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AT6 /2022

Optimise B1+
Final Test

Teens 6
Optimise B 1+ Final Test
Name: ____________________ Date: ________


Four young adults tell us about how they met their best friends.

A. Lucy

I was sitting on a train, still amazed at the wonderful concert I had just enjoyed.
My favourite rock band, The Killers, had played their best concert ever.
Suddenly, a tall, slim boy sat next to me and started whistling. I immediately
recognized one of The Killers hits, so I asked him whether he had been at the
concert. Of course he had. I had never found the journey back to my home
town so short. We didn’t stop talking. He not only lived in the same town as I did, but he also
worked in one of the local supermarkets. We have been best friends ever since, sharing our
music tastes, apart from sharing other interests like series, books and sports.

B. Jack

Tom had always been an excellent football player, scoring goals in most
matches. We were not in the same team but I wanted to. I didn’t have
a particular talent for football, so I was a bit jealous of him. One day, we
met by chance when his practice had finished. He came towards me and asked if I had ever
considered becoming a goal keeper as he thought I had good qualities for that position.
Although I thought he was making fun of me, some days later I asked the coach to join the
club and he agreed. That’s how I found that I had a gift for football, but not as a forward.
From that moment on, Tom and I have become best friends, asking and giving advice to
each other on all kinds of situations.

C. Maggie

Paul and I had just broken up after a one-year relationship and I was
devastated. I used to cry all day long, I stopped eating properly and
school was a total disaster. That’s when I met Anne. She was sitting
in a park, reading, but as soon as she saw me walk past, she must have noticed something
because she put her book away and started walking next to me. At first, I felt surprised but
for some reason I started telling her everything about my sadness. She explained so clearly
everything that had happened, why I felt that way, the reaction Paul was expecting from me,
that I understood how silly I had been. Also, when she talked about the things she loved
doing, we noticed we both enjoy many activities like camping, trekking and music. We have
been best friends since then.

D. Daniel

I will never forget the morning I met Laura. We were both waiting for
a bus that was late and we were going to get to school really late. I
was furious, but Laura started making jokes and smiling and I finally
changed my mood. The bus arrived, but it was so full it didn’t stop,
so we ended up walking to school. Hers was a bit nearer than mine, but anyway we had
time to get to know each other. We discovered that we had some friends in common and
that was wonderful. We have been best friends ever since and she is always there if I feel

A. When they met their best friend, who

1. was going through a very difficult time in their life? ______

2. was feeling excited at an experience they had just had? ______

3. discovered several likes in common with the other person? ______ ______

4. had a wrong idea about the intentions of the other person? ______

5. was feeling annoyed because of a delay? ______

6. thought their trip was not as long as it used to be? ______

7 marks
(1 each)


On September 15th, 2016, Rob Pope, a veterinarian from Liverpool, UK, sat down at a
barber’s chair in Alabama, USA, and showing the barber a photo of actor Tom Hanks as the
famous character Forrest Gump, asked for the same haircut.

Even if you’ve never read the book or seen the film, you may have
heard about Forrest Gump and the most famous of the phrases in
the film “Run, Forrest, run”. In the film, Forrest runs across the USA
almost five times, starting at Alabama, and it takes him three years,
two months, fourteen days and sixteen hours, until he decides to
get back home. Rob wanted to run across the USA five times, too.

Rob, aged 38 at the time, was tired of working thirteen hours

a day five days a week and took the decision after
considering it for years. In fact, in 2002 his mother Cathy had
died of cancer but before that, she had said “Do one thing in
your life that makes a difference”. As Cathy had always
supported Rob’s passion for running and had taken him to
school races, cross-country races, marathons and more marathons, Rob understood
running across America was that “one thing”. So, dressed in the same way as Forrest Gump,
Rob Pope started his run across the USA.

His friend and partner Nadine, who was also a vet, immediately offered to go with him. She
became his psychotherapist, physiotherapist, nurse, dietician, driver, everything. Rob didn’t
have any major sponsors as most runners who attempt high challenges have. Nadine was
in charge and she was very careful about Rob’s dietary plan, too.

“When you run a distance longer than a marathon, you’re considered to be an ultra-
marathonist”, says Rob, “and this allows you to stop whenever you want to eat, drink or rest,
which is a good thing”. Many people along the way called him “Forrest”, waved at him and
cheered him, and these moments were also enjoyable for him.

As Rob was approaching his third crossing, Nadine told him she was
pregnant. For some time, she stayed with him but as pregnancy
progressed, she decided to return to the UK. That change made Rob think
very carefully about life. He was doing his fourth crossing and very near
the end but at the same time he felt he needed to be back in Liverpool. In
April 2018, he returned home, arriving in the UK six days before their baby
was born. Then, he ran the Manchester, Brighton and London marathons
in three consecutive weekends. All of them were completed in less than
three hours.

Days later, Rob Pope and his family flew to Arizona and on 29th April 2018 he reached the
same point where Forrest decides it is time to get back home. Rob had run for 422 days and
worn 33 pairs of shoes to complete a distance of 15,621 miles. Still today, when someone
asks “Why should someone run?” he answers “Because you want to.”

