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Cia LISTENING. aente Tom Hi, Joanne! Joanne Hi, Tom! Great to see you. Great to see you, too, Did you have a good vacation? Yes, it was wonderful. 1 went to Europe No, really? So did 1! Where did you go? T went to Italy. Where in Italy? Florence And what did you do there? I went to art classes Coal! Bo you want to study art this semester? No. | want to study languages Really? So do Cool! So, tell me—where did you go on vacation? | went to Spain ‘Where in Spain? Barcelona Oh, wow, what a great city! ‘Well, actually, I didn't spend much time sightseeing in the city. F took cooking classes. Cooking classes in Spain? Excellent Yeah, it was fun. But ! worked very hard So did 1! Did you get a chance to visit any other places in Italy? No. I didn't have enough money, Neither did 1. came home and went to stay with my. grandparents in Florida Hey! So did 1! Hat I guess everyone has grandparents in Florida! So, what courses are you taking this year? ‘Well, 'm definitely going to study a language ‘So am I, Which one? Italian! How about you? ‘Well, ! want to go to Brazil for more cooking classes next year, 20 maybe Portuguere Smart choice! But! also want to study Japanese. I mean, it's my grandparents’ language, and I can’s speak more than three words 1. So why don't you study two languages? T Hinm... IU think about it LISTENING PLUS . Lisa Joanne! Hi! Joanne Lisa! Hello! 1 How are you? J 1'm fine. Lisa, do you know Tom Hovetadi? L. Yes. | think so. ! remember you from somewhere Tom You do? 1. Yes Were you in ny Portuguese class last semester? T Uh, no In fet, 'm planning to study Portuguese this setnester 1. But I'm sure I recognize you from someplace, Anyway, Joanne, haw was your vacation? renee PT Ao dood ae eee ara 4s qos a seve pT J Great L_ What did you do? J | went to italy 114 L Really? Did you enjoy it? J Yes. Hopent most of my tite visiting art galleries What about you? Well, | was also in Europ Is that right? Where did you go? Barcelo} No way! So did I! You were in Barcelona? Yes When? The last two weeks im August ‘You're kidding! So was 1. Where did you stay? Ina hostel in the center of Barcelona, What was its name? Plaza Catalunya, I stayed there, too! Maybe that's where saw you! ‘Wow! Small world! Yes! Did you like Barcelona? loved it So did |. LISTENING. 1, Host Welcome to the Free Time Show Ihave some very Interesting young people with me today. So let's meet the first one. Hello, what's your name and how old are you? Sandra My name is Sandra Hancox and I'm 18 years old. And you have an interesting free time activity, right? ight ‘What is it you like to do? like to make horror movies Horor movies? Do you like to act in them or to direct, them? like to direct, and my friends are the actors ‘Do your friends enjoy acting in them? ‘Yes, they do. They think it's really exciting And where do you usually make these movies? h, you know, in friends’ houses and apartments. And. ‘ccasionally, in small studios H_ But next week you're going to do something different, ight? 5 Yes, we're going to make a movie in a beach house, with monsters coming from the sea H_ That's very cool. When you finish, can you come back and tell us about it? S Sure! Parana dea eae ae ae seats pg Eames nzann 2. Host My next guest is Andy Newman Welcome to the show, Andy Andy ‘Thank you. HW How old are you, Andy? A I'm 18 years old H And | understand that you are a very talented musician, sight? A Urn, | guess. Ian play a few instruments What can you play? ‘A Piano, guitar, and I'm going to learn to play the violin H That's impressive So do you want to play in an. orchestra? well, yes, one day BULTIEHE now, Min playing guitar in a rockband g Really? aMbEHON S10 tOUF With a really famous band, 4 ight, and Tunderstand that you're doing something. shout that soon, right? 4 Thats right. Next week tny favorite band is in town, and A e'te going t0 open for them—you know, play before hey S34. Thats great! Come back and tellus how it goes, ok? A on Host And now I have two very nice young people with me i What are your names and how old are you? seana I'm Briana Lopez and I'm 19, and this is my brother nique He's 18. sevigue Hi. it And what do you do in your free time? We wnite songs, it What kind of songs? f All inds—lues, countey, pop. H Do you write the songs together? We write the words together, but then ! usually write the music myself H Do you both sing and play instruments? 