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Spiders produce a protein thread which is extremely strong compared to man-made fibres of the
same diameter.

Scientists can now use bacteria to produce the same protein.

How can they do this?
(Total 3 marks)
(a) Vectors are used in the process of genetic engineering.
Which two statements are correct?
Tick (✓) two boxes.

Vectors are enzymes used to ‘cut open’ the DNA


Vectors are used to insert genes into cells.

Vectors are used to isolate the required gene.

Vectors are used to stimulate cell division.

Vectors are usually plasmids or viruses.

(b) Scientists have genetically engineered a variety of wheat to be resistant to herbicides.
The herbicide resistant variety of wheat will give a higher yield than the non-herbicide
resistant variety.
Explain why.
(c) Give two examples of genetic engineering in use today.
Do not refer to herbicide resistance in your answer.
1 _________________________________________________________________
2 _________________________________________________________________

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(d) Scientists working on the ‘Human Genome Project’ have now mapped the entire genetic
code of humans.
Explain one way this could be important for people in the future.
(Total 9 marks)
The Arctic flounder is a fish that can survive in extremely cold waters.
In the 1990s scientists transferred genes from the Arctic flounder into tomatoes to create a frost-
resistant tomato. The tomatoes were never grown commercially, partly because of public
(a) What is the name of the technique in which genes are transferred from one organism into
the cells of another organism?
(b) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using this technique to produce crop plants
such as frost-resistant tomatoes.
(Total 4 marks)
Insect pests can be controlled without using chemical insecticides.
For example, the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis produces a toxin extremely poisonous to
certain species of insects. The gene which produces this toxin has been introduced into tomato
It gives them built-in resistance to a range of insect pests, but is not poisonous to humans.
(a) Explain, step-by-step, how the tomato plant is made resistant to some insect pests.
(b) Give two arguments for and two separate arguments against controlling insect pests in
this way.
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
(Total 8 marks)

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In 2012 scientists genetically modified goats to produce a specific protein in their milk.
The protein is found in the malarial parasite and can be used as a vaccine against malaria.
In the process:
• cells of goats are modified to produce the malarial protein
• the goats are milked
• the protein is removed from the milk
• the protein is purified.
(a) Describe how goat cells are modified so that they can produce the malarial protein.
(b) The scientists have only modified female goat cells.
Suggest one reason why.
(c) Scientists can clone the genetically modified goats.
Suggest two reasons why the scientists clone the goats instead of producing offspring by
sexual reproduction.
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
(d) The protein in the milk has to be extracted and purified before it can be used as a vaccine.
Scientists are improving the process so the protein will work as a vaccine without needing
to be extracted and purified.
Give two possible advantages of producing goat’s milk that contains an effective malaria
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
(e) Malaria affects many people across the world.
Describe how the white blood cells might respond to an infection of the malaria pathogen.
(Total 12 marks)

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Mark schemes
• gene cut out/taken
• put in bacterial (cell) do not allow “nucleus”)
• cells cultured / grown in bulk
1 mark each
(allow 1 mark for “genetic engineering” if no other marks gained)
(a) vectors are used to insert genes into cells
vectors are usually plasmids or viruses
(b) wheat not affected by spraying / herbicide
allow only weeds affected / killed by spraying / herbicide
(so) wheat gets more light / water / nitrates / ions / minerals
allow less competition for light / water / nitrates / ions / minerals
ignore nutrients
ignore carbon dioxide
ignore space
(so) more photosynthesis / glucose / proteins (for more yield)
idea of more needed at least once for mp 2 and 3
(c) any two from:
• production of human insulin / medicines
• crops resistant to diseases / pests
allow examples such as potatoes resistant to blight
• crops resistant to frost
• crops resistant to drought
• crops / foods with added nutrients
allow examples such as golden rice with vitamin A gene
• plants / crops with more / bigger fruits or higher yield
allow examples such as larger tomatoes
• crops with improved taste
• crops with improved shelf life
(d) identify genes linked to (certain) disease
allow correctly named diseases such as cancer / diabetes
so can lead to better prevention / treatment of that disease
identify genes causing inherited disorders (1)
so may prevent children being born with the disorder by using IVF or gene
therapy (1)
tracing human migration patterns from the past or evolution of humans (1)
so to better understand the ancient history of humans (1)
(a) genetic engineering
allow genetic modification
ignore GE or GM
(b) any three from:

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maximum two advantages
• increases yield
• longer growing period
• (grower) can make more money
• can produce plants with desired characteristics.
allow example eg develop plants with pest resistance
maximum two disadvantages
• gene could be passed onto wild plants
• effects on ecosystem / food chain
allow example, eg bee population
• adverse effects on gene pool
allow example eg less genetic variation, ignore clones
• possible adverse effects on human health.
ignore damage to soil
ignore references to cost
ignore references to ethical issues
(a) ideas that
• (toxin) gene cut out (from bacterium)
• of bacterial chromosome/DNA / plasmid (not nucleus)
• transferred to tomato chromosomes / cells/DNA/nucleus
• makes the toxin in the tomato plant
each for 1 mark
(b) For:
• good if we are sure that it only kills tomato pests, not bees etc
• humans will not be eating toxic insecticide
• don’t have to buy insecticides
• less use of ‘chemical’ insecticides/less pollution
• reduce labour costs
• no hit or miss spraying
• spray washed off / needs respraying
(not to ensure better crop/better quality tomatoes  Q asks.... in this way)
any two for 1 mark each
• not sure how the gene will affect other tomato genes/characteristics/named
• characteristic
• toxin might affect other organisms that feed on plant eg useful insects
• genetic engineering unethical/unnatural
• can’t predict the effect of mutations
• could mutate to form a human toxin
(not ‘insects may develop resistance also applies to chemical insecticides)
NB Credit other sensible responses for/against
any two for 1 mark each
(a) gene for the malarial protein is removed from the malarial pathogen
allow gene for the malarial protein is removed from the malarial
goat DNA / chromosome is cut open

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using an enzyme
goat and malarial DNA are combined (and put back into the goat cell)
(b) only females produce milk
allow males don’t produce milk
(c) ensure all the offspring are female (to produce milk)
ensure all goats will have the malarial protein gene
all will produce the malarial protein / vaccine
(d) any two from:
• everyone who drinks milk will get the vaccine
• no need for storage / refrigeration of the vaccine
• cheaper production of the vaccine
• less risk of infection from injections
• no needles which some people are scared of
(e) pathogens are engulfed (destroyed) via phagocytosis
antibodies are produced to kill the pathogens
(and) antitoxins are made (to stop the symptoms of malaria)

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