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Ngày thi: 19/9/2019
(Hướng dẫn chấm gồm 03 trang, tổng điểm 100)


PART I. You will hear an interview with Trina Trevose, a pop singer who is only fifteen. (5 pts)
1 point for each correct answer
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B

PART II. You will hear a photographer called Ian Gerrard talking about his career. Complete the sentences with a word or short
phrase. (5 pts)
1 point for each correct answer
6. geography 7. Street markets 8. magazine 9. winter 10. motorbike


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. (2.5 pts)
0,5 point for each correct answer
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B

II. Choose the word with a different stress pattern. (2.5 pts)
0,5 point for each correct answer
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D


I. Choose the word or phrase that best fits each sentence. (5 pts)
0.5 point for each correct answer
1. B 2. B 3. D 4.A 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A

II. Supply the correct form of the words given in brackets to complete each of the sentences below. (5 pts)
0,5 point for each correct answer
1. attentively 2. apparent 3. praiseworthy 4. geographically 5. impersonating
6. observatory 7. motivated 8. concept 9. success 10. differentiate

III. Complete each gap in the sentences below with a correct preposition or adverb particle. (10 pts)
0.5 point for each correct answer
1. to – for 2. on – of 3. up - of 4. of - off 5. of - to
6. to - from 7. beneath - with 8. at - for 9. On - behind 10. of - beyond

IV. Fill each gap in the sentences with the correct tense the phrasal verbs in the brackets. (10 pts)
0.5 point for each correct answer
1. make for 2. take - apart 3. look back on 4. came across 5. setting - off

6. get over 7. stuck up for 8. hold with 9. back down 10. run down

V. Identify one of the four underlined parts in each sentence that is not correct, then get it right. (5 pts)
0.5 point for identification and 0,5 point for correction
1. A => had lain 2. C => have been discussed 3. C => mechanical
4. B => almost 5. A => x

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I. Read the passage and choose the correct answer. (10 pts)
1 point for each correct answer
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B
6. A 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. C
II. Read the following passage and choose the correct word to fill each gap. (10 pts)
1 point for each correct answer
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5.D
6.B 7. C 8. D 9. D 10.A
III. Fill each gap in the following passage with ONE suitable word. (10 pts)
1 point for each correct answer
1. have 2. couch 3. to 4. gone 5. between
6. meets/ answers/ fulfils/ fulfills 7. end 8. out 9. taken 10. too


I. Finish each of the sentences below in such a way that it means the same as the original sentences. (5 pts)
1 point for each correct answer
1. Andrew found it difficult to watch the film on a small tablet screen.
2. By a stroke of luck, we found a very good restaurant to have lunch.
3. Kim’s boss asked him if / whether he had been feeling less stressed.
4. On her own admission, she was rather selfish.
5. The thief is believed to be still in the house.
II. Rewrite each of the sentences below in such a way that its meaning stays the same, using the word given in capitals.
Do not change this word in any way. (5 pts)
1 point for each correct answer
1. I have not seen my family for four years.
2. This problem is, by no means, so difficult as it appears.
3. Tom had his house designed by a famous architect./ Tom had a famous architect design his house.
4. Harry is responsible for supervising all the employees of the company.
5. I was taken aback by her warm welcome/ the warmth of her welcome.
Her warm welcome/ The warmth of her welcome took me aback.
III. In about 150 words, write a paragraph about the effects of Facebook on high school students’ lives. (10 pts)
Mô tả tiêu chí đánh giá
1. Bố cục (2pts)
 Câu đề dẫn phải thể hiện được rõ ý kiến của người viết
 Bố cục hợp lí, rõ ràng phù hợp với yêu cầu của đề bài và đầy đủ 3 phần: câu mở đầu, các ý, câu kết.
2. Phát triển ý (3pts)
 Phát triển ý có trình tự logic và mạch lạc
 Có giải thích, dẫn chứng, ví dụ xác thực đủ để bảo vệ ý kiến của người viết
3. Sử dụng ngôn ngữ (2pts)
 Sử dụng ngôn từ, cấu trúc đa dạng, phù hợp với nội dung của bài viết, chuẩn về kết hợp từ
 Sử dụng từ nối các ý cho bài viết uyển chuyển
4. Nội dung (2pts)
 Độ dài: Số từ không nhiều hơn hoặc ít hơn so với quy định 10%
 Đủ thuyết phục người đọc
 Đủ dẫn chứng, ví dụ, lập luận
5. Ngữ pháp, dấu câu và chính tả (1pt)
 Sử dụng đúng dấu câu, chính tả
- Lỗi chính tả gây hiểu nhầm/ sai lệch ý sẽ bị tính một lỗi (trừ 1% điểm của bài viết)
- Cùng một lỗi chính tả lặp lại chỉ tính là một lỗi
 Sử dụng đúng thời, thể, cấu trúc câu đúng ngữ pháp. (Lỗi ngữ pháp gây hiểu nhầm/ sai lệch ý sẽ bị trừ
1% điểm bài viết.)

