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Name ______________________ date __________

Test paper

I. Identify the sights in London the short texts refer to.

1. residence of the queen …………………………………..
2. home of Tony Blair …………………………………….
3. most famous museum in the world ………………………………………………
4. here is the Big Ben …………………………………………………………
5. here was the wedding between Diana and Prince Charles …………………………………….
6. fortress, royal residence, prison, now a museum …………………………………………….
7. park in London ………………………………
8. area with theatres, restaurants, casinos, the centre of London ………………………………..
9. museum with wax models of world’s celebrities ……………………………………………

II. Put the verbs into Present simple or Continuous and Present perfect simple:

A. You ……(1)….. (look) very pleased with yourself!

B. I already …(2)…. (solve) all the problems the teacher gave us.

A. I am sorry I’m late. …(3)… (you/wait) long?

B. Well, I …(4)… (wait) for about 15 minutes.

A. Where is Paula?
B. She is in the kitchen. She …(5)… (try) to make pancakes for the party and she …(6).. (make) only 5
so far.

A. …(7).. (you/not finish) the homework yet?

B. No, I …(8).. (still/work) at it.

A. I …(9)… (just/see) your uncle’s garden. He has wonderful tulips.

III. You are a British teenager. Write a letter to your pen friend from Romania inviting him/her to visit
London, specifying the most interesting places you would like to show to your friend.

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