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Admission support activities

Activity of getting students admission is becoming challanging task for

Each education institute. As the volume of student only ensure its viability.
Sustainability is directly related to number of students admitted to any
The challenge at UG and PG are not the same.
The challenge of head count is faced by almost all professional program universally.
The nature of hurdle at UG level is managable by infusion of additional visibility
Which is inhancing the awarness among potential students and parents both.
This is achievable by following means:

1) Out reach programs: Under this the institution should design teams of experts
And ask them to visit the catch ment colleges. Give presentation to the school
Candidates describing various programmes offered by the University/ Institute.
It is mainly targated to the passing out students.

2) Sponcering Events: The University can sponser some key events it may create
Buzz about the institute.

3) Digital compaiganing: It is more suitable for the PG programs for lead generation.

4) Affiliate Program: Tying up with popular academic YouTube channel e.g.,

Khanacadamy and run affiliate marketing program. It will hit specific crowed.

5) Affiliate with Banks: Have special association with banks, as post Covid alot
Of students and parents are keenly interested in this format.

6) Building rapport with Popular industry: Designing specific outreach with Vertical
Specific industry.

7) Improving the total Student experience: It has proved that today the students and
Parents both are looking for a long lasting experience.

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