteriousorigin of the
Sumerian civilization,there is no doubt
that in most cases it has only further
complicated the investigation.

It is overwhelming that none of the

classic questions that a researcher asks -
who, where, how, when and why? - has
on this occasion a satisfactory answer.

the sumerian problem

The study of the Sumerian race itself, in
light of the discoveries of bone remains
in various tombs of the time, is somewhat
ambiguous. The preserved samples are a
Mediterranean, Alpine, or Armenian

Nor do the typological representations

preserved in works of art help at all to
opt for a certain option. By far the
provenance of this mysterious people is
perhaps the biggestenigmaof all.

From the beginning it has called the

attention of scholars that in a relatively
wild environment where there were
neither metals nor abundant stone,
the Sumerians achieved outstanding
technical advances.
The Sumerians are famous for the great
cultural advances they bequeathed,
including their advanced knowledge of
astronomy. Around it there is a
controversy: own development or
extraterrestrial intervention?


There is a somewhat disturbing image
created by the Sumerians 5,000 years ago.
As is known, the Sumerians were one of
the oldest human civilizations. They
settled in lower Mesopotamia, were avid
observers of nature, and the first to
develop writing.
As for their vision of the world, they
frequently coincided with that of the
Egyptians, whose culture developed not
far from theirs. Both cosmologies
imagined a static world, where the
predominant elements were heaven and
earth, encircled by the Sun and the
Moon. Within that world, each town was
thought of as the center of everything
known, surrounded by the chaos of the

The Sumerians, as well as the Mayans or
the Egyptians, were great observers of the
sky. The regularity of the stellar
movement wassomethingthat everyone
registered with divine respect and studied
with curiosity. However, the formulation
of astronomical theories would be typical
of modern science, despite some
exceptions. In general, the observation of
the stars acquired religious nuances, or
sometimes their annotations served for
the temporalization of daily life.
That is why it is not surprising that
ancient peoples recorded the movements
of celestial objects such as Jupiter or the
Moon very well, but that they did not
develop the idea that there were planets
revolving around the Sun. They only
observed and used their common sense,
which He spoke of a quiet Earth,
through whose sky stars of unknown
origin paraded.

That is why this image was disturbing

for more than one. In it, as the
background of a scene, a pointed star
can be clearly seen surrounded by small
spheres that rotate around it.
There is hardly a clearer picture of what
the Solar System is to us. It does not
stray too far from the drawing that we
would draw to quickly explain the
heliocentric system to a child. That's not
all, for some researchers, the spheres
seem to coincide curiously in their
proportions with the sizes of the nine
planets in our system and their most
important satellites.

Could it be possible that the Sumerians

developed the heliocentric theory and
knew all the planets in our solar system?

The answer isno.Beyondthe

epistemological limitations, the Sumerian
astronomical observations recorded the
planets that we can only observe with our
eye, a lens incapable of capturing the
signals from Neptune, Uranus, and
The Sumerians only knew what was
visible to the naked eye on clear nights. In
this way, stars like Neptune, Uranus, and
Pluto were called "igigi" or "watchers",
Venus being the goddess Inanna. For his
part, Nannar was to them what the Moon
is to us. Likewise, and to separate
different types of elements, they divided
the space that was from their feet to the
firmament into 3 parts: The first was
under the domain of Enki and
represented the ground, the second
symbolized the kingdom of An and
symbolized the sky, while the third part
was under the control of Henil and
already reached the firmament.


Despite the fact that this seems to be
strong evidence to rule out that the image
refers to the Solar System, there is no
shortage of characters who invoke
extraterrestrial intervention in the matter.
Such is the case of the Russian author
Zecharia Sitchin, who maintained that
the image was inspired by the knowledge
that only an alien race could have, and
that it would have been in direct contact
with the Sumerians, who would have also
transmitted the principles of agriculture.
, metallurgy, and writing.

It's not hard to take the Sumerian

example and use common sense to
explain things. The need to resort to
external and fanciful factors to explain an
engraving on a stone seal is totally
unnecessary from the point of view of
logic (Occam's Razor), and absurd from
common sense. However, the image is
still a star surrounded by spheres of
different sizes and orbits, and its true
interpretation will forever be a mystery.

The relationship of the Sumerians with

the "aliens" began from the first moment
that this ancient civilization was known.
Historians and ancient people enthusiasts
were in disbelief at some of the
archaeological treasures being found.

It is interesting to note the discovery of

Sumerian skulls, whose skulls were
unusually very different from human
ones. The skulls were more elongated
than expected and represented some
deformities. Even in the Near East,
several statuettes of Sumerian gods have
been found whose skulls are much more
elongated thanours.

