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NAME: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

COURSE, YEAR & SECTION: ___________________________________________________________________________

SUBJECT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

I. Define the following terms (related to Pharmacognosy):

1. Pharmacognosy

2. Plant Chemistry

3. Phytochemistry

4. Phytochemicals

5. Crude drugs

6. Crude

7. Natural Substances

8. Synthetic drug
9. Organic drug

II. Identify and give the important pharmaceutical contributions in pharmacognosy of the following scientists:

1. Dioscorides

2. Galen

3. C. A. Seydler

4. Hippocrates

5. J.A. Schmidt
6. Friedrich Sertuner

7. Pelletier and Caventou

8. Theophrastus

9. Dr. Abelardo Aguilar

10. Dr. Doralyn Dalisay

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