3 Tsing and Enrique plays keyboards, it And do you record them? 8 Well, we already recorded some of them on a computer, tut next week we're going to a real studio, E We have the chance to record five of our favorite songs. H Ob, that's great! Well, please come back and tell us all aboutit. B Weld love to. USTENING PLUS...... 1 Hest Hi, Sandra, Welcome back! Stndra Nice to be here. H So, did you make your horror movie in the beach house? Yes, we did. And how was it? ‘Avevomel It was a very interesting experience Did the actors enjay st, too? ‘Yes they did. They were all very excited about it. Did you have any problems? Actually, we did—with ne of the scenes OK. what happened? Wellin this scene two of the actors ran on the beach and start screaming, Right, Well someone on the beach got frightened and called the police, Ob, nol Oh. yes...And suddenly there were police cars Sreryuhere (id You explain about the movie? “The police were OK about it 4nd did you finish the movie? Yes, we did, ‘Ae you happy with it? NM. not really. 1 like to do it again wzemumuzn = w= oreras Audio Scripts 2, Host Hello, Andy, Welcome back Andy Thank you. Did you get to open for your favorite band? Yes How did it go? Iwas a little disappointed Why? Wasn't the concert good? 0b, no, the concert was amazing, | was disappointed with myself. My performance was terrible Well, it was goad experience, right? Yes, just want to do it again and get it right. Best of luck! Thank you meme ED 3. Host ii, Briana and Enrique. Welcome back Brana/Enrique Thank you Hi Good to see you again. Did you go to the recording, studio? Yes, we did How was it? Amazing. Awesome ‘The studio people were so good. Really helpful How many songs did you record? Only three. That was the only problem. ‘Yep, we didn’t have enough time. Well, hope you get another chance So do wel Gaod luck! Thank you! LISTENING.......... Matt Hello? Amanda Hey, Matt, what's wp? M_ Oh, hi, Amanda How are you? ‘Oh... OK, F guess, Hey, you don’t sound too good What's the problem? {'m filling out an application. ‘What kind of application? To bea counselor at a summer camp, Oh, OK So... what's the problem? 1 having trouble with one of the questions ‘What's the question? “Have you ever done anything interesting or unusual?” Uh, OK. Well, hawe you? Yim not sure. Well, uh. have you ever traveled to any unusual places Um... 've beett to Mexico, But I guess a lot of people have been to Mexico, right? A. Yes, you're right. Have you been to any other place outside the US? M__No, I haven't A. OK... have you ke skydiving? AM Um. well, | went whitewater raft Sterinalene oe Br K>oE>E> E> E> keke um. have you «lone any extreme sports, once ‘A. Oh, excellent! Where did you do that? 115 Audio Scripts x In Colorado, | was there for my 18th birthday, just last month OK, so write that down. ‘And we went snowboarding when I was there, too. ‘Snowboarding in Colorado! Write it down. ‘Oh, 1 almost forgot! I went cave diving in Florida once, Cave diving? Wow. 1d love to try cave diving someday How was it? > E> E> Oh, I can barely remember. It was years ago. Did you go on your own? No, went with my parents. think | was about 20 or $0... A. Cool. Anyway, you see? You've done lots of exciting stuff! Write it all down and send the application. E>pe LISTENING PLUS... Amanda Hello? Matt Hi, Amanda It's Matt, Hey, Matt. How are you? OK, t guess ‘Have you sent the application? ‘Yes, I have. Have you gotten a reply? ‘Yes, Ihave. And...? T got the camp counselor's jab. Great There's just one problem, Well, two actually Un-huh? have to teach the kids how to swim. ‘Oh. And what's the problem? You can’t swim? Of course t can swirn! So what's the problem? I don't go swimming very often. I'm out of practice. How long before you start at the summer camp? ‘Three months Well, then find a swimming pool and practice again. OK Every day! ray. ‘f, so try! What's the other problem? thave to have a driver's license ‘And you don't have one? No, Idon't | falled my test Come on. You have three months! You can take the test again and pass itl ‘Amanda, Yes? 1 love your confidence! LISTENING .................. p.27 Host Hello and weleome to World Quiz Let me start by introducing the two teams On my left, from Boston, please welcome Jose and Amy! And on my right, from San Francisco, please welcome Seiko and Tony! OX, the