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Author’s Statement of Originality and Sole Authorship

I, KIRSTEN CAPA SAZON, declared under pain of sanctions of Intellectual Property

Rights (IPR) Law that this essay is my own work and has not been submitted in any
academic institution.
I, certify that, to the best of my knowledge, my essay is not infringe upon anyone’s
copyright nor violate any proprietary rights and that any ideas, techniques, or any other
material from the work of other people included in my paper.



Date Signed
As Spiderman said, "With great power comes great responsibility." Growing up, I was
already aware of what was happening in our society; my father is a policeman who
works so hard to support our financial needs and serve our country. I can still remember
crying when I found out that my father would leave because he was assigned to a
distant place, but as time went by, I understood that serving the country requires
sacrifices. That is how I started having an interest in laws and society. I adore how my
father works so hard for our community.

Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be a lawyer. I was raised in a household of

police officers and lawyers. My first supporter was my grandmother, mama Caridad. She
graduated from law school, but because of financial problems, she didn't take the bar.
She always believes that I can be a fantastic lawyer. When she died, I was so
heartbroken; that is why I promised myself I would do anything to reach our dream of
being a lawyer. My lawyer aunt also became a significant person in my life. She is my
role model. She has helped me financially since I was in high school, and with that, I will
be forever grateful for everything she has done so that I can attain a good quality
education. She always takes me to client meetings and court trials whenever I visit her
in Manila. When the location is far, we wake up at 4 in the morning to avoid traffic. Due
to tight schedules, I still remember eating breakfast and lunch inside my aunt's car,
meeting different clients in one day, and going home late after a tiring day. But still, it
fascinates me to see the reality of a day in a life of a private lawyer. I envisioned my life
waking up and loving my work.

I graduated from college last July 2022. I was determined to enter law school and
managed to enroll in law in Manila, one of the top schools; their class starts in July also.
But, of course, life is not full of flowers and unicorns. After two weeks in that school, I
dropped out because I was sick, and my Psoriasis worsened. I realized I was
unprepared emotionally, mentally, and physically. I had no rest; I still couldn't hear my
calling to pursue law school. I decided to rest to regain my old self back.
I am applying to Ateneo de Naga College of Law because it has an incredible
foundation and style of learning that can help me develop my skills and passion for law.
And I know that this school will mold me as a good law student and a lawyer that values
justice, equality, morality, and honesty in serving our country. Moreover, I deserve to be
one of the 75 students who will be accepted due to my life experiences and desire to
learn more about our country's laws and people.

Furthermore, what I experienced in my past decisions made me doubt myself. I

remember crying every night, blaming my Psoriasis on everything; I felt worthless and
weighty. I was the firstborn child, and there was a lot of pressure; I also wanted to repay
my parents, give my brothers the best lives they deserved, and make myself proud.

Many people say I'm fearless because I'm a risk-taker, but that's not true because
everyone has fears. It is normal to have it, and our experiences develop it. It is not easy
coping with it, but one must face it to grow. The truth is, I am not afraid of ghosts,
sharks, or zombies; the only thing that I am scared of is not being successful in the
future. I fear not reaching my dreams when God gave me many opportunities, so I am
pursuing my dreams again, hopefully at Ateneo de Naga College of Law.

After many months of overthinking and preparing for this, I realized that everything
happens for a reason; what is coming is better than what is already gone. As Taylor
Swift said, "Everything you lose is a step to take." That's why I am, deciding to move
forward and reach for my dreams because a dream without actions will only be a
dream. Life may not be full of flowers and unicorns, but life is full of rainbows; no matter
what life throws us, there will always be a rainbow after the rain. Those sufferings will
make us stronger and wiser.

I've been battling with Psoriasis for almost nine years, and it was an arduous
journey, but this illness made me stronger. I may have Psoriasis, but that doesn't mean
it will hinder attaining my goals. Psoriasis will never define my capabilities. Instead, it
will be my bullet to stay still no matter how stressful law school will be. My Psoriasis
reminds me that I can be what I want. Law school may be scary, but when you feel
afraid, that's the moment that you jump. Sometimes when challenges arise, we feel like
we're at the dark phase of our life; we think we're being buried, but in reality, we're being
planted to grow and be the best version of ourselves.

I want to be a lawyer to defend and safeguard human rights. A lawyer has a powerful
role in our society, but he has a big responsibility to the people and the country, and with
that, I am not afraid to give my tears, blood, and sweat for this, Lagi't Lagi Para sa
Bayan. Also, I want to continue the legacy of my grandmother, who's now in heaven. I
want to be an inspiration, especially to young people with Psoriasis, that even though
they have this kind of disease, as long as they have dedication and perseverance, they
can always dream big. They are worthy to achieve all the goodness in life.
So why should I be one of the seventy-five students accepted to this prestigious
institution? Because I want my story to be worth telling. Just like Spiderman, I want to
have power for the people. I want to be the voice of the voiceless, an instrument of
hope, and as Mahatma Gandhi said, " Be the change you want to see."

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