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Everyone has that one person they look up to, whether it's an athlete, a singer, an astronaut, a

friend, or someone else. But for me, the one individual I look up to was my late grandmother, Evelyn.

She died at the age of sixty-two years. Her eyes and hair were both brown. My grandfather

always mentioned how beautiful she was when she was young. She was a hard-working woman. I

remember her doing household chores before the sun rose. She would always prepare us breakfast that

was surely out of this world. She was also a devoted follower of God, one who was kind, generous, and

selfless. She was loved by the whole neighborhood because she was very reliable, not only as a neighbor,

but also as a friend. I look up to her because she was the one who raised me and my siblings while our

mother was working overseas. She was old and fragile, yet she still managed to raise us for years. It was

thanks to her that me and my siblings did not grow up without experiencing a mother’s love.

Even though she is no longer with us, she made it clear to me and everyone else she knew that we

should always do good to others. Though it was a simple message, it made us respect her.

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