rules are simple. In round one, there are five questions and anyone can answer ‘You just bit the buzzer If you're wrong, the other team can >pES EDO E> ED E> ED ED ED ER EO RPE Ke E>k 116 answer, Two polnts for a correct answer bout continents. So, let's ge the biggest continent in the world? Jo Jose Asia, H_ That is correct! Two points! Asia is the bi continent. It also has a bigger population than any ether continent—aver four billion people oF about 60 percent g the population of the entire world. So, what is the s, largest continent in the world? Seiko? ‘Seiko North America? H No, Seiko, I'm sorry, that's wrong. Amy? Amy Africa? H. Yes! Africa is the second largest continent. There are more than $0 countries in Africa. Imagine that! Foran extra two points: the world’s biggest subtropical deser, is in Africa. Can you name it? Tony? ‘Tony ‘the biggest subtropical desert is... the Sahara? H_ Right! Two points! OK. Question three: Which is the smallest continent? Amy? Europe? No, Amy, that’s wrong, Tony? Australia, ‘That's right! ‘wo points! OK. Question four: Does anyone know which continent has the fewest people? Amy? Antarctica? H_ That's right. Now, North America consists of three large countries—Canada, the US, and Mexies. So, question fire the last question in this round: What is... the largest city in North America? Seiko? S$ Mexico City? H_ Correct! Mexico City has a population of around 22 millcr people in its metropolitan area. By the way, the name of every continent begins and ends with the letter A except ‘one—Europe. Sa, the scores at the end of round one are LISTENING PLUS .. p.27 Hast So, the scores at the end of round one are... Boston six points and San Francisco six points! OK, teams, in round ‘two, you choose a number from. one to six, and you answer ‘question on the subject ofthat number So, San Prancisco, £9" me a number between one and six Seiko Five 1H Number five Your question will be on. rivers. OK, heres your question, What is the longest river in the wotld? S_ Ub... well, | guess the answer is the Nile? I mean, the Amazon is really long, toa... ‘Tony I think it's the Amazon. $ You do? OK. We'll say the Amazon. Is it the Amazch” H_ No, it isn't. And I can give the question to Bostert ‘Amy I think it's the Nile, too. What do you tink? Jose I think it’s the Mississippi The Mississippi? Yes. GK. The Mississippi? No! It's the Nile. OK, Hoston, give me a number One ‘Your question ts on. mountains. The Himalayas °° ‘range isin five different countries. Three of those coun are China, Bhutan, and Nepal. What are the other "2 countries? qWestions gy Which in ECON mam> > Rombo> jse0? Do you want to try? land Afghanistan? j you're way off. The answer is thdia and Fakistan ihe scores ate even, 80 Thave ene final question for teams, The tallest mountains in the world ate in the palayas, but Where is the tallest mountain outside the aftaid it isn't. Does no one else want to tey? 0 answer is Aconcagua, and it's neatly 7,000 meter fll no winner, Back an the buzzer Does unijor take a guess where Aconcagua is? Tony? he right answer! So, San Francisco ate today's Join Us next week for another World Quiz! NING. . p38 er Brendan, tell me about New Year in Ireland. sn Well, first of all, it’s very important that you clean Shouse before the end of the year. Your house must be ly clean before the new year starts, t Anything else? b also lucky if the first person to come into your house ‘midnight is a tall, dark, handsome man. And he it go in the front door and go out the back door, sting “Very good if it's a tall, dark, handsome man. Not very pod if ts a red-haired woman, ‘isn't good if a woman with red hair comes inte the ase? B ifshe's the first one. it's not good. If she comes in after tall, dark, handsome man, then it's OF im, you're tall, dark, and handsome thank you. De people ask you to be the first persom in their house? lly, yew, they do. ot sunprised. there's one ather thing, If you're single and you {o get married in the new year, you put some _Mhlstletoe under your pillow. F Under your pitlow? ight That way, when you go to sleep, you dreatn about Your future husband or wile Ate you ingle, Brendan? Yes, iam, actually. ‘Yang:hee, what happens on New Year's Eve Rhee Oh, Hove our New Year's Eve festival —we call Geumeurn 1's the night whhen no one sleeps i Past, come people believed that if you sleep shat night. H 6iebrows