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Human VS robotic

1st part : human

-For pizza production :

 Pros
 Cons
-For Table Service :

 Pros
 Cons

2nd part : robotic

-For pizza production :

 Pros
 Cons
-For Table Service :

 Pros
 Cons
3rd part : argumentation and decision-making :
1st part : Human

 For pizza production :

The human approach to pizza production brings several advantages that contribute to
quality, diversity and customer satisfaction.

Creativity and adaptability:

Thanks to their culinary creativity and professional experience, human chefs can create new
pizza recipes. They can experiment with different types of ingredients, and because they
have the ability to perceive tastes unlike robots, they can know what tastes good, what types
of ingredients, seasonings and flavor combinations to choose. What's more, human cooks
can quickly adapt to specific customer requests, whether these involve particular food
preferences or allergies, for example.

Sensory quality:

Human chefs can taste, smell and feel the texture of ingredients, which lets them know
whether the ingredients are of good quality or not. This ability to assess sensory quality leads
to pizzas that are not only visually appealing, but also taste better.

Managing the unexpected:

In an environment such as catering, there are often unforeseen circumstances such as

specific requests for dishes or equipment breakdowns, for example. Human cooks can be
more flexible and make quicker decisions to resolve the unexpected. Their experience and
ability to adapt are invaluable in keeping operations running smoothly even in the face of
unexpected situations.
 For Table Service :

Table service is a crucial aspect of the overall restaurant experience. The human approach to
table service offers several significant advantages.

Social interaction:

Human servers have a warm, personal interaction and direct contact with the customer,
which is very important in the restaurant business. Whether it's for specific requests or for
greeting the customer. Waiters even sometimes have conversations with customers,
answering their questions or even recommending dishes to suit individual tastes. It all adds
up to a friendly, welcoming environment.


Empathy is an essential element of table service. It's often the case that human servers can
express empathy towards customers, recognizing their needs and addressing concerns with
sensitivity. This empathy can soothe dissatisfied customers and create a positive experience,
even in difficult situations. It can make customers feel more comfortable and perhaps
ultimately give them a tip.

The human approach in the restaurant business brings a human side, of indispensable social
interaction, whether in pizza production or table service. The aspects of creativity, sensory
quality, adaptability, social interaction and empathy make the human approach a valuable
option for offering a complete culinary experience to pizzeria customers.
2nd part : Robotic

 For pizza production :

The robotic approach to pizza production offers distinct advantages in terms of precision,
efficiency and long-term cost reduction.

Precision and consistency:

The robots are programmed and follow strict procedures, guaranteeing a high level of quality
and production.

The robots follow strictly programmed procedures, guaranteeing consistency in ingredient

quality and portions. This eliminates the human variations that can occur during manual
preparation. Each pizza is prepared with the same precision, guaranteeing a consistent
experience for customers.


Robots can work faster, more rigorously, and are able to follow routines without interruption.
This has an advantage on customer waiting times, which will decrease.

Long-term cost reduction:

The initial investment in robots may be high, but in the long term, operating costs can be
reduced. Robots don't need breaks, salaries or benefits, which can reduce labor-related

 For Table Service :

Automating table service offers specific advantages designed to improve efficiency and
reduce errors.

Precision :

Robots have unprecedented precision, as they are programmed to follow prepared and
precise routes to deliver orders to the corresponding tables without error.

Efficiency :

Robots are more than efficient because they can carry several dishes at a time, avoiding
delays and errors. They also have the ability to move quickly, making for a smooth service

Long-term cost reduction:

As in production, the continued use of robots for table service can reduce operational costs
in the long term. Fewer service errors mean fewer incorrect order replacements, which can
contribute to better resource utilization.

 However, it is important to note some of the potential drawbacks of the robotic


Lack of Creativity and Adaptability:

Robots follow strict instructions and are not able to innovate or adapt to special customer
requests in the same way as humans.

Lack of Sensory Judgment:

Robots cannot assess the sensory quality of ingredients or dishes in the same way as
humans. They cannot detect problems such as an overcooked pizza or a poorly prepared dish
based on sensory criteria.

In the context of pizza production and table service, the best option may depend on a
company's specific priorities. On the whole, however, the human approach is more rigorous
and better suited to our needs.

Humans bring the creativity, sensory quality and adaptability needed to create tasty pizzas
and provide attentive service to customers. What's more, they are better equipped to deal
with unexpected situations and provide warm social interaction, which enhances the overall

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