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Environmental Value System

Act 1

1) An EVS must consider a system such as, it may be influenced by education,

experience,culture,media,etc. And involves a set of interrelated,premises, values and
arguments that can generate consistent decisions
2) By the word "paradigm" I can understand that is a way of interpreting things, taking
each situation in a different point of view.
3) We can see an example in the case of the anthropocentric and technocentric views
4) In the case of the anthropocentric view, believes that humans bust sustainably
manage the global system. By environmental regulation and legislation.
And in the case of the technocentric view, they believe that technological
developments can solve environmental problems. By cientifics studying ways to
manipulate or control to solve resource depletion.
5) In my Opinion, the technocentric paradigm must be useful and practical, such as by
applying the first paradigm. Most people don't care about the environment as we can
see nowadays, so by applying different technological methods, I think it would be
6) These environmental movements started in the last part of the 20th century. At this
moment NASA sent a rocket to space where they sent images of our planet showing
the bad effect our earth was suffering and at that moment people started presenting
different ways in which they were affecting it and trying to make politicians listen to
them to do something for the planet.
7) Nowadays people started concienticise about the enviroment by seeing how we are
getying afected, for example, by the climate change, pollution,enviromental
degradation,resource depletion and many other factors that are affecting our planet.

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