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Prodi Sp1 Obstetri dan Ginekologi

dr. Achmad Ridwan, MO, M.Sc


Daftar nama Mahasiswa Prodi Sp1 Obstetri dan Ginekologi:

dr. Diani Wulan dona 04052722428001

dr. Beby Dwi Lestari 04052722428002
⁠dr. Rina Novitriani 04052722428003
dr. Dewi Zartika 04052722428004
⁠dr. Alman P Manalu 04052722428005
dr. Egyd Tradiga 04052722428006
dr. Dimas Djiwandono Daryanto 04052722428007
dr. Elmo Saviro Herprananda 04052722428008
dr. Leonardus Yogie Ricardo 04052722428009
dr. M. Alfadilla Akbar 04052722428010
dr. Habibi Adhi Pratama Duarsa 04052722428011
dr. Mohamad Reihansyah Deswindra 04052722428012
dr. Muhammad Vary Pramadezta 04052722428013
dr. Nopan Rahmat Dermawan 04052722428014
Skenario 1
A 24-years old woman in 34 weeks of gestation presents to emergency room
after being referred from local clinic due to severe hypertension. This is her
first gestation. Her referral letter said that her blood pressure was 162/108
mmHg and measurement in emergency room revealed her blood pressure to be
172/114 mmHg. She also has proteinuria. In the emergency room, you have
oral nifedipine and intravenous labetalol and you wonder what’s more
effective between oral nifedipine and intravenous labetalol in

1. Formulating Question? Background question

- What is the most dangerous outcome of preeclampsia?
- What the approved drugs to treat preeclampsia in emergency settings?
- Which choice is the safest and the most efficacious: oral nifedipine or
intravenous labetalol to treat preeclampsia?

Foreground question
Is there any randomized controlled trial to compare oral nifedipine better
than intravenous labetalol to treat severe preeclampsia?
Question Terminology(ies) Alternate terms(s)
P:Patient Pregnant Late trimester, third
I: Intervention Randomized controlled trial RCT
C: Comparison Nifedipine Labetalol
O: Outcome Effectiveness Efficacy, control
2. Keyword and Search Strategy
a. Identify terms to fit PICO question

#1 Pregnant #3 Randomized #6 Nifedipine #8 Effectiveness

controlled trial
#2 Late trimester #4 RCT #7 Labetalol #9 Efficacy
# Third trimester - #10 Control
#1 OR #2 OR #3 #3 OR #4 #6 AND #7 #8 OR #9 OR #10
Seleksi artikel yang relevan:
pregnant AND randomized controlled trial AND nifedipine AND labetalol
AND effectiveness

b. History and Search Details

3. Download abstract dan Full text Journal
Skenario 2
A 26-years old, 10-weeks pregnant mother is worried when a friend of her died
after suffering eclampsia. She wondered whether it’s a good idea to take
vitamin D as one of supplementation in pregnancy. She heard that vitamin D
deficiency is common in Indonesia and she wondered whether vitamin D is
beneficial to prevent preeclampsia. She asked your professional opinion.

1. Formulating Question?
Background question
- What is preeclampsia?
- What is the risk factors of preeclampsia?
- What is vitamin D and why is it important in pregnancy?

Foreground question
Is vitamin D supplementation beneficial to prevent preeclampsia?
Question Terminology(ies) Alternate term(s)
P=Patient Primigravid Pregnant