These skulls were not only unearthed in

the settlements where the Sumerians
reigned, but were also discovered in
places much further away, such as in
Peru (they can be seen in the
Archaeological Museum of Lima and in
the Ica museum). In addition to being
cone-shaped, the skulls show very
different dimensions in the eye sockets,
rounder and oversized.
Opinions dance back and forth; many
believe that they are aliens who died
along with the Sumerian people, while
others argue that these deformations
were carried out on ancient rituals.
Apparently, in the rites, tablets with
leather straps were used to press the
children's skulls, since they were still
small and their bones were soft, easy to
mold into the image of the Gods.


The Sumerians were one of the first
civilizations to practice writing and show
interest in the origin and destiny not only
of their race, but of all the elements that
surround them.
In the Near East, a Sumerian book called
'The Epic of Gilgamesh' has been found,
whose pages are today considered the
oldest in history. Although there were
still more than 3,000 years to go before
the birth of Christ and, consequently, the
arrival of the first Bible, the story of
Gilgamesh has many similarities with the

It was a story from Mesopotamia of

Sumerian origin, where Gilgamesh (fifth
King of Uruk) and his friend Enkidu
talked about immortality and the possible
arrival of a flood on Earth. The book was
written on clay tablets and cuneiform
writing, which favored its preservation to
this day.



The so-called theory or hypothesis of the

ancient alien or astronaut is a
pseudoscientific idea that defends that,
during Prehistory and Antiquity, aliens
established some kind of contact with
human beings, transmitting certain
knowledge that caused the development
of different civilizations and which were
the seed of different types of cultural,
scientific and architectural advances.

The defenders of this theory indicate

that, following this idea, the gods of
ancient cultures coming from the
heavens or fromotherrealms parallel to
the terrestrial one would not be divinities
as we generally understand them, but
would represent the beings that came
from other worlds that had provided the
knowledge that had improved their lives.
Thus, for example, Erich von Däniken
argues that certain constructions of some
ancient civilizations are so impressive
and were so technologically advanced for
their time that it is impossible that the
people who lived at that time were the
only ones responsible for their creation,
because, according to him , they had
neither the tools, nor the techniques, nor
the knowledge necessary to make them a
reality. For this reason, he defends that
these constructions (including the famous
pyramids of Giza, the Stonehenge
complex or the famous Moai of Easter
Island) had to be carried out by beings
from other planets who did have
sufficient means to do so. or by men who
had received from said extraterrestrial
beings everything necessary to make
them come true.

In particular, Sitchin argues that the gods

worshiped by theancientSumerians
were really "visitors" or "astronauts" from
the planet Nibiru, which continues to
exist and revolve around the sun, even
though modern astronomers have never
found any proof of its existence.
This theory defends that the aliens from
this planet populated the Earth long
before the appearance of man, with the
main objective of obtaining raw materials
to take to their home planets. Specifically,
Sitchin talks about the fact that there were
50 Anunnaki who arrived in the
Mesopotamian area to obtain products
such as gold or metal. In order to help
them in this task and take charge
of the heaviest jobs, they decided
to create the human being.

However, they did not manage to create

a Homo Sapiens at the first attempt, but
carried out various tests until they
reached modern man, to which would
correspond the different fossils and
remains found to date that represent the
evolution of man over the millennia.

Once man wascreatedwith the aim of

being little more than his servant, some
of his superior knowledge was
transmitted to him, which would remain
engraved on the mysterious tablets that
have been found in the Sumerian area.
This transmission of knowledge is,
according to the people who defend this
theory, the main reason why the
Mesopotamian civilization was able to
carry out enormous advances at a
cultural, architectural and civil level that
seemed impossible to their
contemporaries, since they had not been
the ones who they had advanced, but had
simply put into practice the superior
knowledge that the aliens had transmitted
to them. Social advances such as the
establishment of the monarchy, whose
institution was intended to be an
intermediation between humans and the

Finally, accordingtothis.theory,com after the

destruction of their work on Earth, the
Anunnaki decided to abandon it, leaving
the human beings they had created to
govern themselves through the
techniques and knowledge they had
transmitted. In this way, the gods and
myths of Mesopotamia that we know
would be linked to those first
extraterrestrial beings who created man
and taught him what they knew, and
whose second coming they kept
waiting for.

CHAPTER 9. Underground. a
hidden world
Ourplanetit is an awesome place.Full of
life. Much more than we thought. Far
below the scant surface spaces we
inhabit, the planet is filled with an
incredibly vast and deep "dark biosphere"
of subterranean life forms. The
identification of this hidden world has
been thanks to the scientists of the Deep
Carbon Observatory.

Hidden in this underground kingdom,

some of the world's oldest organisms
thrive in places wherelifeit shouldn't even
exist, and thanks to this new work, an
international teamofexperts has
quantified this deep biosphere of the
microbial world like never before. “Now,
thanks to ultra-deep sampling, we know
we can find them almost everywhere,
even though sampling has obviously
reached only an infinitesimally small part
of thebiospheredeep", explains
microbiologist Karen Lloyd of the
University of Tennessee in Knoxville.