B. Multiple Choice

1. In the second paragraph we understand that Forrest Gump

A. is a well-known actor.
B. says several famous phrases in the film.
C. is better known for the book than for the film.
D. runs across the USA during all his life.

2. When Rob Pope started running across America,

A. he discovered a new passion in his life.

B. he was following Forrest’s advice.
C. he took an instant decision.
D. he wanted to do something important in his life.

3. Nadine

A. managed to get many sponsors for Rob’s run.

B. was persuaded to join Rob after some time.
C. was a very helpful figure in Rob’s run.
D. only shared a few interests with Rob.

4. Nadine’s pregnancy meant that Rob

A. had to finish the crossing faster.

B. had to continue without her.
C. needed more time to run than when she was with him.
D. got out of practice.

5. The main aim of the writer is to

A. emphasize the importance of doing something special in life.

B. describe how skillful a runner has to be.
C. question the value of running.
D. deny the importance of family life

5 marks
(1 each)


Choose either A or B

A. You see this advert on a website

Reviews wanted!
We are looking for reviews of music programmes on TV. Your review should include
information about the type of programme, when it started and other information you
consider relevant. Would you recommend it to other people your age?

The best reviews will appear on our website!

Write your review

B. In your English class you have been talking about the good and bad
aspects of living in a big city. Now your English teacher has asked you
to write an essay for homework

Are there more advantages or disadvantages to living in a big city?

Write about:
1. services and transport
2. quality of life

Write your essay

Write between 120 and 140 words


10 marks


A. Choose the correct option

1. Let's go dancing tonight, shall / will we?

2. Mark didn't remember he has / had seen the film before.

3. This toy shop has a great variation / variety of didactic toys.

4. I'm not sure but mum may / must be at work.

5. Shall / Will you buy the tickets for tonight concert?

6. We should avoid use / using technology more than two hours a day.

7. Luckily I took / made Peter's advice and bought a new laptop.

8. Do you remember the day where / when you started primary school?

9. Although / Despite Rita is an intelligent student, she lacks creativity.

10. Luke got better marks that / than his brother.

11. Paul has been playing football all afternoon and he has a cramp / crane in his leg.

12. He suggested / advised booking a table at the new restaurant.

13. Sarah's homework was remarkable / remarkably good.

14. Tom told / said me that he was going to look for a new job.

7 marks
(½ each)

B. Write the verbs in the correct form

1. A. What _______________________ (do) if you were in my place?

B. I don't really know.

2. Tom is feeling better. He _______________________ (not - call) the doctor if it isn't


3. Terry doesn't like zoos. He'd prefer ______________________ (go) to the fun fair.

4. A. What ______________________ (you – watch) on TV when the lights went out?

B. A horror film.

4 marks
(1 each)

C. Fill in the blanks with only ONE word

Two years ago my family and I went on holidays to Vancouver in the west of Canada.

The city is known as (1) ___________ of the world's best tourist destinations.

It is not just the wonderful setting that appeals to people, but also the wide range of

sporting, cultural and entertainment facilities.

On our first day, we (2) ____________ directed to a beach about ten minutes from the

city centre. The scenery was amazing for everybody (3) ____________ was there

enjoying the crystal clear water and the sandy beach.

(4) ____________ you are thinking of going abroad in your next holidays, you

(5) ____________ consider visiting this city. You won't regret it!

5 marks
(1 each)

D. Use the word in bold to form another that fits each blank.

1. It is spring now and the weather is getting _________________ warmer. GRADUAL

2. People don't realise the ________________ effects of smoking. HARM

3. Ed didn't express any ________________ when I asked what to PREFER

eat for dinner.

4. Sara was a very clever ________________ in the game show. CONTEST

4 marks
(1 each)

E. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the

first one. You should write between two and five words including
the word given

1. Mark started learning French two years ago. LEARNING

Mark __________________________________ two years.

2. I didn't see the TV programme because I didn't know it was on. HAVE

If I had known the TV programme was on, I ____________________________ it.

3. That woman lives next door. Her dog disappeared last weekend. WHOSE

The woman _____________________________ last weekend lives next door.

4. If you bring my laptop back straight away, you can use it. LONG

You can use my laptop ________________________ you bring it back straight away.

6 marks
1 - 2 (2 marks)
3 - 4 (1 mark)

OPTIMISE B1+ Teens 6
Key 2022 Final Test


A. 1. C 2. A 3. A, C 4. B 5. D 6. A
B. 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A

See bands


A. 1. shall 2. had 3. variety 4. may 5. Will 6. using 7. took 8. when 9. although

10. than 11. cramp 12. tidy 13. remarkably 14. told

B. 1. would you do 2. won't call 3. to go 4. were you watching

C. 1. one 2. where 3. who 4. If 5. should / must

D. 1. gradually 2. harmful 3. preference 4. contestant

E. 1. has been learning / French for 2. would have / seen 3. whose dog disappeared
4. as long as


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