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You Need to Know
to Transform your
Business & Your Profits

Hi, I’ve put this guide

together to help you to
transform your Business
– and your life.
Big words, I know, but we’re
not messing about here –
as you’ll discover.
It lays out the seven things that, when you
embrace and implement them, WILL make a
significant impact to your level of success.

Listen, I’m a straight talking Yorkshireman; so if

you’re looking for business theory, mind-set fluff
or corporate bollocks, then you’re in the wrong
place. None of that here.

Since 2004, I’ve built eight separate £million+

businesses right here in the UK and I’ve done it
using the strategies that are laid out for you here.
Truth is, I’m not some ‘guru’ who teaches and
preaches about stuff but never does it himself.

On the contrary, I’m in the trenches – just

like you – every single day, so you’re safe in
the knowledge that what’s contained in the
following pages is real stuff that makes a real

I hope you find it helpful.


The Single Most SECRET 1

Important Thing
Let me start with a quick story… do, Nigel, in order for this business of yours to
become a success?”
When I started out in business on my own, in
2003, I walked away from a highly paid job in the Well, I flipped and flopped around a bit before
corporate world. Six-figure salary, big bonuses, settling on my final answer.
company car, the works.
“I guess I’ve got to get and keep enough
My wife, Sue, was very supportive in those early customers” I said.
days, but neither of us wanted to compromise the
lifestyle that we’d built for ourselves. At that point, “If I crack that, then one way or the other
we had three children (it’s four now), we had a everything else will take care of itself.”
nice house, nice holidays, etc. and whilst I deeply
wanted to have my own business, I didn’t want to “I think you’re right” replied Martin. Phew, I thought.
lose the lifestyle that I’d worked so hard to build “So when are you getting and keeping customers
over the preceding 18 years. today then?” he continued.

Perhaps you felt the same when you started your I didn’t understand...
He explained: “Nigel, you’re a reasonably intelligent
So, I re-mortgaged the house to free up some bloke and you’ve just told me that the single most
cash which would support us during that critical important thing for the success of your business –
first year in business and the goal I agreed with which, by the way, I happen to know is the single
Sue is that I had to deliver £100,000 of profit in most important thing in your life right now - is
the first 12 months in order to keep going with getting and keeping customers. Given that you
the business. I took responsibility and agreed that know that, then any sane, sensible person would
if I didn’t make it, then I’d go and get another job surely allocate some time each day to doing that
(whilst I was still employable!). single most important thing.”

In the end, I achieved my goal with three months Well, of course, I hadn’t. I felt really stupid.
to spare and one of the reasons for that was the
help given to me by a local guy called Martin But in response I started a habit. One that I put
Howie who’d recently retired from business and into practice the very next day. It’s a habit which,
he used to pop round to my house for a cup of in truth, has been behind every single ounce
tea and share his wisdom and perspectives on of success that I’ve been fortunate enough to
business with me. achieve since that fateful day.

One afternoon, in March 2003 (it was the day You see, getting and keeping customers is the
the statue of Sadaam was toppled in Baghdad!) lifeblood of every single business – including
Martin came round my house. I’d been in business yours.
for less than three months at that point but I was
gaining some traction. And if you’re in the same position that I was that
afternoon then this habit, which I’ll outline to you
Martin sat on my sofa and asked me “What’s the in Secret 2, could change your life in the same
single most important thing you’ve got to way that it completely changed mine…

Stung by the obviousness of my conversation with sneaky peek at what’s come into the inbox overnight
Martin, I rose early the next day. I’m a morning because nothing is allowed to deflect me, during
person. All my best work happens in the first half of those critical first 90 minutes of the day, from
the day. My brain is sharper, my output prolific. It’s me doing the single most important thing for the
when I’m at my best. success of my business – my 90 minutes on the
getting and keeping of customers.
So I arrived at my desk at 7:30 a.m. and I spent
the next 90 minutes doing the things that would And the truth is, if you analyse all the success that
help me to get and keep more customers. I was we’ve been fortunate enough to achieve in business,
crafting my offers, writing my emails, developing then what you’ll find is it’s all been built in 90-minute
the new products – all the things that would chunks.
make my business more successful. And I’ve kept
on doing that, first thing, every morning, every It means that I emerge, blinking into the light, at
working day since. Seriously. around 9:00 a.m. or 9:15 a.m. and I can take on
whatever s**t the day throws at me – because I’ve
I’m no longer working from a back bedroom in my done the most important thing.
house like I was in those early days, but even now
I get to the office around about 7:30a.m, my office Why 90 minutes? Because I can stay ‘in the zone’ for
door is shut and there’s a sign on the door which that long. I don’t get distracted, I can stay focused
says “Do Not Disturb Unless Building is On Fire.” and I get a heck of alot of stuff done. Once I get
Everyone knows they can’t come in. much beyond an hour and a half I find it very hard to
maintain optimum concentration.
My mobile phone is turned off, my office phone
is off the hook, and the last thing I did the night But think about it; 90 minutes a day, 5 days a week,
before when I left the office was turn off that’s 30 hours a month of uninterrupted focused
email on my computer. I don’t even have a time to make the things happen that move my
business to where I want it to be. I promise you,
the impact can be revelationary – once you take
responsibility and develop the habit.
It’s so important I’ve
written a whole book on it!
Oh, and one other thing I’ve learned along the way
Available from Amazon is that if you are continuously working “in” your
and all good book shops. business then it’s impossible for you ever to become
wealthy and super-successful.

