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* stm32f407xx_i2c_driver.c
* Created on: Feb 20, 2019
* Author: admin

#include "stm32f407xx_i2c_driver.h"

static void I2C_GenerateStartCondition(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2Cx);

static void I2C_ExecuteAddressPhaseWrite(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2Cx, uint8_t SlaveAddr);
static void I2C_ExecuteAddressPhaseRead(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2Cx, uint8_t SlaveAddr);
static void I2C_ClearADDRFlag(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle);

static void I2C_MasterHandleRXNEInterrupt(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle );

static void I2C_MasterHandleTXEInterrupt(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle );

static void I2C_GenerateStartCondition(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2Cx)

pI2Cx->CR1 |= ( 1 << I2C_CR1_START);

static void I2C_ExecuteAddressPhaseWrite(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2Cx, uint8_t SlaveAddr)

SlaveAddr = SlaveAddr << 1;
SlaveAddr &= ~(1); //SlaveAddr is Slave address + r/nw bit=0
pI2Cx->DR = SlaveAddr;

static void I2C_ExecuteAddressPhaseRead(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2Cx, uint8_t SlaveAddr)

SlaveAddr = SlaveAddr << 1;
SlaveAddr |= 1; //SlaveAddr is Slave address + r/nw bit=1
pI2Cx->DR = SlaveAddr;

static void I2C_ClearADDRFlag(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle )

uint32_t dummy_read;
//check for device mode
if(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR2 & ( 1 << I2C_SR2_MSL))
//device is in master mode
if(pI2CHandle->TxRxState == I2C_BUSY_IN_RX)
if(pI2CHandle->RxSize == 1)
//first disable the ack

//clear the ADDR flag ( read SR1 , read SR2)

dummy_read = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1;
dummy_read = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR2;

//clear the ADDR flag ( read SR1 , read SR2)
dummy_read = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1;
dummy_read = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR2;

//device is in slave mode
//clear the ADDR flag ( read SR1 , read SR2)
dummy_read = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1;
dummy_read = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR2;

void I2C_GenerateStopCondition(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2Cx)

pI2Cx->CR1 |= ( 1 << I2C_CR1_STOP);

void I2C_SlaveEnableDisableCallbackEvents(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2Cx,uint8_t EnorDi)

if(EnorDi == ENABLE)
pI2Cx->CR2 |= ( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITEVTEN);
pI2Cx->CR2 |= ( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN);
pI2Cx->CR2 |= ( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITERREN);
pI2Cx->CR2 &= ~( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITEVTEN);
pI2Cx->CR2 &= ~( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN);
pI2Cx->CR2 &= ~( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITERREN);

* @fn - I2C_PeripheralControl
* @brief -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @return -
* @Note -

void I2C_PeripheralControl(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2Cx, uint8_t EnOrDi)
if(EnOrDi == ENABLE)
pI2Cx->CR1 |= (1 << I2C_CR1_PE);
//pI2cBaseAddress->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_PE_Bit_Mask;
pI2Cx->CR1 &= ~(1 << 0);

* @fn - I2C_PeriClockControl
* @brief -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @return -
* @Note -

void I2C_PeriClockControl(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2Cx, uint8_t EnorDi)
if(EnorDi == ENABLE)
if(pI2Cx == I2C1)
}else if (pI2Cx == I2C2)
}else if (pI2Cx == I2C3)

* @fn - I2C_Init
* @brief -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @return -
* @Note -

void I2C_Init(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle)
uint32_t tempreg = 0 ;

//enable the clock for the i2cx peripheral


//ack control bit

tempreg |= pI2CHandle->I2C_Config.I2C_AckControl << 10;
pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR1 = tempreg;

//configure the FREQ field of CR2

tempreg = 0;
tempreg |= RCC_GetPCLK1Value() /1000000U ;
pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR2 = (tempreg & 0x3F);

//program the device own address

tempreg = 0;
tempreg |= pI2CHandle->I2C_Config.I2C_DeviceAddress << 1;
tempreg |= ( 1 << 14);
pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->OAR1 = tempreg;

