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M.M. 25 T.T. 1 hr

1. Convert the following amounts into paisa: 3 marks

(i) Rs. 15.25

(ii) Rs. 0.09

(iii) Rs. 0.43

2. Convert the following amounts into rupees: 3 marks

(i) Rs. 9 and 45 paise
(ii) Rs. 8 and 70 paise
(iii) 7875 paise

3. Add: 3 marks
(i) Rs 3870.25 + Rs 2347.23

(ii) Rs 6892.21 + Rs 4673.25

(iii) Rs 4347.62 + Rs 3982.25

4. Subtract: 3 marks
(i) Rs 8235.82 – Rs 6937.93

(ii) Rs 6787.31 - Rs 3238.29

(iii) Rs 7795.34 - Rs 3126.26

5. One packet of biscuit cost Rs. 24.75. What is the cost of 6 packets of biscuits? 2 marks

6. If a pencil cost Rs. 4.50 paise, what will be the cost of 9 such pencils? 2 marks

7. Amit got Rs. 45.45 from his father and Rs. 35.85 from his mother, then he purchased one toy of Rs.
55.55. How much money left with Amit? 3 marks

8. The cost of glass tumblers cost Rs. 264.15. What will be the cost of 2 such tumblers? 3 marks

9. Six train tickets cost Rs. 679.20. Find the cost of two tickets. 3 marks

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