In short, if it’s work, it won’t make you rich. Which is

why you have to get off that treadmill, find those 90
minute chunks and focus “on” your business rather
than “in” it.

Most People in Your

Industry are WRONG...
Now, I recognise that this is quite a contentious But the sad fact is that for most business owners,
headline but I’d like you to think about this for a somewhere between that first day in business and
moment please. today, their goal has been compromised.

You see, what I’ve come to recognise is that for any No one set out to get-by or struggle but the most
group of businesses, but particularly when you look common reason that happens is that people look
across an entire industry or sector like yours, what around and copy the other people in their sector.
you find is that 1% of the players in that market
are crushing it. They’re seriously wealthy and Well, if you do the same as most people in your
unquestionably super successful. sector then you’ll end up with the same results as
them, which means… you’ll either be ‘getting by’ or
Roughly speaking, there’s about 4% that are doing struggling.
great and 15% that are well on their way.
The smart thing to do is to identify, clearly, who
But what I’ve found (and I promise you this is true) is in the 1% or the 4% at the top of the tree and
is that, typically, 60% of business owners at any model your activity on them. Copy those guys –
one time are ‘getting by’ and 20% are struggling. not the masses.

Now, once you accept this analysis it forces you Yet, so few people do that.
to a very uncomfortable conclusion and that is
that most people in your sector are wrong… about I’ll let you into a little secret – all the things I’m
everything because 80% of businesses are either writing about in this report are NOT things that I
getting by or struggling and that was never the plan have discovered or invented myself. I’ve learned
was it? them from others. And the people I’ve learned
them from have been people in the 1% and the 4%
I remember vividly the very first day I was in and that’s what’s enabled me to establish myself in
business on my own. I sat upstairs in the back the 1% and 4% as well.
bedroom, the house was empty and I felt this
massive wave of “Oh F***” envelop me. The reality is that super-successful people do
the things that are set out in this document and
I realised that I’d just put the livelihood of my they’re the ones that you have to model yourself
family in the hands of this newly formed business on, not everyone else (those who continue to bask
and it was incredibly scary. But I had a goal. I had in mediocrity and lurch from cash crisis to cash
a dream. Just like you did on the first day in your crisis).
This is one of the reasons why the Entrepreneurs
Every single entrepreneur, on day one in their Circle works so well for so many people: because
business, had a dream or goal too. It’s what it’s full of people in the 1%, 4% or 15% so there’s
motivated us to take that massive step to go it plenty to model and learn from.
alone. To embrace responsibility.
Make sense? Ok, let’s move on and get properly
Whether it was the freedom, the money, the drive practical…
to do something worthwhile with your life, you had
one too.


Exploit the Web…

(‘cos most people don’t!)
The Internet is here to stay, baby, and super successful business owners
all embrace the Web and use it to help them grow their profits.

BUT 90% of local businesses are doing So if you are selling baby clothes, you can
nowhere near enough to exploit the target women who’ve just had a baby.
potential of the Web.
If you’re selling golf clubs, you can target
And no... I’m not just talking about having a people who like golf.
If you’re selling bright tartan cat collars with
The easiest and simplest thing you should do bells for the partially deaf you can target
(right now) if you haven’t already is register people aged between 55-70 who live in
with ‘Google My Business’. Scotland, own a cat and have previously
shown an interest in both tartan clothes and
You know how sometimes if you search for cat collars.
something on Google, you get a little map in
the search results? Ever wondered how you It’s incredibly advanced.
could get on that map for your relevant search
terms? If you have a list of your current customers,
you can even upload their email addresses
It’s all on Google My Business! into Facebook and it’ll look at any similarities
they have (interests, demographics etc.) to
It takes literally 10 minutes to do and can create your own ‘lookalike audience’ of
instantly propel you to the front page of people who Facebook thinks will make great
Google. If you’re a local business, then this is customers for you...
an absolute MUST DO for you. The best bit is
that it’s completely FREE! Like I said... incredibly powerful.

