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The Coming of the Mughal

Fill in the blanks.

Babur became the ruler of Hindustan at the age of _________ .

(13 years)
Babur was born in ___________


Babur fought the first battle of Panipat against ________

Ibrahim Lodhi
A second contestant to the throne of Delhi defeated by Babur was _______

Rana Sanga
Humayun was defeated by Sher shah Suri in the Battle ________
Sher Shah Suri lost his life when he was besieging the Fortress of _______
The Battle of Kanwaha was fought in _______
Babur became the ruler of Farghana a small state in _________ .
Central Asia
First Battle of Panipat was fought in _______________.

(1526 )
Sark-e- Azam was _________ miles long.

( 1500)
Rana Sanga was the ruler of_____________.

Who laid the foundation of Mughal Empire in India ____________ .

Today’s Grand Trunk Road has a length of _________________Km .

Humayun’s son Akbar was born in _____________.

Humyun presented Shah Tahmasp with the __
Koh-i-Noor diamond
Sher Shah Suri died in ____________.

Babur ruled Hindustan only for _____________ .

4 years

The name of Babur’s Memoirs _________________ .

Tuzk-e- Baburi

Babur the founded the Mughal dynasty in India in _________.


Answer the following questions.

Why was the Battle of Panipat considered important?

What were the contributions of Humayun in the field of arts?

What is importance of Tuzk-e-Baburi- The Memoirs of Babur?
Why Babur was successful to get victory in the three battles?
What led Babur to invade India?

What kind of difficulties/ challenges did Babur face when he came in Hindustan?
What were the benefits of building of Sarak-e-Azam (Grand Trunk Road)?
Compare and contrast Babur and Humayun as a ruler of India?
Do you think Humayun was successful ruler as Babur?
Do you think Sher Shah was a successful ruler?

Sher Shah laid the foundation for the administration of the Mughal Empire. Do you agree?
The Tuzk-e-Baburi is a good source for evaluating Babur’s character. Do you agree?

How was Humayun able to recover his kingdom in 1555 CE?

Why was the building of Sark-e- Azam useful for Sher Shah ‘s government?

Do you think Sher Shah was a successful ruler?

Was Rana Sanga of Mewar a worthy opponent of Babur?

Explain why Humayun faced problems during his reign?

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