In a preview of the results of an epic 10-

year collaboration of more than 1,000
scientists, Lloyd and other Deep Carbon
Observatory researchers estimate that
this hidden world of life beneath the
Earth's surface occupies a volume of
between 2-2,300 square meters. million
cubic kilometers. This is almost twice the
volume of all the world's oceans.

And just like theoceans, the deep

biosphere is anabundantsource of
innumerable forms of life: a population
that adds between 15 and 23,000 million
tons of carbon mass (which would
represent some 245-385 times more than
the equivalent mass of all humans on the
surface from the earth).

It's like finding a new reservoir of life on

"Exploring the deep underground is
similar to exploring the tropical jungle of
theAmazon", explains microbiologist
Mitch Sogin, of the Marine Biological
Laboratory in Woods Hole,
Massachusetts. "There is life
everywhere, and everywhere there is an
amazing abundance of unexpected and
unusual organisms."

These life forms are not just unusual in

their appearance and habitat, but in the
actual way theyarefound,with incredibly
slow and long life cycles on almost
geological time scales and, in the absence
of sunlight, subsisting in meager
numbers. of chemical energy.
This discovery not only furthers the idea
that deep life could exist in other parts of
the universe, but also challenges our
definition of what life really is.

The huge underground city that was

once inhabited by 20,000 people
Many of us have fantasized about
having a door that leads us to another
dimension, but could you imagine that
there was a city hidden behind the walls
of your house?
In 1963, a Turkish man broke down a
wall in his basement and accidentally
discovered Derinkuyu, an 18-story-deep
underground city.
Inhabited by up to20,000 people at one
point in its history,Derinkuyu is one of
the largest underground cities in the
world. Located in the Cappadocia region
of Turkey, it is one of more than 200
underground metropolises that were
carved out of volcanic stone.
In fact, Derinkuyu is connected to some
of these underground towns through
tunnels that are several kilometers long.
Part of what makes this city so impressive
is its depth–75 meters–as well as the
organization necessary to meet the needs
of a population that lives underground.

How was Derinkuyu formed?

Derinkuyu exists thanks to several

ancient volcanic eruptions. A few million
years ago, layers and layers of ash (or
tuff) accumulated to form solid rock that
could also be sculpted. Long after the
eruptions, the Cappadocians realized that

they could carve their homes out of stone

and underground.
When was this underground city
It is believed that the construction of
Derinkuyu was initiated by thePhrygians,
an Indo-European people, in the 8th or
7th century BC After the population was
converted to Christianity during the
Roman period, they began to include
chapels in their underground buildings.
It is believed that the Christian
population used the underground city to
escape from the Romans.
However, it was during the Byzantine
period that the underground city
flourished. During the Arab-Byzantine
War from 780 to 1180, Derinkuyu was
used as a refuge by Muslim Arabs. It was
around this timethattunnels between
cities were added.
A scientist from the Southeast Research
Institute, in the US, presents a theory
that explains why we have not yet been
able to contact the aliens.
His name is Alan Stern, and according to
his theory, most alien creatures are found
deep within their planets, in subterranean
oceans covered in frozen water, rather
than on the surface.
The theory was presented in 2017 during
a meeting of the Division of Planetary
Sciences of the American Astronomical
Society in Utah (United States) and has
beenpublishedin Guidebook.
The presence of oceans in the solar
system is something that astronomers
have begun to pay attention to relatively
recently. Oceans exist, for example, on
the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune,
and Pluto.