Check it out here: You can learn more about Facebook Ads here:
Another great way to use the web and get
in front of your target market is through If you haven’t at least experimented with
Facebook Ads. Google My Business and Facebook Ads then
add this to your to do list!
Facebook Ads allow you to target your
marketing to exactly the right type of people They’re both super simple and could help you
you want. You can target people’s interests, bring in tonnes of new customers - you could
demographics like age and gender and even use your first 90 Minute session to get them
income! both sorted!).

Your Most SECRET 5

Valuable Asset
I’m so grateful that I learned, pretty early on, what the A couple of 90 minute chunks should crack it!
most valuable asset is in my business.
Talking of websites, by the way, the main aim of all
It’s not my people (no matter how good they are); my websites (I’ve got over 20 different sites – there’s
It’s not my brand (although that can be really no law that says you’re only allowed to have one!)
important); is for me to entice my visitors, in all sorts of different
And it’s definitely not “me” (if it is, then I haven’t got a ways, to give me some contact information in
business – I’ve just got a job). exchange for something that has perceived value to
them. That’s how I grow my database.
No, what I learnt over ten years ago now is that
by far the most valuable asset in my business is You’re probably reading this report because you went
my database, i.e. the contact details and purchase to one of my websites and put your details into a
history of all my customers and those who have ever webform. See. It was painless… and it does work.
enquired about anything.
I could write an entire book on this particular topic
You see, when you build and nurture a database alone, but when you have dozens or hundreds of
(keyword there “nurture”) you’re able to put yourself potential customers coming into your database
in a position where you really can generate “income every day, it gives you control of the on-going
at will”. communication.

Every time I send an email out to my list, I make a Think about it: if you’re not building your database
sale. Every time. from your web traffic then you’ll have no idea who
has been to your website nor, more importantly, do
Now, armed with that information, how often would you have any way to get them back or remind them
you send emails out? that you exist and why they should buy from you.

That’s right, every single day. But once you’ve got their contact information you
can send them an email, say, or if you’ve got their
To be clear, I don’t send emails to everybody, every postal address (“would you like a printed copy of this
single day – that wouldn’t be “nurturing” my list, it report sending to you in the post?”) you can send
would be abusing it, so I segment my database down them stuff in the mail. If the things that you put out
in all sorts of different ways but I make sure that every there position you properly, reinforce the value that
day something is going out to someone and, as a you can provide, endear you and your team to them,
result, I generate loads more sales than the other and make you the obvious place to do business (and,
people in my market (that’s a great example of the if you compound that by constructing genuinely
difference between the 1% and the 60%, right there!) compelling offers with real imminent deadlines), then
you’ll start to see step changes in the number of
Now, I recognise that this can take a little bit of orders and bookings that you get.
getting your head around. People can be frustrated
because they don’t feel they’ve got a database to I promise you, none of this stuff is difficult, it just
start with. But even if you have to extract details from requires the right thoughts & daily disciplines to make
your accounting system of all the people that you’ve it happen (your 90 minute chunks are great for this!)
raised invoices for over the last couple of years, and/ - yet it’s often one of the big things that separates
or you have to change your processes when you people in the 60% and the 20% who don’t do it, from
meet with people or they go to your website say those in the 1% and the 4% who do…
(my websites are the number one most lucrative
way that I build my list – and it could be for you too, So another big takeaway: start to build and nurture a
if you do the right things) it’s not that hard to start database.
systematically building your database.
Follow Up, Follow Up,
Follow Up. relevant emails to each and every person on my list
most weeks.

FACT: Super-successful businesses Does it take time and effort? Yes. Is it worth it?
Undoubtedly. But don’t people get fed up with
follow up with their prospects much hearing from me fifty or sixty times a year? No – not
more than ordinary businesses do. if you do it properly.

I learnt this initially on the back of my very first trade If every message I sent out was selling to them, if
show in 2004, but it’s been reinforced to me many I treated all my customers as one big amorphous
times since. mass and made no attempt to individualise my
communications based on their particular situation
The sad truth is that lots of businesses never follow or circumstances or, if I was bland, boring or self-
up with prospects after the first enquiry. The obsessed and only talked about myself then I can
majority only follow up once or twice. see, quite easily, how people would get turned
off… but that’s not what happens, because I do it
What I discovered over ten years ago now is that it properly.
can take seven, nine, twelve, sometimes twenty-six
separate communications and follow ups for some Just put yourself in the position of a potential
people to make a final decision and purchase my customer for a moment. There’ll be times, probably
product or service. So I don’t give up and they get in the recent past, when you’ve been thinking
those communications, often spread over many about making a decision on something that you’re
months. interested in but you never quite got round to it.

