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uuuuUuuUHUY BUUUBUBUY 0000000 6-INGERIS EXERCISE 1 4% what coer “ ravenous” meon? ( kelaparan / rtarving) a. Could | have a piece og bread ?/ missed breakgott and! 1m simply ravenous. b+ The poor horse wor ravenous and it ote the leavers anc/ bork ogg the tree. 2. what does “plippers” mean? Crip / swim shoer) @ we were all surprised to ree how fort Johnny, was swiman 29. Then we saw that the wor wearing slippecs. b eoith my glippert on my pect, Leet Uke @ ¢uh. 1 had never swum 60 part and 60 carl 3. whot does “wink” mean? ( mengedip / blink @ george winked to me from accom the room. it war & srgnal note to say anything about what we hod seen. & tve only known one cat thot could wink and thot war tinker, che really could cose fuse one of Aer eyes and she aid it often. 4. what coer “salow" mean? C pudar /pucat/ pole @.The poor child had rattow skin aad very thin, bo0y erm and lage. & You could tell grom his catow complexion thot the ho lived in on unheolthy climote gor mony yeare. s. what doe “aike’ mean? (Tanggul /embonk ment @. Agter so much rain, the river plowed over the dike and ‘ito the pields & People in thir area began burlding dikes many centurer 090: tt war the only way to keep thee sea out op therr_villages. © Dipindai dengan CamScanner vuuuHUUUoO VUUUUBUEBUU 0000000 6. what doer “gaudy” mean? Cmencolok / striking & she was wearing such gaucly clothet that it was eary to pind her in the crowd. & my mother always scrd thot old laches shouldn't weor _bringht colors. she thought that they would look gaudy and foolish. EXERCISE 2 ts what doer “pitch” mean? (nada / tone) «The singers was +0 terribly of piteh that it hure my ear to listen © The ambulance siren was at such @ high pitch that we all jumped. a. what coer “shred” mean? frurax 7 broken ) «He read the letter carepully and then tore wto shreds. b. Sammy was @ real mem when he came home + Ars clother were in chredr and he war covered with mud. 3. what does “ mold" mean (cetotan /cast / print ) @ The liquicl plastic war poured into a mold and legt there until it wor hore. b The dentist pirst makes a mote of his patient's reeth. prom that he moker a model og the teeth to Secic/e how ¢0 correct any probiemt. y. what doer “eaves” meon? (atop /roog ) a. some birder had built a nert high upon the eaves of our houre. b. Houses 1a the mountains have wide eaves so the 1now wil not pile up against the windows. © Dipindai dengan CamScanner YUUuUNUNHTUNYEEeY BVuUUUUUEUY ©000000 $ what does “pressing” mean? ( menderak /urgent ) «Mr. Brewster had come very pressing businest, 50 he heel to leave berore the meeting wor over, = b. The state of the environment 1s one of the more pretting problems of our time. 6. what does “ porch" mean? ( serambi / beronda/| balcony )| On nce clays, ole Mrs. Willows always sot out _on her porch and watched the people pat by. b. From the second gloor porch, there was a wondergu/ view o¢ the ocean. a. EXERCISE 3 nehat doer “stoop” mean? membungkuk ( Bow, Sag, slouch) & The old man walked slowly along, all stooped over and leaning on a stick, b- When 1 stooped down ro get a better 100%, / realized that 14 war adead rabbit. it muct have been hit bg a car. 2. what coe “squall” meon? badar | | (tempest, gale, storm) « The equal arrwed 50 cuddenly that we all got wet when we ran home fram ehe beach, b. when they raw the rguol coming, the railors toox own the solt and headed zor the port. 3. hat does “gush” mean? membesut (spurt, spurted out, gurhed ) 4: when the pountain evor turned on, the water gushed we several geet into the air. b The blood gushed out o¢ bis wound uatil the elector put ona tight bandage © Dipindai dengan CamScanner 0000000 4 what doer “ rugged" mean? kavac (cruel, rough, asperour) &sutan and her husband ted @ 7Ug9ed lige in the elarkan mountomns, with no electricity and 20 running water. & The young mon's pace war ragged, but hit caile war prrencdly and the children ro0n forgot their pears, 6. what coer “imp” mead? hebat Ceute, great , fabulous) & ewhat on imp he was! tittle Tomy wat elwogt getting into trouble, but making us laugh about /t. & ewith her pointed litte chin, bright eyes and impith expresion, we cidn’t know whether to beleve the child. 6. what acer “reggy” mean? basah (wet, camp, most) | “ The study window had been sept open during the rtorm, ancl my powers cwerea soggy mere. © We gathered up the reggy towelt and bathing suite and hung them all in the cun to dry anggota kelompok ’ Beriel Swarnadipa Nugraha 23060230098 a. Achmad Yaatin 23060230094 3. Sectya Intan Cahyaning Putfi 23060230196 4. Satriyawan Ouiyantoro 23060230133 6 Aeiriand Bernad 06 Rosa 23060230 202 & Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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