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Chemosphere 71 (2008) 294–298

Levels of organochlorine pesticides residues in dairy products

in Kumasi, Ghana
Godfred Darko *, Samuel Osafo Acquaah
Department of Chemistry, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

Received 15 May 2007; received in revised form 3 September 2007; accepted 5 September 2007
Available online 17 October 2007


Determination of six organochlorine pesticides, lindane, aldrin, dieldrin, endosulfan, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and
dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), residues were carried out on three dairy products sampled from six communities in the Kum-
asi metropolis in Ghana. Cheese samples were collected from three communities, (Tafo, Asawasi, and Aboabo), yoghurt samples from
K-Poly and Ayeduasi while yoghurt and milk samples were collected from KNUST. Concentrations of DDT and DDE were, respec-
tively, 42.17 ± 6.00 lg kg1 and 31.50 ± 3.44 lg kg1 in cheese sampled from Asawasi. Cheese samples from Tafo had an average
DDT concentration of 298.57 ± 28.02 lg kg1 while DDE concentration was 140.15 ± 56.77 lg kg1. The highest average concentration
of DDT in all the samples was 149.07 lg kg1 detected in cheese samples from Aboabo. Levels of DDT and its metabolite, DDE, in
cheese from all the three sampling sites (Aboabo, Asawasi and Tafo) were well below the levels recommended by World Health Orga-
nisation (WHO). Mean concentration of DDT in fresh milk samples from KNUST was 12.53 ± 1.61 lg kg1. As bioaccumulation of
these residues is likely to pose problems in higher organisms, like human beings, there is the need for effective monitoring of these res-
idues in the environment. This work, thus, seeks to provide information on levels of pesticide residues in dairy products that will assist in
a scientific assessment of the impact of pesticides on public health, agriculture and the environment in Ghana.
 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Dairy products; Organochlorine pesticides; Gas chromatography; Electron capture detector

1. Introduction widely used in cotton growing areas, on vegetable farms,

and on coffee plantations (Ntow et al., 2006). Organochlo-
Until the early 1980s, many chlorinated insecticides, rine pesticides such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
mainly; aldrin, dieldrin, DDT, and lindane have been used (DDT), lindane and endosulfan are also employed to con-
in controlling pests of crops, vectors of some diseases and trol ectoparasites of farm animals and pets in Ghana
other aspects of public health in Ghana (UNEP, 2002). (Awumbila and Bokuma, 1994).
Some of these pesticides are still widely used by farmers Most organochlorine insecticides, except lindane, are
because of their effectiveness and their broad-spectrum very stable solids with limited vapour pressure and very
activity (Amoah et al., 2006). Lindane is used on cocoa low water solubility. They are highly lipophilic and resis-
plantations, vegetable farms, and for the control of stem tant to microbial degradation (UNEP, 2001; Kaushik
borers in maize. Endosulfan, marketed as thiodan, is and Kaushik, 2007). They can, therefore, accumulate in
fatty adipose tissues and in the environment. As these
chemicals are inherently toxic to living organisms, the pres-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +233 24 3239354; fax: +233 51 40808/ ence of their residues in food items is of a major concern to
E-mail addresses: (G. Darko), sosafoac-
environmental and consumer groups (Willes et al., 1993). (S.O. Acquaah). Acute toxic effects of pesticides on animals and humans
Tel.: +233 24 3222276; fax: +233 51 60305. are fairly easily recognized, but the effects that result from

0045-6535/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

G. Darko, S.O. Acquaah / Chemosphere 71 (2008) 294–298 295

Table 1
Mean recovery (%), relative standard deviation (RSD) (%), limits of detection (LD) (n = 4)
Milk Yoghurt Cheese
1 1
Recovery RSD (%) LD (lg kg ) Recovery RSD (%) LD (lg kg ) Recovery RSD (%) LD (lg kg1)
Lindane 66 6 0.08 68 4 0.50 85 4 0.10
Aldrin 61 5 0.10 72 2 0.12 73 7 0.20
Endosulfan 72 4 0.15 74 6 0.23 62 8 0.35
p,p 0 -DDE 82 6 0.10 91 3 0.30 94 6 0.02
Dieldrin 83 5 0.10 72 2 0.05 71 6 0.40
p,p 0 -DDT 75 13 0.12 95 3 0.04 95 5 0.95