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Part I. You will hear an interview with Trina Trevose, a pop singer, who is only 15.For each question, choose the best answer.
Interviewer: …Trina, you’re 15 and you’ve just come back from America where you’ve been making records. What was it like?
Trina: It was wonderful. I had the six-week school summer holidays and, you know, went over there for a month and then
started school again.
Interviewer: What did your classmates at school think?
Trina: I just told close friends what I was doing in the States …. And I thought, well, if the records were successful, then I’d
tell everyone..
Interviewer: And they were successful.
Trina: Right. And my friends were very good about it. Not envious, or anything.
Interviewer: Did you like being in USA?
Trina: Oh, yes, most of the time it was great- the people are so friendly.
Interviewer: Did you manage to write any songs there?
Trina: Well, yeah, I did. Most of the stuff I’ve done in England had been about the people closest to me – you know,
Mum, Dad, my sister. They weren’t with me in the States, and although I missed them and silly things like the
rain in England and fish and chips, being surrounded with new faces gave me lots of materials for my songs.
Interviewer: Now, in the USA you did a song with someone who was a star when I was your age, David Pearson, and you
hadn’t any idea who he was?
Trina: No, it was embarrassing, actually. But he was a really pleasant guy. He was recording an album in the same studio,
and he had this song that he needed someone to sing with him, and he asked me, and I was only too delighted to do
Interviewer: So where do you see your career going? Will you go back to States?
Trina: Well, not for a while I shouldn’t think, as I have another two years at school here in England. I know my schoolfriends
are thinking of college but I’m not sure that’s for me, even to do music. Then, my agent has been trying to persuade
me to do it full time, and my parents say it’s up to me, but I’m happy to wait a while before that happens. I can still
write, after all – in fact, one of my songs is in the American charts at the moment, but sung by someone else.
Interviewer: well, the best of luck, Trina, and now ….
Part 2. You will hear a photographer called Ian Gerrard talking about his career. Complete the sentences with a word or short
Good evening, everyone. My name’s Ian Gerrard and I’m a photographer. I’m here to tell you a bit about my career so far, and
also about my new book.
I often get asked if I studied photography at university and people are sometimes surprised that I didn’t. I wanted to, but my
parents wouldn’t let me, so I had to choose something else. I loved history but my marks weren’t very good, but I was keen on
geography too, so that is what I did in the end. I actually think it’s made me a better photographer, and has given my work a
broader context.
On my degree course, in my final year, we studied all aspects of the development of cities and we had to do a presentation.
We could do what we wanted and it was really interesting the topics people chose. I chose street markets for mine but a friend
did his on the growth of urban transport networks.
On graduation, I went to the USA. I knew I wanted to work as a photographer, so I’d sent pictures to news organisations and
advertising agencies, hoping I might get something in a brochure, or even a newspaper! In fact, it was a magazine that noticed
my pictures, and I worked for it for a year.
I learnt a huge amount, but what I really wanted to do was see the USA for myself. I needed a theme, something really
American – maybe photographing diners or shopping malls around the country. Then I remembered all those westerns I’d
seen and I just knew it had to be horses – I’d found what I wanted to focus on!
It was an amazing six months – I started off in the baking heat of summer on the east coast, and finished my journey up in the
mountains. I get the most striking shots in the winter light, although I do love the warmth in summer photos.
Anyway, I came back to Britain at the beginning of spring and published my US photos in a small book. I earned just enough
to finance my next trip – round the UK. I felt it was time I explored my own country. I’d done a lot of driving in the USA and I
wanted a change from the car, so went by motorbike instead. I love train travel, but I wanted to get to more remote areas.


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