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22p TTT ECL OR Cle BES TTT LT UEC Cee) 20-1-1 rf Talks SlikeShow ©B\ouTube TED Talks can be a valuable resource for students, giving them access to a variety of ideas, success stories, new knowledge and perspectives. ‘+ Choose talks on subjects that interest you. When you're engaged with the content, you're more likely to stay focused and. coctively listen + Ifavailable, read the transcript before or ‘after watching the tolk. This can provide clarity on any challenging Jot down key points or unfamiliar words as you listen. Reviewing your notes afterward can help solidify your understanding and expand your vocabulary, + Listen to the some talk multiple times. Repetition is essential for longuage learning, cond each repetition can reveal new nuances a inthe spoken language. wast Oe | ees bass Slidestory allows you to combine picture slideshows with voice narration. Each picture in a slideshow has an accompanying voice narrated mp3 audio file, optional tags, and text caption. Isn't this a very exciting way to make presentations and share them YouTube with subtitles offers a vast array of content in various languages, covering diverse topics and genres. This variety exposes you to different accents, speaking styles, and vocabulary. . Many YouTube videos feature natural conversations, interviews, and discussions. Listening to these authentic i You can replay videos as many times as needed. Repetition is crucial for improving listening skills, and YouTube allows you to review specific sections for better understanding. To make the most of YouTube for improving listening skills, choose content that aligns with your interests and language proficiency level. + FluentU incorporates real-world content from native speakers, ‘exposing learners to authentic language use, natural accents, ‘and colloquial expressions. This mirrors the way people actually speak in everyday life. FluentU is an online language learning platform that uses real-world videos, such as music videos, movie trailers, news, and inspiring talks, to help learners improve their language skills. + Users can track their progress, monitor which words and phrases they've learned, and review the videos they've watched. This feature helps learners identify ‘reas that need more attention ‘and measure their overall improvement. + FluentU is accessible on mobile devices, enabling learners to practice listening skills anytime, anywhere. ements: crs be a De ee ee is UES ree at 4

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