Those oceans arefrozen, but under the

planetary crust the water is in a liquid
state. Its currents could transport
nutrients that form ecosystems similar
to those that exist in the depths of the
oceans of planet Earth.
CHAPTER 10. Matrix. Let's wake
up at once.
What is Matrix? That is the question that
goes around the head of the protagonist,
Neo, and the viewer the first time he sees
the film. Today, the Wachowski Sisters
trilogy is well known by the general
public; There have been countless
analyzes of the films and, on occasion,
they are used to complement some
philosophy classes.
I am not going to talk about the complete
trilogy, but about the first film, because it
is perhaps the most significant and the
one that arouses the most questions.
How can we know that we are awake?
That is real?
Surely many of us who have seen the
film have asked ourselves these types of
questions and, most likely, we have also
done so before. Many of us have had the
sensation of not acting with total
freedom, many of us have thought that
our actions are predetermined (or highly
influenced) or that we live in an eternal
constant return of the most Nietzschean;
even, that we are being manipulated and
controlled and that we are in a dream.
The Matrix answers all these questions,
it is a kind of contemporary myth, a
solution to someofhumanity's
Technological advances that were born
to make our lives easier have ended up
enslaving us, these increasingly
intelligent machines have acquired their
own will, reaching and surpassing human
intelligence itself. However, the energies
are running out, the resources are scarce
and these machines need to be fed; In
this way, after a war, machines have
enslaved humans, turning them into
sources of food. Humans have been
forced to live a dream, to sleep a lifetime
connected to the machines that now feed
on them.
A dystopian and gloomy future that,
however, is becoming less crazy every
time. Some humans have managed to
resist and live in the only free city, Sion,
from which they access the Matrix with
the intention offreeingmore humans
and starting a fight to get out of slavery. A
science fiction discourse, but loaded with
criticism, loaded with power and capable
of making us rethink our own reality.
How do I know if I'm not living a
dream? Am I the owner of my
What is Matrix?
The first thing I will try to do is answer
the question with which we opened the
article, what is the Matrix? Morpheus
himself is the one who responds to this
by saying: "it is the world that has been
placed before your eyes to hide the truth
from you", that is, the Matrix is a lie, a
deception to the senses; it is not real, but
we perceive it as real. This, without a
doubt, refers us to the myth of the
Platonic cave.
Plato told us that the senses are
deceptive, thattheyarenotreliable. For
those who do not remember, the myth
of the cave presents us with humans who
live with their hands and feet tied,
observing the bottom of a cavern, behind
them, a burning fire casts shadows in the
background that they contemplate. For
these humans, that background is reality,
since it is the only thing they know, the
only thing they have access to and what
they perceive through their senses.
If one of these humans manages to
escape, they will access the real world,
knowledge; At first, the light will blind his
eyes, he will feel pain and have to adapt.
Upon returning to the cave, his
companions probably believe that he is
lying and want to kill him, these
companions only know one reality and,
as a consequence, they will protect her; It
is their reality and they do not want it to
be endangered.
Something that reminds us a lot of times
past, let's think, for example, of Galileo
or Copernicus. In the Matrix, Neo has a
suspicion, an idea that goes around his
head; Just like Alice in Wonderland,
Neo will follow a rabbit that will lead him
down a rabbit hole, but in this case, he
will not access a fantastic and unreal
place, but will reach the real world, the
world of ideas. what Plato proposed.
hands with two pills
What is interesting about the Matrix is
also how it responds to “reality”, taking
things as commonplace and familiar as
deja vù, giving it meaning, adapting it to
the proposed system. The Matrix is a
kind of virtual reality in which we are all
asleep and live as if it were real. Isn't it
true that when we put on virtual reality
glasses, despite knowing that it's not real,
our senses interpretitasifit were? That

is precisely what happens in the Matrix,

the sensations are perceived as real and,
as a consequence, we stop questioning
ourselves if we are awake or not.
On the other hand, those questions that
Neo asks about his reality deeply remind
us of Descartes, who solved the problem
by talking about an evil genius who
manipulated and deceived us, just like the
machines do in the Matrix. Descartes
doubts everything and the Matrix
makes us also doubt our senses.
All this refers us, in turn, to the
philosopher Hilary Putnam, who raised
something similar to the evil genius, but
How can we know that we are not brains
in vats? How can we know that we are
not living a shared dream? That's what I
was suggesting
Putnam and that wealso see in the
Matrix, a simulation shared by all,
without being aware of the nature of what
we are experiencing.
We're free?
If we live trapped in a shared dream that
we are not the owners of either, it is
worth asking if destiny exists and if our
actions are really ours. One of the most
interesting characters in this regard is the
Oracle, since he is the one who tells Neo
that he has the ability to decide, that only
he owns his decisions and the curious
thing is that, precisely, the Oracle is the
character linked to destiny. The film is
constantly based on decisions: red or
blue pill, to know the truth or not. This
freedom of choice has been linked to
Sartre's existentialism.

If there is no destiny,ifthere is nothing

written, then we are the ones who, with
our decisions, are drawing it. But the film
also raises the possibility of a destiny, of
something already predetermined and, at
the same time, there are arguments that
contradict it. The Oracle will be one of the
most important characters at this point, but
also Morpheus, whose position does not
deny any of the
previous hypotheses: he believes in
destiny, but also in the power to decide.
Matrix characters
The Matrix also raises the problem of
knowledge and happiness, we see that
the real world they enter when leaving
the simulation has nothing good, they
discover a terrifying truth and are
plunged into a world of shadows. At this
point, it is worth considering if this
knowledge is reallygood, if it leads us to
happiness. Happiness has been seen as
the supreme good, the object to be
achieved throughout human life.
Cifra is the repentant character of the
film, he wanted to access the truth, but
upon meeting her, he decides that he
prefers to return to the unreal world, to
the world of fantasy and ignore reality.
Cifra decides that he would rather live
a life in ignorance than know the truth.

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