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In ten lines describe your last vacations.

R// My vacation was fun, I walked around the city, saw many beautiful places, and also played
soccer, which is my favorite sport, I went to train almost every day, and I saw many soccer games,
but I also had time to rest and watch movies comedy, action among others. In my free time, I was
also with my friends, we told jokes and played around the neighborhood.

Describe three indigenous tribes from Colombia.

1. R// Los Wayúu: They are the most populated indigenous community in Colombia, mainly
inhabiting the desert region of La Guajira in the north.

2. Los Emberá-Chamí: They are found in various regions of Colombia, such as the
departments of Risaralda and Quindío.

3. Los Nasa (o Páez): reside mainly in the southwestern region of Colombia, in the
department of Cauca, and are known for their cultural resilience and fight for land rights.

Number and describe 5 environmental issues in Colombia.

1. Deforestation: Colombia faces significant deforestation primarily due to agriculture, illegal

logging, and expansion of infrastructure. The Amazon rainforest and other biodiverse
areas are threatened, leading to habitat loss for numerous species and impacting local
communities dependent on these ecosystems.

2. Illegal Mining: The country grapples with illegal mining activities, especially in regions like
the Amazon and Chocó. This unregulated mining leads to deforestation, soil and water
contamination with mercury and other pollutants, and social conflicts while affecting
indigenous territories and fragile ecosystems.

3. Water Pollution: Colombia struggles with water pollution, primarily from industrial
activities, mining, and inadequate waste management. Rivers and water bodies are
contaminated with chemicals and waste, impacting aquatic life and endangering the
health of communities relying on these water sources.

4. Biodiversity Loss: Colombia is one of the world's most biodiverse countries, yet it faces
biodiversity loss due to habitat destruction, deforestation, illegal wildlife trade, and
climate change. Many species, including endemic ones, are threatened with extinction.
5. Climate Change Vulnerability: Colombia is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts,
including extreme weather events, rising temperatures, and altered rainfall patterns. This
affects agriculture, water resources, and increases the risk of natural disasters, impacting
both ecosystems and human settlements.

Endangered species. Complete the following chart describing five endangered species.

1. Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus): This majestic bird of prey lives in mountainous and rocky areas
of the Colombian Andes. Habitat loss due to deforestation and illegal hunting have drastically
reduced their populations. In addition, lead poisoning and other threats such as lack of food and
human persecution have contributed to their vulnerable situation.

2. Charapa Turtle (Podocnemis expansa): This species of freshwater turtle is found in rivers and
lagoons in the Colombian Amazon. Illegal hunting for their eggs and meat, as well as the
destruction of their habitats by felling trees and building dams, have endangered their survival.

3. Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus): This bear is found in the Andean forests and cloud forests
of Colombia. The loss of their natural habitat due to deforestation for agriculture, urbanization and
illegal mining has led to the decline of their populations. In addition, illegal hunting and conflict
with humans due to competition for resources aggravate their situation.

4. Iris-billed Toucan (Pteroglossus inscriptus): This colorful bird lives in humid tropical and lowland
forests in different regions of Colombia. Deforestation and habitat fragmentation due to
agricultural and urban expansion are significant threats to their survival.

5. Amazon River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis): This freshwater dolphin is found in the rivers of the
Colombian Amazon. Water pollution, the construction of dams that alter the natural flows of
rivers, and incidental fishing are factors that affect their habitat and put their survival at risk.

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