long-term exposure to low doses are often difficult to Cheese samples were collected from three communities,
distinguish. Data on the consumption of individual pesti- (Tafo, Asawasi, and Aboabo), yoghurt samples from K-
cides in Ghana are very difficult to obtain, because manu- Poly and Ayeduasi while yoghurt and milk samples were
facturers are reluctant to disclose such information and collected from KNUST, all in the Kumasi metropolis.
there is little governmental control of the use of such Sampling was done in two batches of ten samples each
chemicals. between the period of May–July 2004, for the first batch,
Work already done in some farming communities in the and December 2005–March 2006, for the second batch.
Ashanti region of Ghana has indicated the presence of Sampling was carried out weekly.
organochlorine pesticide residues in fish (Osafo Acquaah, About 10 ml of fresh yoghurt and of milk were taken
1997) vegetables, water, sediments, mother’s milk and from every drum of processed stuff brought for sale on
blood samples (Ntow, 2001). Significantly, as high as the day of sampling. For cheese, two balls were randomly
30.7 g kg1 hexachlorobenzene and 380.7 g kg1 p,p 0 - selected from every 100 balls being offered for sale. Samples
DDE were reported to be present in blood samples of some are collected into plain polythene bags, kept frozen in an
farmer in this study. In another study carried out on ice chest and sent immediately to the laboratory. In the lab-
the Volta lake, the largest lake in Ghana, lindane and endo- oratory, each of the products was bulked together, ground
sulfan were identified in concentrations 60.008 and and mixed thoroughly. A total of twenty samples were
0.036 ppb, respectively, in water, and 62.3 and 0.36 ppb, taken from each sampling site.
respectively, in sediments. DDT and dichlorodiphenyldi- Ten grams of sample (milk or yoghurt) was ground with
chloroethylene (DDE) were also found in sediment samples anhydrous sodium sulphate to yield a dry free-flowing
in concentrations 69.0 and 52.3 ppb, respectively, (Ntow, powder which was then transferred into a glass extraction
2001). No data is however available on the levels of these column of length 30 cm and internal diameter 2 cm. The
residues in dairy products which constitute an important dry column was then eluted with 80 ml of dichloromethane
part of meal of many communities in Ghana. with the first 40 ml allowed to stay in contact with the pow-
Because of their highly lipophilic nature, organochlorine der for 30 min. Dichloromethane in the eluate was removed
pesticides and their residues may easily concentrate in fatty using a rotary evaporator at 35 C under reduced pressure
foods (such as milk products) leading to bioconcentration (US-EPA, 1980).
and biomagnification through the food chain. There is, For cheese, 1 g sample was added to 20 ml methanol,
therefore, the need for constant monitoring of levels of 2 ml of 10% sulphuric acid, and 1 g sodium oxalate to
these residues in foodstuffs and the environment in order mix. To this was added 20 ml of ethylether/petroleum ether
to avert any environmental and health disaster. This work, (1:1) and then shaken vigorously for 1 min. The mixture
thus, seeks to provide information on levels of pesticide was centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 5 min and the solvent layer
residues in dairy products that will assist in a scientific transferred into 1 l separatory funnel. To this, was added
assessment of the impact of pesticides on public health, 5 ml saturated sodium chloride solution and 2 ml of 10%
agriculture and the environment in Ghana. sulphuric acid to wash. Aqueous residue in the centrifuge
bottle was re-extracted twice with 10 ml portions of ethyle-
2. Methodology ther/pet ether (1:1). The organic portions were combined
and the aqueous portion discarded. The solvent layer
All chemicals were purchased from BDH and were of (extract) was re-washed twice with 20 ml distilled water,
pesticide residue grade. Organochlorine pesticides (lindane, 2 ml of 10% sulphuric acid and 5 ml saturated sodium chlo-
aldrin, dieldrin, p,p 0 -DDE, p,p 0 -DDT, and endosulfan) ride solution. The extract was allowed to stand for 30 min
standards were purchased from Ehrenstorfer, GmbH, Ger- and water drained off. The solvent was evaporated on a
many, in sealed vials. SPE bond elut C–18, 3 cc/500 mg rotary evaporator at 40 C. The extract was allowed to cool
were purchased from Varian Inc., USA. A Shimadzu GC and the fat extracted with 10 ml methylene chloride solu-
– 9A gas chromatograph equipped with a 63Ni electron tion (US-FDA, 2002).
capture detector and SPB – 608 (15 m · 0.5 m film) capil- Each of the raw extracts was dissolved in 10 ml hexane
lary column was used in the analysis. and passed through pre-conditioned octadecyl C18 columns
Author's personal copy