It’s this sort of systemic communication and And then it was that one thing that you saw in an
staying in touch (much of it can be automated) that email, a brochure, or that you heard on the phone,
differentiates, yet again, the people in the 1% and that nudged you over the line and got you to take
the 4% from those in the 20% and the 60%. You see, that decision and make that purchase.
most people give up way too early.
That’s what we’re talking about here. About you and
I met someone last week who was really proud that your business putting yourselves in the position to
they now have a five-step follow up programme in be the ones giving that nudge.
place but the reality is that if you’re giving up before
ten follow ups, then you’re definitely missing out… Listen, if you want to stay a small business forever
big time. then just make sure that you never follow up more
than two or three times with your customers and
Most business owners are worried that they’ll be prospects.
seen as pushy or will annoy their prospects with too
many emails etc. But then most business owners Incidentally, an additional little nugget for you here
are in the 80% of struggling businesses aren’t they! is that when you communicate and follow up with
your database using different media (e.g. direct mail
We regularly make sales to people who first as well as email, say, and/or a phone call) then you
enquired over a year ago. The reason they buy is significantly increase your response.
because we stayed in touch – we followed up –
If your follow up is all one dimensional and uses
and that’s well worth the time and effort, frankly. It’s the same channel/mechanism each time, then
part of what has made us super-successful. It’s well there’s more money left on the table that you can
easily access by using other routes, to get the same
worth me taking time every Monday morning (in my message to the same people.
90 minutes) to send topical, interesting, useful and



In most businesses, 20% of Purchasers get a lot more stuff but it’s far more
profitable for us. The only thing we changed
customers will pay more for a with our marketing and sales was that when
premium product or service if you a customer rang up to buy, we said, ‘that’s
make it available to them. great, would you like the Standard Pack or the
Professional Pack?’
In all walks of life, there are plenty of examples
of businesses offering premium levels of product That’s all we did. We didn’t change any of our ads,
or service. Theatre tickets, airfares, hotels – they it wasn’t even on the website, but we asked the
all have different levels of pricing that people can question when people came into buy.
choose to pay.
From the first month when we did it, right up to
Will you fly economy, or first class? Will you stay in the current day, every single month between 19%-
a 2 bedroom suite or a studio room? Will you get 21% of our customers buy the Professional Pack.
the bronze package or the gold?
I had a chiropractor that said this couldn’t possibly
We’re used to seeing the ‘big boys’ use this apply to his business. He was wrong. He now has
strategy, yet it is much more unusual to find different prices for his appointments depending
premium products or services in small businesses. on the time of the day. If you want to see him first
thing in the morning or in the early evening, then
Implementing this in your business can, however, you pay a premium price.
generate a double-digit percentage increase in
profit immediately, as I found out with My Little He’s introduced premium pricing to reflect the
Wrapper, a personalised chocolate business I time of day and the result has been an increase in
started in 2008. his profits of over 20% in the last 12 months for
exactly the same amount of work – and he’s lost
When we introduced My Little no clients.
Wrapper, we initially only had a
single product. It’s there for everyone.

Three months in, however we introduced a What’s your premium price offering? It’s
Professional Pack to the range. The Professional something that you won’t have to think too hard
Pack sold for 50% more, but generated almost about, and it can be implemented tomorrow.
100% more gross margin.

What you can

do next…
If this has got you thinking then you’ll want to do something
about it and actually I-M-P-L-E-M-E-N-T some of the things
I’ve talked about here.
You see, knowing stuff doesn’t make you rich – but doing (the
right) things does.

In my experience the best way is to just start.

Do something. Today.

Then do another thing tomorrow and so on and before you know

it you’ve built real momentum.

Money is attracted to action and motion so getting things started

is the key. And don’t forget that things can change really fast in
business. There are lots of members of the Entrepreneurs Circle
who have got more new customers in their first 12 months with us
than they got in the previous 12 years.

There are plenty who have gone from £30k or £50k turnover to
£500k or £1m in less than a couple of years – and you could too…
IF you take action, think the right way and do the right things.

If you could use some help or support to accelerate your progress

then we’re very happy to provide it.

Just give one of my crack team a call here at EC HQ on

0121 765 3407.

We’re all about helping UK business owners who aspire to super-

success and, though I say so myself, we are darned good at it!

So, if you’re really not sure where to start then I guess calling us
could be the answer!

Thanks for reading right to the end. I know you’re busy and I really
respect your time so hopefully the fact that you’ve got to here
means that you’ve found it worthwhile.

Sincere best wishes for the success of your business.



You Are Going To

In Your Business:

Focus on Getting and Keeping Customers

Do my 90 Minutes every day

Stop copying the 80%

Exploit the web

Grow and nurture my database

Follow up, follow up, follow up

Create Premium Products

0121 765 3407

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