turn whitet Yur eyebrows turn white? Audio Scripts Y. Yes! And to make sure this doesn't happen. we leave the lights an in every room of the house Intoresting Y New Yur is also « nice time for children. On New 1s Day, they get a lucky bag fvorn their parents ot sandparents 1 A ducky bag? Y Yes. We call thern bokjumeont. They're sade of ille—very % Usually money nail gifts, tor 2. Interviewer Pilar tell me about the New Year in Mex Pilar Well, thete are things about New ear Do you know about the gzapes? Grapes? No. P Well, when we have dinner on New Year's Eve, we put 12 grapes on everyone's plate right before midnight 1 Twelve grapes? P Yes, one grape for each month of the year. And then we cat the grapes in the 12 seconds before midnight. 1 Twelve grapes in 12 seconds? Yes! And you make a wish with each grape—one wish for every month of the year 1 Interesting, Anything else? P Well, thete js anther interesting tradition, but I don't know anyone who does it 1 what is it? P_ Well, they say that ifyou want to travel during the year,then at midnight, you take a bag, a suitease or something, and you go for a walk in the streets 1 There are people on the street with suitcases at midnight? P Apparently But I've never seen therm. LISTENING PLUS... p. 33 1. Interviewer frendan, have you ever spent New Year's in another country? Brendan Oh, yes, last year—in Australia 1 Tell me about it Bt went to visit my brother. He lives in Sydney, Some of his friends invited us to their apartment. There was a ‘wondetfil view of the Opera House Have you ever seen, a pictute of the Sydney Opera House? 1 Oh, yes, t's beautiful So, how was the party? BW Actually, the party was qusiet—dinner with about 10 people When the patty started, my brother's friend said, “We have someone here from ireland. That's very lucky!™ 1 That's nice! So, what happened at midnight? B Well, half an hour before midnight, we all walked down to the waterfront to look at the Sydney Hatbor Bridge At midnight, thete Was a fireworks display there ‘was it good? 1B It was magnificent After the fireworks finished, there was a big steet party, $0, how would you describe New Year's in Sydney? B Unforgettable! a7 Audio Scripts 2. Interviewer Yang-hee, have you ever spent New Year's ‘outside Korea? Yang-hee Yes, two years ago, when I visited my cousin in San Francisco 1 Y 1 Y ‘What did you do? Well, my cousin made a really nice Korean meal. After we ate it, we went out. We went down to the dock and ‘went on a boat cruise. Aboat cruise? ‘Yes, we took « cruise azound San Francisco Bay. When the beat reached the Golden Gate Bridge, « fireworks display started. t was really amazing! So you enjoyed New Year's in San Francisco, Oh, yes! It was magic! Interviewer Pilar, have you ever spent New Year's in any place other than Mexico? Pilar Yes. About ten years ago, studied English in London, England, and I spent Christmas and New Year's there. 1 Pp weve Fee ite ie ‘What did you do? Well, | went to a patty. brought a lot of grapes, and Iwanted to do the Mexican thing—you know, eat 12 rapes? But no one wanted to do it. Why not? Because they wanted to watch TV, Why? ‘They wanted to watch the New Year fireworks Were the fireworks good? ‘Yes, but they were on TV! Fireworks are not exciting onty. ‘Then what happened? After the fireworks, everyone went hame So, what word describes your New Year's in London? Disappointing LISTENING... sees BBD 1. Health expert Hello! Brian Hi H Cant help you? B Uh... don't know Maybe you can give me some advice H. Sure Do you want to take a seat? So, what's your name? B Brian. H_ And how old ate you, Brian? B I'm $2 H QK. What da you do? BI work with computers H_ So you spend w lot of time in front of a computer? 1B Yeah, usually. It depends, but some days, 32 hours H Wow, that’s & long time. Do you have to wor that long? B Well, Fdon't have to, but Ido. {ike my work ts that bad? HW Well, i's good that you like your work, but 12 hours is a eters 118 ot. How do you set to work? Do you Walk? Take the bus? No, thhave ta drive ‘You have to drive? ‘There inn’t a bus oF « subway from where I live Really? Well, thete is a bus, but its a 15-minute walk from my apartment H Ise B Should I stop driving to work? 1 Well, maybe you shouldn't drive all the + you should take the bus two or thre ‘Walking to the bus is good exercise, ang { o> need that, B OK. 4H Do you go to the gyn? B Not anymore But Igo to the club H_ Oh, do you exercise there? B Well, play table tennis once in a while H_ OX, that's not bad, but it's not enough exe should do more than that B Right 1H. What about food? What kind of food ds B leat a lot of pizza, Maybe four or five times 2 week H. Do you eat any vegetables er fruit? 