296 G. Darko, S.O. Acquaah / Chemosphere 71 (2008) 294–298

at a rate of 2 ml min1 to clean up. The column was Table 2

washed with 1 ml, 30% methanol followed by 1 ml distilled Levels of pesticide residues in fresh milk from KNUST
water and was allowed to dry. The sample (analyte) which EMRL/MRL Mean Range SD
was trapped in the column was eluted five times with 0.5 ml (lg kg1) (lg kg1)
aliquots of hexane to recover the pesticide residues. Hexane Lindane 10a <LD <LD <LD
in the sample was then allowed to evaporate off leaving the Aldrin 6b 0.22 <LD– 0.01
residue alone in the vial. Dried sample was dissolved in Endosulfan 4a 0.60 0.02–0.12 0.03
1 ml portion of hexane, mixed thoroughly with a whirl p,p 0 -DDE – 1.42 0.01–4.62 0.02
mixer and then transferred to autosampler vials ready for Dieldrin 6b 1.32 0.04–4.62 0.20
gas chromatography. p,p 0 -DDT 20b 12.53 0.44– 0.01
The gas chromatographic analysis was performed under 28.62
the following conditions: the detector temperature was n = 20 for each site.
320 C. The injector temperature was 220 C and the col- <LD = below detection.
SD = standard error of mean.
umn temperature was 160 C (isothermal). Carrier gas a
Maximum residue level.
was helium at a flow rate of 30 cm s1. One micro litre b
Extraneous maximum residue level.
(1 l) of sample was injected into the GC.
Recovery analyses were carried out on samples fortified (Gerken et al., 2001). This trend is also reflecting the reduc-
at 1 lg kg1. After extraction and solvent evaporation, the tion and responsible use of organochlorine pesticide in
samples were analysed according to the proposed method. recent times (UNEP, 2002). DDT concentration in milk
The recovery values were calculated from calibration samples was found to be about nine folds that of, its
curves constructed from the concentration and peak area metabolite, DDE. This may suggest recent or continuous
of the chromatograms obtained with standards of the orga- use of DDT on the cattle and/or their feedstuff. Aldrin
nochlorine pesticides (Table 1). Blank analyses were also was detected in 75% of the samples at a mean concentra-
performed in order to check interference from the sample. tion of 0.02 + 0.01 lg kg1 while, its metabolite, dieldrin,
All determinations were done in triplicates. registered an average level of 1.32 ± 0.20 lg kg1 in all
Concentrations of the various residues in each sample the milk samples analysed. This may indicate the metabo-
were calculated in lg kg1 sample and the average concen- lism of original aldrin contaminant into dieldrin. The aver-
tration of each pesticide was compared to the Codex Max- age levels of both aldrin and dieldrin, recorded in milk
imum Residue Limits/Extraneous Maximum Residue were, however, well below their extraneous maximum limit
Limits, MRL/EMRLs, (WHO/FAO, 2006). of 6.00 lg kg1. The average level of 0.06 + 0.03 lg kg1
endosulfan recorded in milk is also lower than the maxi-
3. Results and discussion mum residue level of 4.00 lg kg1 recommended by the
WHO. Lindane was not detected in any of the 20 milk sam-
As shown in Table 2, an average of 12.53 lg kg1 of ples analysed (Table 3).
DDT was recorded for fresh milk sample. This value is Comparatively, yoghurt samples from Ayeduasi regis-
lower than those recorded for fresh milk from some devel- tered the highest average concentration of DDT and
oping countries, for example, Uganda 3.24 mg kg1, Nige- DDE of all yoghurt samples analysed. This was followed
ria 3.83 mg kg1, India 6.55 mg kg1, Kenya 6.99 mg kg1, by samples from K-Poly and then KNUST. Levels of
South Africa 20.10 mg kg1 and Ethiopia 7.75 mg kg1 aldrin and dieldrin also followed a similar trend. DDT
(FAO, 1986). The results are not surprising as all those and DDE were detected in all the yoghurt samples analysed
countries use more chlorinated insecticides than Ghana but were all below the extraneous maximum level of

Table 3
Levels of pesticide residues in yoghurt
EMRL/MRL (lg kg1) Ayeduasi KNUST K-Poly
Mean (lg kg1) Range SD Mean (lg kg1) Range SD Mean (lg kg1) Range SD
Lindane 100 <LD <LD <LD 0.03 0.01–0.05 0.01 0.01 <LD–0.01 0.05
Aldrin 150b 0.08 0.03–0.11 0.03 0.03 <LD–0.11 0.04 0.09 0.02–0.15 0.05
Endosulfan 100a 0.05 0.02–0.12 0.04 0.06 <LD–0.34 0.10 0.06 0.01–0.14 0.02
p,p 0 -DDE – 1.60 0.65–2.05 0.60 0.49 0.01–1.55 0.15 0.55 0.02–1.41 0.15
Dieldrin 150b 0.14 <LD–0.34 0.18 0.02 0.01–0.03 0.01 0.02 <LD–0.03 0.01
p,p 0 -DDT 500b 8.96 1.36– 5.67 4.09 0.71– 0.17 7.52 1.30– 2.00
17.50 15.65 19.20
n = 20 for each site.
<LD = below detection.
SD = standard error of mean.
Maximum residue level.
Extraneous maximum residue level.
Author's personal copy

