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ICY CROWS (ANS EAI CSO) ALIFELONG PATH (YIOKULLSRAFN) The ley Crows are famous for being meditative, serene and intelligens A member ofthe Iey Crows often has visions of future events or cast the runes to peer beyond the veil of fe. The ey Crows are also expert of ancient magic rituals passed on orally within the clan. A true ley Crow live to serve the circle and its princi- ples, she would do anything to preserve them. An Tey Crow will never pass the opportunity to tell 4 story, recall a legend or pass down a myth, It doesnt matter how urgent are her obligations, she will always find time to tell about the way of the Gods and keep the ‘culture ofthe Nordic people alive. SERVING THE CIRCLE Despite their preeminence in the politics of the North, the ley Crows arentt a proper clan, they're a vast and highly structured circle, formed primarily by hermits, ‘wise seers, sorcerers and Skalds. they live according to a precise code of conduct, fully devoted to preserving the divine order on Midgarde. ‘The Iey Crows fulfill this divine call by retelling the legends of the Gods, they spread the cultural and ‘moral values through their actions. TEACHERS, JUDGES AND ARBITRATORS The Tey crows are more than protector of the cul tural heritage, they often handles administrative and ‘bureaucracy for the other clans. It's quite common for a Crow to sit next to the Jarl ~ as an adviser or a judge of the feuds between the citizens ~ oF the fulfil the role of the Logsogumadur (expert of the law) during a ping, a gathering of a great clan. ‘Their presence ~ as adviser, teachers and wise men ‘or women ~ through almost every village of Midgardr gives the ley Crows an immense network of inform- ants that the circle can always use for its own ends. PEOPLE OF MIDGARDR: THE CLANS, While every Tey crow is free to act as she saw fit, theres a precise hierarchy within the circle. “The headquarter of the order isin the famous temple of Uppsala (see page 110), in che region of Svtjod, very lose tothe forests of the Wolves of the Shadow: ‘When a youngster join the circle, she has to swear an oath to Fate itself and sever every bond with her pre- vious life. These new recruits must embrace neutrality and have a single purpose: serve the circle and pass on its values V oe ROE, Pz <= These adepts are called Rét (“Root”) and usually, after a first term of studies in Uppsala, they serve a Mimistafr "Pillar of Wisdom") as apprentices for ten years following the master in her journeys. During the long apprenticeship a Rét must learn the old tales, how to cast and read the Runes of Knowledge and study the principles that regulate the life and death of every Crow. Although there is no official age to join the ley Crows, its a common custom to send small children to the circle. There are a number of reasons for that, these chil- dren might be orphans or their parents swore an oath to the Gods. Some villages — especially the Wolves of the Shadow’ ones ~ send at least three children to the Crows ‘every year asa tribute. In some, much more rae, circum- stanced a kid might be sent because she was born with spot or other birthmarks that looks like the sacred Runes, hinting ata higher call. ‘An ley Crow might remain a Rétfor usta few month ‘or her entite life. Ths spiritual journey has no per-deter- mined length and only when the Mimistafr thinks the Rts eady, she would be appointed a proper Mimistaft Sess; During the last year, the biggest point of conten- tion between the Mimaneidbr has been which side the Crows will support, at least politically, in the impending war between the Odhinn’s Eye and the Wolves of Shadow. Under the religious perspective, every Crow thinks that its shameful and dishonorable for the King to deny the sir and the Vanir. Almost the entire clan thinks that the King’s companion is a powerful witch and some believe she's, at least partially, responsible for the coming of the Fimbulvett. ‘At the same time, there are no doubts that Ragnarok is at the gates and facing the ewilight of the gods with the circle so weak and fractured will bring shame co all the Crows. Its imperative to find a solution as soon as possible. inally, the circle has sent many Mimistaf, along with their Rét, to investigate the rumors, more and more frequent with each passing day, of monsters appearing and other magical events. Unfortunately, the terrible weather conditions make journeys harder and harder, RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER CLANS, Bear Warriors ‘The Bears are considered pure being, the closest true incarnations of the Nine Virtues. Because of that, the Crows see them as exuberant children that need guid: ance, so that they continue to follow the tradition and honor the gods. Usually, at least one Crow lives al year around at each Bears’ village to arbitrate those con- fice that would be solved through violence otherwise. “These Crows also teach to the children and pass on ancient legends. Recently, che Sages ofthe snowy mountains stopped sending news. Many think this is due to the terrible ‘weather, bur the circle has grown more and more wor- ried by ths lack of communication. Gjallarhorn “the ley Crows always looked with suspicion and fear at the rulers of the Gjallarhorn clan, because they never allowed the Crows to interfere in the internal politics of their lands and were ruthless in punishing those who tried to meddle, “The Crows that still lives in these lands are trying to contact the circle, but the weather isolated them and the few missives that came through were garbled and unreliable, They speak of a terrible war with the Franks and of something horrible beyond the Danevirke, but the only way to discover the truth would be send other warriors into the unknown across the Jutland. Jétunn Sons Tt docsnit matter how honeyed are their words, nor that the Wolves trust them and neither that they now seem willing to follow the Vietes: the cursed blood remain such. The Crows know beter than anyone else who the true enemy is. Despite the rule of neutrality, every Crow with a lick of common sense will never turn her back to a Jétunn Son. trusting a Gargan is never a good idea. The origin ofthis rivalry is ancient and is grounded in the foundation of the outcast clan, but only a handful of people knows Not all the battles are fought with swords and shields. Since time immemorial these two clans duel using cun- ning, magic and politics. Odhinn’s Eye While the King is bringing shame to the clan denying the Gods, the Odhinn’s Eye is still considered an ally by many Crows. The reason is twofold: most of the (Oshinn’s Eyes still pray the APsir and the Vanir and the entire clan still honor the Crows as keepers of virtue and knowledge. Still, the spreading of the faith of the Flame might ruin the relationship between these two clans and many scandalmongers whisper that the Mimancidhr haven't reach an agreement yet because the King bribed at least one of them. Wolves of Shadow The Wolves are the clan closest to the Crows. While they are often too impulsive, they are, without a doubt, the most devout clan. Recently, the Crows are relying more and more oon the Wolves to investigate the strange sightings of magical beings. While the rule of neutrality prevents the Crows from openly admitting it, many of them would immediately side with the Wolves to eliminate the King of the Odhinn’s Fye and his clan, JOURNEY TO RAGNAROK

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