8 Oh, yes, Leat salad—maybe once a OK. Well, this is my advice: you really sh and get some exareice And you sh: pizza! You should eat more fruit and soak moze fresh food. B OK II try, Erin Hi, my name's Erin. Health expert Nice to meet you, Erin think I need to change my lifesty! OK How old are you? 26. ‘And what do you do? Tm a teacher Do you enjoy your work? ‘Yes, 1ike it, but | get stressed 2 lot and I'm aleays tired. Do you exercise? ‘Well, ride my bike everywhere ‘That's goed. And what do you do to relax? Urn. wateh TV. ‘Well, that's OK, but if you get stressed i should try something Like meditation or Really? Do meditation and tai chi help? ‘They're very good for a lot of people. You shoul! yt ox ‘And what kinds of things do you like to eat? ‘ike all kinds of food, but 1 live alone and don’t bare much time te cook So, what do you eat? Fast food, most days, and I drink a lot of soda ‘Ab... OR. Well, Erin, first of all, you should try t cook fresh food more often. It really doesn't take that ==> me. And if you eat fast food, you should try 19 €27 some salad with it ox. And my advice is: drink less soda Less soda OK tn fact, you should stop drinking it complet Stop drinking soda? What should {rink toe? Try drinking more water and herbal tea Actual © have great herbal tea at the stand over there should try some E OK Thanks nim mmo rmme= nimzm maz Emitnte st PLUS pay " nella? “eon 1 joen 08? we know early athe om tube you talked to the Healthier tie ty, syn? we wid onreally? sa.ean join you? sure hanks Your nae is Hitan ves And you are. 7 bin tice to meet you, Erin, What's t ‘ps? Ob. it's herbal tea Ugh. iv prod, actu suart. is that oda? ‘ea it 1 érink a lat of soda too ‘Youdo? Well, We should both drink lens soda, agree Infact, we should stop drinking soda completely, ‘Well. 'm Hot bo suite about thar ‘Well Tm going to stop drinking soda from today What's that you'te eating? 1 just a cookie {hy abig cookie And it's chocolate, right? Yah ' ' ' ight? you'te drinking? tad wadh he oan ee ‘m changing my life, and this isthe Mrybe you should stop eating cookies, too Wel, maybe, ‘Another thing—and I'm worry if this is » personal question, Fran, but—do you exercise at all? 4 tarcise? Sure | do. rat! What do you do? 4 Well every morning, { walk to my car. {You walk to your ear? Brian, walking, to your ear is not ‘anise! 8 Lsten, trin—f live in an apartment, and { have to park my 1 along way from i ‘owt * Rout half mile. | have to walk to the car in the moreing, fed have to walls back to my apartment in the evening, Thats w mile © Oo you go the gyn? 1 tet scymore 1 My nae 1 i 00 far away. far? : Ment 870 miles, And there no place to park my cat 1 yg) 22" you walk there? ty t'o miles? Are you crazy? . Sant have to do it ewery day. yal 20 sure have some crary ide nan, but it's time ta change. We both have to change ‘ ~ Mestylast + il maybe we shouldn't change too a eh? Audio Scripta LISTENING... . 3. p47 Interviewer Excuse tne. Tm doing x surmy about shopping Jinbite. Can tate yen a ew questions? trebecea Sure 1 Cant tueve your name? He debares Schulte 1 Ok, tabecca, question one: Do you like shopping at matis? Yes. Move going to mnalls There's a great mall neat my place it's very convenient What do you like abesat it? Well, there are we many stores OK. Anything you don’t hike? ‘Well, somnetiznes there are too many people And t never ve eniigh tne Next, do you like shopping alone ot with friends? Oh, with friends! Alwreyst ‘What about shopping online? Do you like it? No.1 don't. never shop online vehy not? Yall, t's too dangerous to give your personal information cntine—you knew your credit card number, that kind of thing, Interviewer Excuse me. Tm doing a survey about shopping habits. Can f ask you some questions: Mario OK. 1 What's your name? M Marlo Ding 1 Tell me, Mario, do you like shopping at malls? M_No! I hate it! 1 Really? Why? M_ There are too many stores, thete are too many people, and there's too much noise! Shopping at a mall is very stressful? 