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R r* ** dit$*m . VOCABULARY fl "i t *

'fo *
Ft } "* * { + ffi.ffit rti*t l* Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the words
? put the words in the correct order to make in the . There r two extra words you do not need.
bribery b,u€r af 1udge jury

had / would / if that / have / phoned the ice / -

kidnapper r r shoplifting suspect

l-appened / lo , l .

t tl L|, iil r, d L; -i; iwou|l v ohorlcr-,l ]l

r , ,,,
]]. ,
r li . lli

2 'he
had l reallsed lf / her bag / someone / she would /
i ].
have / taken .

She would have realised if someone had taken her bag 1 The urgi r 2 The ice caught t was Lisa's first
been alright l if l h / got there / quicker, dldn't realise there LJ le robber exper of
everyth ng / might/ l cou d / have, was cat at home. st l in the bank. shoplifting
if I could have got there quicker ,
everything might have been alright
if l fiad lthe safe / they'd / wou]d l h v l
l r r, they / tr ed to ,

if they'd been clever they would have tried to find the safe
4 The_

Jack / hadn't/them /wou|dn't/ know/ l l her if l Kidnapper 5 The jury Does this count
ntroduced .
brought back didn't f nd the as present r
Jack wouldn't know her if I hadn't introduce them the when t cout,t case very bribery ?

changed / if /ages aga l \ l you, l / have /the locks / sta rted crying. interest g.
were / would .

If Iruere you I would have the locks ages ago Underline the correct words to complete the text,
, changed
she / her neighbour / hadn't l have l / for hours
night l m home very late and l couldn't find my keys,
if / could / called round / Jylng there
so t had to break "'lu , / thraagh my

w : housel l w s otrimbing
she could have been lying there four hours if her neighboux
you / i / shou]dn't / bag / have / your valuab es /
w m the street shouted, 'Policel
through.a window wh
rd rl' lgot d w There's a2:burgary 7 r
d explained that it
one / put all .
h t,l burglar, but she called m
You shouldn't have put all your valuables in one bag was my,house and t wasn't
4li r judge.
/ She said that she was srobberl witness and
to prison / the judge lfor l lot longer / should /
that she would give vld / verdrct wh l was accused
him / have / sent .
The judge should have sent him to prison for a lot longer 7 of r ki g and enteri g, he would happily co ile to the
, \tria!
10 you / what / was / watch ng / should / 7 case |? is / court to testifi1 against m . he was
/ have r
reatly excited w and w t that |h lajudge /jury would
happening. i Ltguilty
You should have been watching what was happening fi d 7i f and the 12jud ljury would give
13s t
.]] me very long prison / arrest,'l'd have to go to
,'horrible prison where the prisoners murd r
Underline the correct words to complete the / lie l th r
and 15stea// ur l their cell mates' food just to survive. She
sentences and questions.
i WaS out of breath w djust about to Sta t again When
1 Things would have worse if I h v 't ]' uddenly m house keys fetl out of my back pocket. l wished her
list d l h d 't ltstenedloyou, 'goodnight d went inside the house.
2 lf she had contacted m , I would have l wauld have
helped her.
What would l should you have d if they hadn't @ Listen and check,
rrlv d?
4 lwould have m the m g r if l have l
had working there as iong as you, OttuN l I()N
5 lf the train hadn't been late, l get l mlght have ffi fr ,* *d il + " } d si,fi, :m *** \fi ds
gof there tlme,
6 Would you l Had you paid€1 00 if you could see @ Listen and underline the stressed words i each
the questions before the exam? sentence,
7 lf you hadn't dropped your aptop, it would sti]|
1 lt should have sent TuesdaV.
work l have worked.
2 lf l had seen her, l wou d have shouted.
= ,- 8 Y would l should have helped lf you wanted us to
lf you had told m , it could have been d fferent.
=a-| l up the k]tchen quickly. 4

, 9 l'm s rr , l shouldn't l w ld 't have been so rude.
We'd never have known if she had stayed at home,
They shouldn't have thrown it away,
= -.. i0 l don't understand why Debbie said that. Would l
6 She shou]dn't have taken my purse.
€z,-- Shauldyau have reacted in the s r way?
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