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Parent’s Consent Form

(For Attending Vidyalaya)

The Principal
Kendriya Vidyalaya No-2 Delhi Cantt
APS Colony, Delhi Cantt-110010

Subject: - Consent regarding attending of Vidyalaya by my ward

With reference to the subject cited above, I_____________________________________

Father/ Mother/Guardian of __________________________________ (Name of student)
Class/Section _______________Roll No.___________ Student Id__________________, am
hereby pleased to give my consent and allow my ward to attend the Vidyalaya for
classes and related activities. I will send my ward to the Vidyalaya wearing a mask
and sensitise him/her to maintain social distancing, sanitise his/her hands from
time to time, follow COVID Appropriate Behaviour (CAB), not to share books note-
books stationery items, Tiffin box etc.

I will also ensure that I shall not send my ward to Vidyalaya in case my ward or
anyone in the family is suffering from COVID-19 symptoms.



Signature of Parent/Guardian_ ______________________

Parent/ Guardian’s Name____________________________
Student Name _______________________________________

Mobile Number of Father__________________ Mobile Number of Mother_______________

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