1 OK. Next question: Do you like shopping slone or with Ithends? M_ Well, ft have to go to stores, | prefer to uhop alone But lly. prefer to buy stuff online 1 What kinds of things do you buy online? M_Everything—electronics, clothing... even bought my: bicycle online 1 Ate there any problems with shopping online? ta it dangerous? M_ Well,I didn’t think it was dangerous, but then a friend of thine had a problem. Someone got his credit card details and spent a lot of money with his card. So, yes, Wa little dangetous, but you can find good tuff there Interviewer Excuse ine. I'm doing a survey about shopping habits, Can Fak you some questions? Li Wel Sure What do you want to know? 1 OR, frst of all, what's your name? LL Wei Chen, You can call me LiWei 1 Thanks. 60, Li Wel, do you like shopping at malts? L Yes, to. 1 L What do you like about it? Well, you can find everything you want there—under one 100f 119 Awilio Scripts 1s there erething you on Hike Abou malts? 2 Well, there are too many places to go, atnd I never have rencuagh time Do you like to shop with fhtemda oF alone? Roth | hike to shop alone and with frien OK What atout shopping antine? ‘Oh Hove i! bay a Hot of things cntine, Act teytend thinks I buy too much stuf ontine! |What's the best thing about shopping online? The choice! And you can see it all without leaving home, Any problems with online shopping? Yew! It all too tempting, tk wery easy to Apend too Mauch money entine 1 Do-you think it'y dangerous to shop online? L_ Dangerous? No. not at all LISTENING PLUS... ..,....., p.47 Tntersiewer Hello again. I'm with ti Wel and Mario, and See talking some more about shopping, Li Wel, what kind of shopping do you like to do? LiWei Well, like f said, {Howe going to the mall, We have a rest one here 1 aac? Mario I hate going to the mall. The mall in this town ts too big. and there are always too many people there, 2 But that's not a problem. You can take a tweak. Don't {you lke just sitting. having coffee, and watching people walk by? M_ Coffee is fine, but watching people—no way, Mania, you prefer shopping online, right? M_ ight I> eany, it's quick You can look at stuff. You can take your time and think L_ But you can do that at the mall, too. ‘Na, you can! You stop, you look at something, and a store ssesistant says, “Hi! Can I help you?” {Right And you say. "No, thank you, just looking" Its easy 1 So, Li Wei, you sald you buy a lot of things online? Yes. 1 buy things all the time. Stuff like books and tickets for shows. But I never buy clothes and shoes. mean, smagsne buying 4 pair of shoes online. That's just crazy. wy? L_ Because you have to see them, try them on. See if they'te the right size That ian't a problem If you buy something online and you don't lke it, you can usually send it back. So, Mario, aren't you going to change your mind about shopping in alla? don't think 50 How about if Li Wel takes you mall shopping? What? Sate thing! Hold on & second So, this is the challenge Li Wet is going te take Mario ‘shopping at the mall, We're going to wee if she ean cl his mind about it OK, you guys? Yes! Comme on, Mario! We'te going to have a gy M_ | am not 40 wure about that ity, my Pare -ErE-E 120 tT LISTENING... 0.0 pu ‘ aren. My roaine 1 Alex, wt live fe Fy fle, an en tn Mw alli, andl H work oUt a lot, 99 Hin quite Musee Hittle introverted, too. Hive with ry mother » A Jot of eats, but no dogs. 1 don't ti abo Interested {h musie, but Fin not very ri nay that you don’t tike tock nuisie~ neither is {iv jazz and classical music. Can you belie introduced me to Jara? We moieties ever) |i music together 2 Mello, Sharon My name is Curtis, and Yn Hoston, I'm studying business here, too, the same schoolt Like you, I hope to work for that apecializes in import and export. People outgoing, talented, handsome, and funiiy—we what my friends say! Pm not a big music Fa Tdon't really know much about cate anc! dogs ut | yelly ‘ehjoy cooking! Well, actually, no, that's wn very talented cook, but to like it when oth for me. And I paint and draw a lot. It ty favorite hoblyy you go to my website, you can check out rome of the stuff that I've done. L think you'll agree I'm very talented 3. Ml, Sharon.1 junt read your message, and you sound like someone who If like to meet, My name It Josh, 'm ‘teacher, and {love dogs and eats, E don't have any pets because my apartinent |p: too sina, {like classical miatc and F'n starting to get inte jaze, but I'm not sure t understand it yet. don't paint. t'n mot wery artistic, but Hove going to art galleries. Fm not a great cook, but It taking classes in Japanese cooking. Ob, did | mention that Hive in Osaka Japan? LISTENING PLUS... Shaton Nello? Josh Sharon? Yes? NU This is Josh Josh ‘Yen Josh from Japan Ont nit p53 all right? Bo You have time to talk naw? Yea! Ye ‘Great. So, what wie we Umm... well, you can stay OF Um 9 teacher ‘What kind of teacher? Heaeh bus wolng to talk about? by telling me about you HHL H'm the com, ‘ompany ny 8 tece bo you a : wlinh teacher Wve In Tokyo? 