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Green Team - Team Charter

Milestone One
Part 1

Team Name Project Name Duration

Team Green EverGreen - PQM Training Program 07/07/2023 to 08/08/2023

The EverGreen Company, an established organization, has sought the expertise of Team Green
PM Consultants to address the challenges faced by their Project Management Office (PMO). Due
to a series of concerning product failures, Evergreen has made the strategic decision to prioritize
addressing these quality issues and seek assistance in developing project quality management
best practices. As a result, Team Green PM Consultants has been hired to create a series of
Project Quality Management (PQM) training modules, specifically geared towards their
mid-level managers.

Team Green PM Consultants includes a diverse team of certified Project Management

Professionals (PMPs), each with a strong educational background in Organizational Leadership.
With our team’s commitment to leadership and extensive experience in developing training
programs at multiple organizational levels, we are confident that we will be able to deliver an
exceptional series of PQM training modules.

Our goal is to draw upon diverse teams’ level of knowledge and expertise to deliver an
orientation module for a Project Quality Management training plan. Implementation of this
PQM training will guide the leadership in making measurable changes in the team, which has the
potential to decrease the level of product failures.

Team Members
● Name: Student 1
○ Role: Visual Content Creator and Editor
○ Main responsibilities:
■ Creating and editing visual content
■ Develop content related to the PQM attributes of “Organization” and “Resource
■ Assist in developing final training program slides (approx. 3 slides)
● Name: Student 2
○ Role: Visual Media Coordinator/Quality Assurance
○ Responsibilities:
■ Coordinate visual media for Final Project
■ Develop content related to the PQM attributes of “Acting Early” and “Problem
■ Assist in developing final training program slides (approx. 3 slides)

● Name: Student 3
○ Role: Content Writer & Developer
○ Responsibilities:
■ Development of Project Plan related documents (including Team Charter)
■ Define PQM/PQI
■ Assist in developing final training program slides (approx. 3 slides)

● Name: Student 4
○ Role: Communication Coordinator
○ Responsibilities:
■ Coordinate team meetings & check-ins
■ Develop content related to the PQM attributes of “Performance Overview” and
“Stakeholder Communication”
■ Assist in developing final training program slides (approx. 3 slides)

● Name: Tanisha Brewer-Lott

○ Role: Content Writer & Editor
○ Responsibilities:
■ Development of Project Plan related documents (such Team Charter)
■ Describe importance of PQI and tools required
■ Assist in developing final training program slides (approx. 3 slides)

Objectives & Project Scope

● Provide EverGreen leadership with a clear definition of Project Quality Management (PQM).
● Describe the importance of PQM & Project Quality Improvement (PQI) as it relates to the
health of the EverGreen organization.
● Identify tools required for the implementation of PQI.
● Identify a minimum of six attributes/PQM concepts that EverGreen leadership can reproduce.
● Increase awareness of project management quality tools and processes available.
This project will commence 07/08/23 and is scheduled to conclude on 08/08/23. The following
are key activities and milestones:

Key Milestone/Activity Due Date

Team Green - Initial introductory call to review project/task assignment 7/11/2023

Initial Draft of Team Charter & PQM Topic overviews due for Team Review 7/16/2023

Milestone 1: Team Charter/Draft of PQM Topics Due 7/16/2023

Team Meeting - Evaluation of current status/assignment of tasks for “Training

Program Module Plan”

Initial Draft of “Training Program Module Plan” due for Team Review 7/26/2023

Milestone 2: Training Program Module - Draft of Presentation Plan Due 7/30/2023

Team Meeting - Evaluation of current status/assignment of tasks for

“Introduction Training Session” presentation

Initial Draft of “Introduction Training Session” presentation due for Team


Milestone 3: “Introduction Training Session” presentation Due 8/8/2023

Communication Norms
Regular team meetings will be held every Tuesday to discuss progress, challenges, and
upcoming tasks through the duration of the project. Additionally, team members will
communicate through email, text, and other collaboration tools as needed. Meeting notes will be
taken with every team meeting and distributed through the shared Google Drive so that team
members can stay up to date on the current ongoing work efforts.

Success Metrics
● PQM Training Program modules delivered on-time and of a professional quality.
● Clear definition of project quality management that increases awareness at all levels of
company leadership and encourages implementation to better drive organizational results.
● Positive feedback from all levels of organization regarding PQM Training Program modules.
● Successful reduction of product failures.
Milestone One
Part 2

What is PQM and why do we need it?

Quality within Program Management is the relationship between an organization’s processes in

such a way that project deliverables meet the stakeholder’s specific requirements and
expectations. Quality encompasses the many aspects of an organization’s quality program in
relation to scope, schedule, and costs (Rose, 2014).

Project Quality Management (PQM) is achieved through a Quality plan that is subsequently
monitored through Quality Control and Quality Assurance. A Quality plan must be well defined
but also clearly understood across the entire team. Quality is defined by the “Project
Management Body of Knowledge” (PMBOK) Guide as conformance to requirements and fitness
for use. A specific outcome of PQM is Project Quality Improvement or a deliberate and
intentional process that draws on specific measurable data that incrementally drives change or a
move in direction to improve the overall quality processes (Rose, 2014).