//CCR calculations
uint16_t ccr_value = 0;
tempreg = 0;
if(pI2CHandle->I2C_Config.I2C_SCLSpeed <= I2C_SCL_SPEED_SM)
//mode is standard mode
ccr_value = (RCC_GetPCLK1Value() / ( 2 *
pI2CHandle->I2C_Config.I2C_SCLSpeed ) );
tempreg |= (ccr_value & 0xFFF);
//mode is fast mode
tempreg |= ( 1 << 15);
tempreg |= (pI2CHandle->I2C_Config.I2C_FMDutyCycle << 14);
if(pI2CHandle->I2C_Config.I2C_FMDutyCycle == I2C_FM_DUTY_2)
ccr_value = (RCC_GetPCLK1Value() / ( 3 *
pI2CHandle->I2C_Config.I2C_SCLSpeed ) );
ccr_value = (RCC_GetPCLK1Value() / ( 25 *
pI2CHandle->I2C_Config.I2C_SCLSpeed ) );
tempreg |= (ccr_value & 0xFFF);
pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CCR = tempreg;

//TRISE Configuration
if(pI2CHandle->I2C_Config.I2C_SCLSpeed <= I2C_SCL_SPEED_SM)
//mode is standard mode

tempreg = (RCC_GetPCLK1Value() /1000000U) + 1 ;

//mode is fast mode
tempreg = ( (RCC_GetPCLK1Value() * 300) / 1000000000U ) + 1;

pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->TRISE = (tempreg & 0x3F);

* @fn - I2C_DeInit
* @brief -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @return -
* @Note -

void I2C_DeInit(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2Cx)

uint8_t I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2Cx , uint32_t FlagName)

if(pI2Cx->SR1 & FlagName)
return FLAG_SET;
return FLAG_RESET;

void I2C_MasterSendData(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle,uint8_t *pTxbuffer, uint32_t Len, uint8_t

SlaveAddr,uint8_t Sr)
// 1. Generate the START condition

//2. confirm that start generation is completed by checking the SB flag in the SR1
// Note: Until SB is cleared SCL will be stretched (pulled to LOW)
while( ! I2C_GetFlagStatus(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx,I2C_FLAG_SB) );

//3. Send the address of the slave with r/nw bit set to w(0) (total 8 bits )

//4. Confirm that address phase is completed by checking the ADDR flag in teh SR1
while( ! I2C_GetFlagStatus(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx,I2C_FLAG_ADDR) );

//5. clear the ADDR flag according to its software sequence

// Note: Until ADDR is cleared SCL will be stretched (pulled to LOW)

//6. send the data until len becomes 0

while(Len > 0)
while(! I2C_GetFlagStatus(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx,I2C_FLAG_TXE) ); //Wait till TXE
is set
pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->DR = *pTxbuffer;

//7. when Len becomes zero wait for TXE=1 and BTF=1 before generating the STOP
// Note: TXE=1 , BTF=1 , means that both SR and DR are empty and next transmission
should begin
// when BTF=1 SCL will be stretched (pulled to LOW)

while(! I2C_GetFlagStatus(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx,I2C_FLAG_TXE) );

while(! I2C_GetFlagStatus(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx,I2C_FLAG_BTF) );

//8. Generate STOP condition and master need not to wait for the completion of stop
// Note: generating STOP, automatically clears the BTF
if(Sr == I2C_DISABLE_SR )

void I2C_MasterReceiveData(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle,uint8_t *pRxBuffer, uint8_t Len,

uint8_t SlaveAddr,uint8_t Sr)

//1. Generate the START condition

//2. confirm that start generation is completed by checking the SB flag in the SR1
// Note: Until SB is cleared SCL will be stretched (pulled to LOW)
while( ! I2C_GetFlagStatus(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx,I2C_FLAG_SB) );

//3. Send the address of the slave with r/nw bit set to R(1) (total 8 bits )

//4. wait until address phase is completed by checking the ADDR flag in teh SR1
while( ! I2C_GetFlagStatus(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx,I2C_FLAG_ADDR) );

//procedure to read only 1 byte from slave

if(Len == 1)
//Disable Acking

//clear the ADDR flag


//wait until RXNE becomes 1

while(! I2C_GetFlagStatus(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx,I2C_FLAG_RXNE) );

