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I’m going to tel you about a mysterious person I once met in my life I met a fortune teller who was


neighbor across the street, at first he seemed like an ordinary man. The only strange thing was that I met

him every day at late hours when I was going for a walk with my dog, I didn't pay attention to it, but

when there was a full moon and I couldn't sleep, I leaned out my head out the window because I heard

strange noises and saw that the lights in his house were turned off and he always sleeps with a small

lamp next to the bed. I started to have some suspicions and decided that I would go to see what was

actually happening there. I opened the terrible, huge door to his house. , it seemed that there was no one

there, but my thoughts did not leave me alone, I decided that I had to look into one more room wich is

the basment.I have been afraid of this room since I was a child, but I told myself that I was 16 years old

and I had to overcome my fear and then I saw a million cards for spells, balls, books, and suddenly there

was a man sitting at a table who was casting spells on his hamster, I was in shock and fear. My

flashlight fell and then he turned around and I immediately fainted. It turned out that it was all just a bad


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