I: Intervention Randomized controlled trial RCT

C: Comparison Vitamin D Placebo
O: Outcome Preeclampsia -

2. Keyword and Search Strategy

a. Identify terms to fit PICO question

#1 Primigravid #3 Randomized #6 Vitamin D #8 Preeclampsia

controlled trial
#2 Pregnant #4 RCT #7 Placebo -
- - - -
#1 OR #2 OR #3 #3 OR #4 #6 AND #7 #8
Seleksi artikel yang relevan:
primigravid AND vitamin D AND preeclampsia AND randomized
b. History and Search Details
c. Selected Journal full text dan Abstract
d. Critical Appraisal of Randomized Clinical Trial
Judul Jurnal : Effect of early vitamin D supplementation on the incidence
of preeclampsia in primigravid women : a randomised clinical trial in
Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Does the study question match your Ya. Pertanyaan penelitian menjawab
question? pertanyaan yang telah diajukan. Desain
Was the study design appropriate? penelitian dipilih dengan tepat dan telah
diajukan dalam registry untuk clinical trial
dengan nomor ISRCTN46539495.
F: Patient Follow-Up Follow-up dilakukan hingga persalinan
 Were all patients who entered sehingga kebutuhan follow-up tercapai.
the trial properly accounted Angka loss-to-follow-up kurang dari 10%
for at its conclusion? Losses to pada kedua lengan penelitian (61/649 di
follow-up should be less than kelompok kontrol, 56/651 di kelompok
20% and reasons for drop-out perlakuan). Alasan drop-out adalah
given. mengundurkan diri, abortus, atau clear egg.
 Was follow-up long enough?
R: Randomization Ya. Populasi pasien mencakup seluruh
 Were the recruited patients perempuan primigravida dengan kehamilan
representative of the target tunggal dengan usia kehamilan kurang dari
population? 16 minggu tanpa komorbiditas. Usia kurang
dari 16 minggu dipilih karena ada proses
 Was the allocation invasi trofoblas yang sedang terjadi.
(assignment) of patients to Pengacakan dilakukan dengan cara single-
treatment randomized and blind di mana hanya subjek yang tidak tahu
concealed? jenis perlakuan yang diperoleh.
I: Intention to Treat Analysis Ya. Terdapat analisis intention-to-treat
 Were patients analyzed in the terhadap pengurangan angka kejadian
groups to which they were preeklamsia.
S: Similar Baseline Characteristics of Ya. Pada data baseline tidak terdapat
Patients perbedaan statistik yang bermakna kecuali
Were groups similar at the start of pada kadar kalsium di mana kelompok
the trial? kontrol lebih tinggi secara bermakna.
B: Blinding Subjek menjalani blinding tetapi para
 Were patients, health workers, peneliti tidak mendapat blinding.
and study personnel “blind” to
 If blinding was impossible,
were blinded raters and/or
objective outcome measures
E: Equal Treatment Seluruh subjek pada kedua kelompok
 Aside from the experimental penelitian diperlakukan dengan setara
dalam follow-up dan proses persalinan.
intervention, were the groups treated
Conflict of Interest Penelitian tidak disponsori pihak manapun.
 Are the sources of support and Tidak ada konflik kepentingan yang
other potential conflicts of dilaporkan.
interest acknowledged and
Summary of Article’s Validity Secara umum penelitian ini memiliki desain
 Notable study strengths or yang baik. Kelemahan yang menjadi
weaknesses or concerns? perhatian adalah desain single-blind tetapi
tidak terdapat kendala serius dalam
 How serious are the threats to pengumpulan hasil penelitian. Kelemahan
validity and in what direction lain adalah tidak ada data aktivitas fisik dan
could they bias the study makanan sehari-hari yang dikumpulkan.
Kel. Preeklamsia Normal Total
Suplemen 12 571 583
Tanpa 33 543 576
Total 45 1114 1159
Control Event Rate 5,7%
Experimental Event Rate 2,1%
Relative Risk 0,36
Absolute Benefit Increase 3,6%
Relative Benefit Increase 63,2%
Number Needed to Treat 1,58
Importance RR preeklamsia 0,36 (95%CI 0,19-0,69; p =
0,001). RR persalinan preterm 0,56 (95%CI
0,32-0,78; p = 0,002).
Overall Importance Penelitian ini bermakna secara statistik dan
memiliki makna secara klinis.
Similar patient Ya. Usia pasien pada penelitian ini berkisar
1. Are your patients similar to those in antara 14-40 tahun dengan median 21
tahun. Tingkat pendidikan tinggi pada
the study? penelitian ini adalah 18,7% yang serupa
dengan Indonesia. Perbedaan dengan
Indonesia adalah tingkat konsumsi alkohol
di penelitian ini yang mencapai 9,5% dan
kadar vitamin D rerata pada baseline yang
lebih tinggi dari Indonesia.
2. Are they so different that the results Tidak ada. Suplementasi vitamin D dapat
can’t help you? Is there any drugs, diperoleh di Indonesia.
skills, facilities, and cost that are not
3. How much of the study effect can Ya. Pasien diharapkan dapat menerima
you expect for your patients? Will suplementasi vitamin D selama kehamilan.
patients and/or family accept
treatments based on their social,
cultural, and religious values?
Realistic Interventions Ya. Suplementasi vitamin D dapat
4. Is the intervention realistic in your disarankan pada hamper seluruh pasien
setting? hamil.
5. Does the comparison intervention Tidak. Suplementasi vitamin D pada
reflect your current practice? penelitian ini diberikan satu kali per bulan
pada dosis 60 ribu IU per pemberian di
kunjungan antenatal.
6. What alternatives are available? Suplementasi vitamin D diberikan setiap
hari dalam bentuk suplemen harian.
7. Have all the right outcomes been Ya. Tujuan penelitian ini telah terjawab
considered? pada hasil dan kesimpulan penelitian.
8. Are the outcomes appropriate to Ya. Mengingat defisiensi vitamin D umum
your patient? terjadi di Indonesia dan pencegahan
preeklamsia penting untuk menurunkan
mortalitas serta morbiditas ibu,
suplementasi vitamin D dapat menjadi
alternatif yang murah dan bermanfaat untuk
meningkatkan kesehatan ibu secara
9. Does the intervention meet their Ya. Suplementasi vitamin D selama
values and preferences? kehamilan tidak bertentangan dengan nilai-
nilai sosial maupun agama yang dianut di
OVERALL CONCLUSION Penelitian ini dapat diaplikasikan di
Indonesia dan diharapkan mendatangkan
manfaat yang luas bagi kesehatan ibu dan
perempuan secara keseluruhan.

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