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ANTIPSYCOTICS Schizoaffective disorder, prophylaxis treatment of

CLOPINE: clozapine: Weakly blocks dopamine D1-D2
receptors mainly due to unresponsive or intolerant
EFEXOR-XR: venlafaxine: is an SNRI. It works by
to other anti-psychotics
increasing and regulating the levels of two different
neurotransmitters in the brain. These are norepinephrine,
PALIPERADONE: invega sustenna: changes the also called noradrenaline, and serotonin. At low
effects of Chemicals in the brain to rebalance doses, venlafaxine prevents serotonin reuptake. Major
dopamine & serotonin to improve thinking & mood depression treatment relapse/recurrence prevention,
behaviours generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder,
panic disorder including relapse prevention.
ARIPIPRAZOLE: abilify: Aripiprazole
rebalances dopamine and serotonin to FLUOHEXAL: fluoxetine: Fluoxetine works similarly to
improve thinking, mood, and behaviour. other SSRIs, by changing the level of certain
chemicals, referred to as neurotransmitters, in your
ZYPREXA: olanzapine: Antimanic, mood stabilizer for brain: Major depression, OCD, Premenstrual
Schizophrenia related psychoses, acute mania in Dysphoric Disorder & SSRI’s.
bipolar, Maintenance treatment of schizophrenia in
adults sufficiently stabilised during acute treatment CYMBALTA: duloxetine: It works by increasing the
with oral olanzapine amounts of serotonin and norepinephrine, natural
substances in the brain that help maintain mental
balance and stop the movement of pain signals in the
QUETIAPINE: seroquel: This drug is able to lessen or
brain. Major depressive disorder, generalised
block brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. It
can be used to treat both schizophrenia and bipolar anxiety disorder, diabetic neuropathic pain.
disorder by altering the brain’s chemistry.
SERATONIN RECEPTORS. Increases prolactin levels- EPILIM: sodium valproate: Increases brain levels of
Schizophrenia related psychosis. the inhibitory synaptic transmitter (GABA) gama-
amino-butyric acid. Used for mania and epilepsy.
HALIPERADOL: seranace: Inhibits central action of
dopamine D2 & noradrenaline antiemetic peak action
link (IM) decrease over 3 weeks. Deconate allows slow
AMITRIPTYLINE: endep: is used to treat depression and
release from oily solution (sesame oil) schizophrenia
is thought to work by increasing levels of serotonin
and alcohol withdrawal.
and/or norepinephrine in the brain. Improves mood
and assists with mental health for severe pain.
LAGACTIL: chlorpromazine: Chlorpromazine works by
blocking a variety of receptors in the brain, particularly
ENDONE: oxycodone: Moderate to severe pain. Given
dopamine receptors. Dopamine is a natural compound
after food or milk. Oxycodone works like other opioids
called a neurotransmitter and is involved in
transmitting messages between brain cells. Dopamine by attaching to opioid receptors in the brain and
is a neurotransmitter known to be involved in nervous system. When bound to these receptors,
regulating mood and behaviour, amongst other things Endone or oxycodone blocks pain signals from the
body, alleviating the person’s symptoms. The
potency of oxycodone or Endone has been compared
to morphine.
MIRTAZIPINE: avanza: Major depression treatment
including relapse prevention. Increases release of
TARGIN: oxycodone: Binding of oxycodone to
noradrenaline & serotonin, blocks receptors allowing
endogenous opioid receptors in the Central Nervous
serotonin to act on receptors.
System (CNS) results in pain relief. Moderate to
severe pain. Competitive opioid antagonist.
LITHICARB: lithium: Lithium works by changing the
release of chemicals in the brain. Schizophrenia-

BENZTROP: benztropine: Restores the balance PANADEINE FORTE: Paracetamol and codeine work
between the two brain chemicals in the parts of the together to stop the pain messages from getting through
brain that control the action of muscles. to the brain.


APO-LAMOTRIGINE: lamotrigine: Lamotrigine works

by inhibiting cell pathways in the brain called sodium
channels, which reduces the emission of chemicals
called glutamate and aspartate, two of the most
important excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain.

APO-GABAPENTIN: gabapentin: It is also one of the

few drugs that can cross the blood-brain barrier and
enter the central nervous system. It works by changing
the way nerves send messages to the brain.

TEGRATOL: carbamazepine: works by stopping

electrical signals from building up in the nerve cells in
the brain. It also reduces the release of a chemical
(neurotransmitter) called glutamate. Too much
glutamate can cause seizures. For nerve pain,
carbamazepine works by stabilising the electric signals
in your nerves.

EPILUM Sodium Valproate: it works by increasing

the levels of neurotransmitter GABA and inhibits
sodium and calcium channels thus it reduces the
excitation of the brain cells.


VALIUM: diazepam: Is a central nervous system

depressant. This means it slows brain activity. As a
benzodiazepine, Valium interacts with
neurotransmitters, especially GABA neurotransmitters,
in the brain. Specifically, the diazepam in Valium
binds with high affinity to the GABA A receptor in the
brain to reduce arousal and to affect emotions.

LORAZEPAM Ativan: works by stimulating

neurotransmitters that reduce the number of “anxiety
messages” traveling across synapses in the brain.


TEMAZEPAM temaze: helps people to sleep by

enhancing the effects of GABA, which is a chemical
transmitter that helps calm down nerve activity in the

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