//generate STOP condition

if(Sr == I2C_DISABLE_SR )

//read data in to buffer

*pRxBuffer = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->DR;

//procedure to read data from slave when Len > 1

if(Len > 1)
//clear the ADDR flag

//read the data until Len becomes zero

for ( uint32_t i = Len ; i > 0 ; i--)
//wait until RXNE becomes 1
while(! I2C_GetFlagStatus(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx,I2C_FLAG_RXNE) );

if(i == 2) //if last 2 bytes are remaining

//Disable Acking

//generate STOP condition

if(Sr == I2C_DISABLE_SR )

//read the data from data register in to buffer

*pRxBuffer = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->DR;

//increment the buffer address


//re-enable ACKing
if(pI2CHandle->I2C_Config.I2C_AckControl == I2C_ACK_ENABLE)

void I2C_ManageAcking(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2Cx, uint8_t EnorDi)

if(EnorDi == I2C_ACK_ENABLE)
//enable the ack
pI2Cx->CR1 |= ( 1 << I2C_CR1_ACK);
//disable the ack
pI2Cx->CR1 &= ~( 1 << I2C_CR1_ACK);

* @fn - I2C_IRQInterruptConfig
* @brief -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @return -
* @Note -

void I2C_IRQInterruptConfig(uint8_t IRQNumber, uint8_t EnorDi)

if(EnorDi == ENABLE)
if(IRQNumber <= 31)
//program ISER0 register
*NVIC_ISER0 |= ( 1 << IRQNumber );

}else if(IRQNumber > 31 && IRQNumber < 64 ) //32 to 63

//program ISER1 register
*NVIC_ISER1 |= ( 1 << (IRQNumber % 32) );
else if(IRQNumber >= 64 && IRQNumber < 96 )
//program ISER2 register //64 to 95
*NVIC_ISER3 |= ( 1 << (IRQNumber % 64) );
if(IRQNumber <= 31)
//program ICER0 register
*NVIC_ICER0 |= ( 1 << IRQNumber );
}else if(IRQNumber > 31 && IRQNumber < 64 )
//program ICER1 register
*NVIC_ICER1 |= ( 1 << (IRQNumber % 32) );
else if(IRQNumber >= 6 && IRQNumber < 96 )
//program ICER2 register
*NVIC_ICER3 |= ( 1 << (IRQNumber % 64) );

* @fn - I2C_IRQPriorityConfig
* @brief -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @return -
* @Note -

void I2C_IRQPriorityConfig(uint8_t IRQNumber,uint32_t IRQPriority)
//1. first lets find out the ipr register
uint8_t iprx = IRQNumber / 4;
uint8_t iprx_section = IRQNumber %4 ;

uint8_t shift_amount = ( 8 * iprx_section) + ( 8 - NO_PR_BITS_IMPLEMENTED) ;

*( NVIC_PR_BASE_ADDR + iprx ) |= ( IRQPriority << shift_amount );

* @fn - I2C_MasterSendDataIT
* @brief -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @return -
* @Note -

uint8_t I2C_MasterSendDataIT(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle,uint8_t *pTxBuffer, uint32_t Len,
uint8_t SlaveAddr,uint8_t Sr)
uint8_t busystate = pI2CHandle->TxRxState;

if( (busystate != I2C_BUSY_IN_TX) && (busystate != I2C_BUSY_IN_RX))

pI2CHandle->pTxBuffer = pTxBuffer;
pI2CHandle->TxLen = Len;
pI2CHandle->TxRxState = I2C_BUSY_IN_TX;
pI2CHandle->DevAddr = SlaveAddr;
pI2CHandle->Sr = Sr;

//Implement code to Generate START Condition


//Implement the code to enable ITBUFEN Control Bit

pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR2 |= ( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN);

//Implement the code to enable ITEVFEN Control Bit

pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR2 |= ( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITEVTEN);