1 No.1 ive in Osaka 3 on, "luht. you said that. Sony —— ive in Kobe, which is about 30 fs OF. Actui oa a 1 iometers fromm O ak igcity sit en .s sixth biggest city in Japan. 1X po you like it there? 5 om {The people are great, and | like the place where rove i 1 woth what do you do in your free time? outa lot. I ove Japanese food. {like going to Je rants that serve traditional Japanese culsine restaurant ‘andyou like music, right? Yeo, classical and jazz. There's a great jazz festival here, sbich takes place in October ‘and what else do you like to do? Well [like meeting people online. ike talking to people who have the same interests as Ido. And yoii seem to be intezested in the same things that tam, 140? ab, yes. itow do you know? Excuse me? tow do you know I'm someone who has the same interests as you? ‘What do you mean? Well you didn’t ask me a single questian, Ididn't? No Oh So...uh.. Sharon, what kind of people do you lile? lke people who want to find out about me | like people ‘ho ask me lots of interesting questions, And 1 like people ¥ho don't talk about themselves all the time. J Um.. OX. That makes sense Tz LISTENING... ces p59 * Triend What did you do on your vacation last year, Robin? fobin Iwent jet-skiing. 1t was my first time Ob? Did you have a good time? ‘Actually, no, 1 broke my arm. Oh, ho! Jet-skiing is so dangerous! ‘didn’t break my arm when I was jetakiing No? No Tbroke it in the bathroom of my hotel room, Feally? Haw did you do that? 1 [fellwehile twas getting out of the shower. Oh! That's too bad, nee Where did you goon vacation last year, Bob? We went to the beach, at sounds nice. What did you do there? ll, We wanted to go. waterskiing, Coot! Bid you have a food tine? nat really. | sprained my ankle. Ag (° Hear that. Waterskiing is @ litle dangerous, it idn't sprain my ankle when I was waterskiing ht No? N ef fell down when t was walking out of a store RPO ood °. POR good at all Audio Scripts 3. Friend What did you do on vacation last yea, in-ju? M r M r M F M F M Ea r M F M LISTENING PLUs.. inju I went canoeing at Yellowstone Nice! Did you enjoy it? Um... well, enjoyed the vacation, but I cut my knee pretty badly, Uh-oh. | guess canoeing can be dangerous, huh? Actually, didn’t cut my knee while I was canoeing, No? No. I did it while t was taking my canoe up a hill Huh? What happened? I wasn't looking where t was going, and f tripped aver a rock ‘Terrible! Iwas, Dut then my instructor helped me. In fact, he carried me up the hill and then drove me to the hospital Good. Yes, very good. He war a very nice guy. And...? ‘And, well, let's say | know hisn a little better now. sovenees BSD 1, Doctor Come in, Robin itl, my name's Robin Edwards BUsozb=u onc Take a seat, Robin Thank you How can I help you? Well, 1 broke my arm when Iwas en vacation last year, How did it happen? Hell when I was getting out of the shower Really? Yes, the thing ts, that happened five months aga, but my arm started hurting again Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. When did it start hurting? ‘When I was currying a new sofa up the stairs Hmm... that isn't good, Maybe you should get an X-ray Let's see what we can do. Thanics Bob Hi, can I come in? Manager Oh, hi, Bob. Yes, come in B M B M B ek eEer sEeozex Ouch! Are you OK? ‘Not really, n0, ‘What's the problem? ‘Well, before I came to work here, like, last year, I spmined my ankle How did you do that? was coming out of a store and | tripped on something on the floor Tee ‘The thing is,1 think just sprained my ankle again When? ‘Ten minutes ayo. | was walking down the stairs, and missed a step. Same ankle. Aru t really hurts now that. You should go home and rest. You can't work Thanks Come back tomorrow OK. The thing is, it really hurts Car [take two days off? Bob, come back tomozrow OK ox. 121

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