G. Darko, S.O. Acquaah / Chemosphere 71 (2008) 294–298 297

Table 4
Levels of pesticide residues (lg kg1) in local cheese
EMRL/MRL (lg kg1) Aboabo Tafo Asawasi
Mean Range SD Mean Range SD Mean Range SD
Lindane 100a <LD <LD <LD 4.41 <LD–4.41 0.01 <LD <LD <LD
Aldrin 150b 2.35 0.26–6.55 0.29 1.54 0.01–5.15 0.26 3.18 0.93–7.88 0.84
Endosulfan 100a 3.31 0.57–9.06 0.18 4.25 0.14–8.21 0.08 2.70 1.29–4.88 1.44
p,p 0 -DDE – 149.07 0.16–485.76 8.51 140.15 13.27–357.45 56.77 31.50 22.00–41.00 3.44
Dieldrin 150b 4.30 0.88–18.60 1.02 15.95 1.41–30.49 0.56 2.01 1.21–3.94 0.12
p,p 0 -DDT 500b 14.02 1.33–38.58 10.59 298.57 1050.71–77.76 28.02 42.17 1.33–119.00 56.00
n = 20 for each site.
<LD = below detection.
SD = standard error of mean.
Maximum residue level.
Extraneous maximum residue level.

500 lg kg1. The mean concentration of endosulfan parasites on the cattle or from maternal transfer. It is there-
in yoghurt from Ayeduasi (0.05 lg kg1), KNUST fore recommended that a research conducted into the
(0.06 lg kg1) and K-Poly (0.06 lg kg1) were almost the fodder and feedstuff feed to these animals. It is essential
same. Lindane was below detection in all the yoghurt sam- to put up mechanisms for monitoring of residues levels in
ples taken from Ayeduasi but was detected in 10% yoghurt the ecosystem as well as the food chain. The results from
samples from KNUST and 30% of yoghurt samples from the study show that residues of organochlorine pesticides
K-Poly. The levels of all the residues detected measured are present in dairy products at concentrations lower than
in yoghurt were below their respective MRL/EMRLs. their maximum residue levels. Although these residues
Results from the analysis of cheese (Table 4) indicate occurred at very low concentrations in the samples, they
DDT level observed in cheese samples from Tafo is seven may accumulate to higher levels in human beings who con-
fold the levels observed in samples from Asawasi and 21 sume these products.
folds the levels observed in samples from Aboabo. DDE This study has provided the preliminary information on
(a metabolite of DDT) concentrations in cheese samples the concentration of some organochlorine pesticides in
from Aboabo and Tafo are rather similar, and almost five some milk products for the first time in Kumasi, Ghana.
folds the concentration observed in samples from Asawasi. The results will help in a scientific assessment of the impli-
The ratios of DDE/DDT concentrations in cheese samples cations of pesticide residues with regards to human risks in
greatly vary by sampling sites: Aboabo: 10.60; Asawasi: Ghana.
0.75; Tafo: 0.50. Milks used in the production of these local
cheeses are collected from different localities across the References
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the three sites were lower than their EMRL of 500 lg kg1. in Ghana. An analysis of current practice and factors influencing
Lindane concentration was below the detection limit of pesticide use. Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Accra, p. 137.
0.10 lg kg1 in all cheese from Aboabo. Lindane was Kaushik, P., Kaushik, G., 2007. An assessment of structure and toxicity
detected in only 2 out of 20 (10%) of the cheese sampled correlation in organochlorine pesticides. J. Hazard. Mater. 143, 102–
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were detected in cheese from Aboabo but at concentrations pesticide use practices in vegetable production in Ghana. Pest Manag.
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Author's personal copy

298 G. Darko, S.O. Acquaah / Chemosphere 71 (2008) 294–298

Techniques for Studying Environmental Behaviour of Crop Protection US-FDA, 2002. Pesticide Analytical Manual II, Center for Food Safety
Chemicals, Vienna, pp. 471–478. and Applied Nutrition, 3rd ed., vol II , Office of Plant and Dairy
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