//Implement the code to enable ITERREN Control Bit

pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR2 |= ( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITERREN);

return busystate;
* @fn - I2C_MasterReceiveDataIT
* @brief -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @return -
* @Note -

uint8_t I2C_MasterReceiveDataIT(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle,uint8_t *pRxBuffer, uint8_t Len,
uint8_t SlaveAddr,uint8_t Sr)
uint8_t busystate = pI2CHandle->TxRxState;

if( (busystate != I2C_BUSY_IN_TX) && (busystate != I2C_BUSY_IN_RX))

pI2CHandle->pRxBuffer = pRxBuffer;
pI2CHandle->RxLen = Len;
pI2CHandle->TxRxState = I2C_BUSY_IN_RX;
pI2CHandle->RxSize = Len;
pI2CHandle->DevAddr = SlaveAddr;
pI2CHandle->Sr = Sr;

//Implement code to Generate START Condition


//Implement the code to enable ITBUFEN Control Bit

pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR2 |= ( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN);

//Implement the code to enable ITEVFEN Control Bit

pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR2 |= ( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITEVTEN);

//Implement the code to enable ITERREN Control Bit

pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR2 |= ( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITERREN);

return busystate;

static void I2C_MasterHandleTXEInterrupt(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle )


if(pI2CHandle->TxLen > 0)
//1. load the data in to DR
pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->DR = *(pI2CHandle->pTxBuffer);

//2. decrement the TxLen


//3. Increment the buffer address


static void I2C_MasterHandleRXNEInterrupt(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle )

//We have to do the data reception
if(pI2CHandle->RxSize == 1)
*pI2CHandle->pRxBuffer = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->DR;

if(pI2CHandle->RxSize > 1)
if(pI2CHandle->RxLen == 2)
//clear the ack bit

//read DR
*pI2CHandle->pRxBuffer = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->DR;

if(pI2CHandle->RxLen == 0 )
//close the I2C data reception and notify the application

//1. generate the stop condition

if(pI2CHandle->Sr == I2C_DISABLE_SR)

//2 . Close the I2C rx


//3. Notify the application


void I2C_CloseReceiveData(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle)

//Implement the code to disable ITBUFEN Control Bit
pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR2 &= ~( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN);

//Implement the code to disable ITEVFEN Control Bit

pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR2 &= ~( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITEVTEN);

pI2CHandle->TxRxState = I2C_READY;
pI2CHandle->pRxBuffer = NULL;
pI2CHandle->RxLen = 0;
pI2CHandle->RxSize = 0;

if(pI2CHandle->I2C_Config.I2C_AckControl == I2C_ACK_ENABLE)

void I2C_CloseSendData(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle)

//Implement the code to disable ITBUFEN Control Bit
pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR2 &= ~( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN);
//Implement the code to disable ITEVFEN Control Bit
pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR2 &= ~( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITEVTEN);

pI2CHandle->TxRxState = I2C_READY;
pI2CHandle->pTxBuffer = NULL;
pI2CHandle->TxLen = 0;

void I2C_SlaveSendData(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2C,uint8_t data)

pI2C->DR = data;

uint8_t I2C_SlaveReceiveData(I2C_RegDef_t *pI2C)

return (uint8_t) pI2C->DR;

void I2C_EV_IRQHandling(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle)

//Interrupt handling for both master and slave mode of a device

uint32_t temp1, temp2, temp3;

temp1 = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR2 & ( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITEVTEN) ;

temp2 = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR2 & ( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN) ;

temp3 = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1 & ( 1 << I2C_SR1_SB);

//1. Handle For interrupt generated by SB event
// Note : SB flag is only applicable in Master mode
if(temp1 && temp3)
//The interrupt is generated because of SB event
//This block will not be executed in slave mode because for slave SB is always
//In this block lets executed the address phase
if(pI2CHandle->TxRxState == I2C_BUSY_IN_TX)
}else if (pI2CHandle->TxRxState == I2C_BUSY_IN_RX )


temp3 = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1 & ( 1 << I2C_SR1_ADDR);

//2. Handle For interrupt generated by ADDR event
//Note : When master mode : Address is sent
// When Slave mode : Address matched with own address
if(temp1 && temp3)
// interrupt is generated because of ADDR event

temp3 = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1 & ( 1 << I2C_SR1_BTF);

//3. Handle For interrupt generated by BTF(Byte Transfer Finished) event
if(temp1 && temp3)
//BTF flag is set
if(pI2CHandle->TxRxState == I2C_BUSY_IN_TX)
//make sure that TXE is also set .
if(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1 & ( 1 << I2C_SR1_TXE) )
//BTF, TXE = 1
if(pI2CHandle->TxLen == 0 )
//1. generate the STOP condition
if(pI2CHandle->Sr == I2C_DISABLE_SR)

//2. reset all the member elements of the handle structure.