Six Attributes of PQM

● Act early
In projects there will always be risk. But usually, you notice warning signs prior to any
risk, leading to the ultimate halt or delay of a project. In any process of a project, it is
important to observe each process thoroughly. This is to ensure that not only is the
process sufficient enough to provide a quality product, but that it is at a pace where you
can produce, and possibly exceed, the demand while also meeting the customers' needs.
As a project manager you should be able to identify any potential risk that can alter the
project's scope, change the budget, or worse, fail the project. Project managers should act
early in these situations and come up with a game plan to not just implement a fix, but
also to ensure that while acting early, future risk is eliminated. By following this key step,
it will help you work towards producing what the customer wants, as well as provide a
smoother transition from start to end. In the long run, this can help to save money and
increase the chances of success.

● Problem Solving
As a project manager you will run into pivotal moments throughout your project's life
cycle that requires you to implement solutions, sometimes on the spot to ensure the
project is successful. All projects come with some types of risks and barriers that can
throw the project off track completely. As a problem solver, it is your job to implement
solutions that not only help the project continue forward, but can eliminate the problem
altogether. Implementing solutions in a timely manner, which also ties into acting early,
will raise the probability of the success rate for the project. When you have this key
attribute as a project manager, you are able to seek opportunities for improvement, which
will help both the individual project and the overall organization on a short and long term

● Organization
Organization is a key aspect for project managers to succeed in their roles. Being
organized pertains to several different aspects of the project process. One major benefit
with being organized is that it helps project managers create detailed plans by breaking
down a project that takes a lot of work into smaller tasks, setting realistic deadlines, and
defining clear goals. When done properly, it helps team members have a better
understanding of what needs to be done and helps them stay focused on the end goal.
Organization also ties into managing resources efficiently. If you're properly organized,
you can have an understanding of how to properly allocate resources. This can vary from
people, to equipment, and even money. All this will effectively avoid delays and waste of
resources. When the importance of project organization is properly understood, the
project manager can ensure that the project is running smoothly. Additionally, organized
project managers can track project progress accurately. There are measures and proper
systems put in place to identify risks and measure performance. This helps with being
able to make informed decisions and keep the project on track. Good organization also
promotes effective communication. Project managers keep everyone updated, encourage
collaboration, and address issues promptly. This ensures that everyone is on the same
page and reduces misunderstandings.

● Resource Management
In order to be a successful project manager, we must be able to manage resources. One
reason project managers succeed is due to efficiency in this area. When a project begins,
the initial step is to plan carefully, which includes figuring out what resources are needed
and what time frame they are needed. This helps keep the project on schedule by making
sure resources are available when required. Another consideration to keep in mind is
assigning resources properly. This will ensure that tasks are given to the right people and
workloads are balanced. This keeps things moving forward at the pace planned for
completion of the project. Another key item to be aware of is how resources are being
used. If this is not done, it can lead to going over budget, which can be impactful to the
project. Good communication and teamwork are important and tie into how project
managers need to manage resources effectively. Managers need to make the most of what
they have, minimize problems, and achieve project success.
● Performance Overview
Performance is a key success metric in all projects, from start to finish, whether the
project is big or small. The biggest part performance contributes to a project is whether
setbacks occur frequently or far and few between. In order to judge a project as a whole,
all individuals involved will undergo performance management. Initially, an overview of
the entire project should be done to find any pieces that are falling apart. Secondly, an
objective review should be done of the team involved with the project. This highlights
areas of opportunity for team members to gain an understanding of where they can be
better or if access to resources was an issue. The main goal of the performance overview
is to evaluate each aspect of the project where it is at in a given moment. A project
manager can only be successful if nothing is left to the unknown for future potential
cleanup. Project Quality Management includes project performance which has a direct
effect on outcome.

● Stakeholder Communication
This attribute is a key factor in determining if a project comes to an end or if it will
blossom to potential. Stakeholders are key contributors to every project, whether in
person or virtual meeting. In order to capture what is most important to a stakeholder, a
project manager must be aware of what the key project objectives are. Communication
from the project manager to stakeholders is a critical aspect. This helps with there being
less surprises, addresses any budget constraints, clearly defines resource availability, and
provides updates on the team status. The more a stakeholder is involved in a project, the
increase in confidence they will have in the project manager, which could result in less
push back on key decisions. Engagement and interest of stakeholders is not easy to
maintain through a project though. One way of keeping stakeholders engaged is using
attention grabbers when opening a meeting. This could be done by highlighting some
important wins from the start. Another way to encourage engagement is by expressing the
importance of having all stakeholders present at meetings to provide their input and
communicate any new found concerns. Building an environment of trust and positive
energy, that encourages achievement goals, requires open communication. Therefore, it is
important to create an environment that includes one-on-one relationships with each
individual so that everyone is encouraged to communicate.

Works Cited
Rose, Kenneth. Project Quality Management, Second Edition: Why, What and How. J.
Ross Publishing, 2014.

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