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He had always dreamed of working in a corporate job.

He had studied hard, graduated with honors, and

applied for the best companies. He had wanted to be successful, respected, and wealthy. He had wanted
to be the right person, the right employee, the right leader.

But there he was, sitting in his cubicle, staring at his computer screen, typing the same reports,
answering the same emails, attending the same meetings. He had been there for years, with no
promotion, no recognition, no satisfaction. He had been there, with a fake smile, a fake enthusiasm, a
fake loyalty. He had been there, with a broken spirit, a broken ambition, a broken dream.

He had been there, to please his boss, to please his clients, to please his family.

He felt a numbness of emotions, a lack of passion, and boredom. He felt a loss of memories, a loss of
moments, and joy. He felt a pressure of expectations, a pressure of responsibilities, and stress. He felt a
void of meaning, a void of purpose, and happiness.

He didn't know what to do, what to say, what to feel. He didn’t know how to change, how to grow, how
to live. He didn’t know why he was there, why he stayed there, why he couldn’t leave there.

He looked at his screen, then at his colleagues, then at himself. He looked at the past, then at the
present, then at the future. He looked at the wrong, then at the right, then at the choice.

He took a deep breath, and made his decision.

He decided to quit his corporate job. He decided to follow his passion, his talent, his dream. He decided
to be a writer, a poet, a storyteller.

He packed his bags, left his cubicle, and said goodbye to his colleagues. He called his boss, his clients,
and his family. He told them he was leaving, he was changing, he was living.

He felt a surge of emotions, a mix of excitement, courage, and hope. He felt a flash of memories, a blur
of moments, and smiles. He felt a tug of temptation, a hint of curiosity, and wonder. He felt a wave of
freedom, a storm of possibilities, and joy.
He knew what to do, what to say, what to feel. He knew how to change, how to grow, how to live. He
knew why he was there, why he left there, why he couldn’t stay there.

He looked at his bags, then at his door, then at himself. He looked at the past, then at the present, then
at the future. He looked at the wrong, then at the right, then at the choice.

He took a deep breath, and left.

He moved to a new city, a new apartment, a new life. He bought a new laptop, a new notebook, a new
pen. He wrote a new story, a new poem, a new book.

He worked hard, he worked smart, he worked with passion. He wrote well, he wrote beautifully, he
wrote with talent. He published his work, he received praise, he gained fame.

He was happy, he was proud, he was fulfilled.

But then, he got sick. He got very sick, he got terminally sick, he got incurably sick.

He had cancer, he had stage four cancer, he had no chance of survival.

He had come too far, he had come too late, he had come too close.

He had lost his health, he had lost his time, he had lost his life.

He had no treatment, he had no cure, he had no hope.

He had only pain, he had only regret, he had only despair.

He had made the wrong choice, he had made the right choice, he had made the tragic choice.
He took a deep breath, and died.

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