//3. notify the application about transmission complete


}else if (pI2CHandle->TxRxState == I2C_BUSY_IN_RX )


temp3 = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1 & ( 1 << I2C_SR1_STOPF);

//4. Handle For interrupt generated by STOPF event
// Note : Stop detection flag is applicable only slave mode . For master this flag will never
be set
//The below code block will not be executed by the master since STOPF will not set in
master mode
if(temp1 && temp3)
//STOF flag is set
//Clear the STOPF ( i.e 1) read SR1 2) Write to CR1 )

pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR1 |= 0x0000;

//Notify the application that STOP is detected


temp3 = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1 & ( 1 << I2C_SR1_TXE);

//5. Handle For interrupt generated by TXE event
if(temp1 && temp2 && temp3)
//Check for device mode
if(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR2 & ( 1 << I2C_SR2_MSL))
//TXE flag is set
//We have to do the data transmission
if(pI2CHandle->TxRxState == I2C_BUSY_IN_TX)
//make sure that the slave is really in transmitter mode
if(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR2 & ( 1 << I2C_SR2_TRA))

temp3 = pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1 & ( 1 << I2C_SR1_RXNE);

//6. Handle For interrupt generated by RXNE event
if(temp1 && temp2 && temp3)
//check device mode .
if(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR2 & ( 1 << I2C_SR2_MSL))
//The device is master

//RXNE flag is set

if(pI2CHandle->TxRxState == I2C_BUSY_IN_RX)

//make sure that the slave is really in receiver mode
if(!(pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR2 & ( 1 << I2C_SR2_TRA)))

* @fn - I2C_ER_IRQHandling
* @brief -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @param[in] -
* @return -
* @Note - Complete the code also define these macros in the driver
header file
#define I2C_ERROR_BERR 3
#define I2C_ERROR_ARLO 4
#define I2C_ERROR_AF 5
#define I2C_ERROR_OVR 6


void I2C_ER_IRQHandling(I2C_Handle_t *pI2CHandle)


uint32_t temp1,temp2;

//Know the status of ITERREN control bit in the CR2

temp2 = (pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->CR2) & ( 1 << I2C_CR2_ITERREN);

/***********************Check for Bus error************************************/

temp1 = (pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1) & ( 1<< I2C_SR1_BERR);
if(temp1 && temp2 )
//This is Bus error

//Implement the code to clear the buss error flag

pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1 &= ~( 1 << I2C_SR1_BERR);

//Implement the code to notify the application about the error


/***********************Check for arbitration lost error************************************/

temp1 = (pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1) & ( 1 << I2C_SR1_ARLO );
if(temp1 && temp2)
//This is arbitration lost error
//Implement the code to clear the arbitration lost error flag
pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1 &= ~( 1 << I2C_SR1_ARLO);

//Implement the code to notify the application about the error


/***********************Check for ACK failure error************************************/

temp1 = (pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1) & ( 1 << I2C_SR1_AF);

if(temp1 && temp2)
//This is ACK failure error

//Implement the code to clear the ACK failure error flag

pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1 &= ~( 1 << I2C_SR1_AF);

//Implement the code to notify the application about the error


/***********************Check for Overrun/underrun error************************************/

temp1 = (pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1) & ( 1 << I2C_SR1_OVR);
if(temp1 && temp2)
//This is Overrun/underrun

//Implement the code to clear the Overrun/underrun error flag

pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1 &= ~( 1 << I2C_SR1_OVR);

//Implement the code to notify the application about the error


/***********************Check for Time out error************************************/

temp1 = (pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1) & ( 1 << I2C_SR1_TIMEOUT);
if(temp1 && temp2)
//This is Time out error

//Implement the code to clear the Time out error flag

pI2CHandle->pI2Cx->SR1 &= ~( 1 << I2C_SR1_TIMEOUT);

//Implement the code to notify the application about the error


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