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DPM 19

A to E

A. Words along with their meaning, Pronunciation and usage

Stonewall (stohn-wawl) verb

-to obstruct (the passage of a legislative bill) in Parliament, especially by excessive or

prolonged debate.
-to block, stall, or resist intentionally.
The opposition stonewalled the passage of the new bill & delayed its discussion.

Sepia(see-pee-uh)noun, adj

a dark brown colour.

The sepia walls of the room blended with the wooden furniture.

Sojourn (noun soh-jurn; verb soh-jurn, soh-jurn)

-temporary stay , to live temporarily.

His sojourn into the world of acting brushed up his communication skills.

Somnolent (som-nuh-luhnt ) adj

-sleepy; drowsy.
The somnolent neighborhood woke up with the loud police siren.
Striations (strahy-ey-shuh ) noun

- any of the alternating light and dark crossbands that are visible in certain muscle fibers,
especially of voluntary muscles, and are produced by the distribution of contractile proteins.

-any of a number of scratches or parallel grooves on the surface of a rock, resulting from the
action of moving ice, as of a glacier.

Peering into the microscope, he could clearly make out the striations caused by the mutations of
the cell.

Serenade (ser-uh-neyd) noun,verb

-a complimentary performance of vocal or instrumental music in the open air at night, as

by a lover under the window of his lady.
The most romantic serenade in literature is of Romeo singing to Juliet.

Symposium (sim-poh-zee-uh m ) noun

-a meeting or conference for the discussion of some subject, especially a meeting at

which several speakers talk on or discuss a topic before an audience.
The symposium on ‘How to harness wind energy’ was well-attended.

Soliloquy (suh-lil-uh-kwee) noun

-the act of talking while or as if alone.

The protagonist’s soliloquy at the end of the play was so moving that the audience were
overwhelmed with emotion.
Scapegoat (skeyp-goht)

-a person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place.
The junior officers are made scapegoats when financial scams are exposed, while the
guilty go scot-free.

Scamper (skam-per) v

-to run or go hastily or quickly.

to run playfully about, as a child.

The puppy scampered around in the garden, chasing the ball.
B. RC Passage (with Link)

Article 1:

Summary : On the occasion on Phule Jayanti (April 11), here is the preface to Mahatma Jotiba
Phule’s book, Slavery, that he wrote in 1873. It was a Marathi book (Gulamgiri) with an English
preface and is now considered a foundational text of the Dalit movement. The preface highlighted
the central argument of the book. It was tremendously impactful because of its revisionist
understanding of caste as a system of exploitation rather than religion or biology. It was also
hailed for the ways it used this insight to lay the groundwork for transnational solidarities by
drawing connections between castes in the Indian context, British colonialism, and American
slavery. The use of two languages reveals its desire to speak across national boundaries.

Article 2:

Summary : Recently, Amul, the dairy collective, shared a series of its iconic ads on social media
in the context of the re-telecast of certain hugely popular mythological epics by Doordarshan. As
we all know, Amul is well-known for its advertisements that are always abuzz with something
topical. This article profiles their landmark ad campaign called Manthan, which was based on
Shyam Benegal’s celebrated film by the same name, starring Smita Patil, Girish Karnad,
Naseeruddin Shah et al. The ad, which aired in 1996, used footage from the 1976 film. The article
includes interesting trivia and inputs from many advertising professionals on Amul ads.

Article 3: The Great Barrier Reef is suffering its most widespread bleaching ever
recorded-The ongoing episode is the third mass bleaching event in five years
Summary : Bleaching occurs when corals experience periods of unusually high summer sea
temperatures, and they eject the symbiotic algae that both nourish corals and give them some
of their colors. It’s not a guaranteed death sentence, but many corals will not survive.

Article 4: Lowering Restrictions on Performance Enhancing Drugs in Elite Sports

Summary : This article argues that performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) ought to be allowed
across all elite sporting competitions for athletes over the age of 16 so long as consuming them
does not pose a significant risk to their health. I begin with a brief explanation of the current
state of PED use in professional sports before assessing the prospect of allowing PEDs by
three widely-accepted (though far from comprehensive) measures of ethical merit: well-being,
autonomy, and justice. I end with a critique of the World Anti-Doping Agency's criteria for
banning PEDs, concluding that allowing athletes to use PEDs is a superior alternative to the
current prohibitive approach.

Article 5:

Summary : Time travel — moving between different points in time — has been a popular topic
for science fiction for decades. Franchises ranging from "Doctor Who" to "Star Trek" to "Back to
the Future" have seen humans get in a vehicle of some sort and arrive in the past or future,
ready to take on new adventures. Each come with their own time travel theories.

The reality, however, is more muddled. Not all scientists believe that time travel is possible.
Some even say that an attempt would be fatal to any human who chooses to undertake it.
C. RC Passage (with Questions)

It is not that Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution are unknown in Alexandria, Egypt . But
even among those who profess to know something about the subject , the common
understanding is that Darwin said man came from monkeys. Darwin, of course, did not say man
came from monkeys. He said the two share a common ancestor. But to discuss Darwin
anywhere is not just to explore the origin of man. It is inevitable to engage in a debate between
religion and science. That is why, 150 years after Darwin published “On the origin of species”,
the British Council , the cultural arm of the British government, decided to hold an international
conference on Darwin in this conservative, Sunni Muslim nation .It was a first.

“A lot of people say his theories are wrong, or go against religion”, said Martin Davidson, chief
executive of the British Council. “His ideas provoke, but if we're going to understand each other,
we have to discuss things that divide us.”

Darwin maybe misunderstood here, but in many ways that is but one symptom of a more
fundamental problem with education in Egypt and around the region. In a culture that prizes and
nurtures conformity, challenging conventions and beliefs is anathema, said writers, political
scientists, social workers, students and educators inside and outside the conference. Education
here is based on rote memorization with virtually no emphasis on creative thinking. Few schools
here even teach the theory of evolution.

For example, once considered the intellectual capital of the Arab world, Egypt was recently
ranked one 24 of 133 countries in the quality of its primary education by the World Economic
Forum, based in Switzerland. Other global assessments have provided equally dismal results.

Indeed, many people, including some of the 150 scientists and scholars in attendance at the
Bibliotheca Alexandrina this month, were somewhat surprised that the government even agreed
to allow the conference. It was unlike the leadership here to permit public discussion of ideas
that challenge religious thinking and the national curriculum, or promote critical thinking they

The British Council framed the conference to seek middle ground more than to promote
confrontation .While challenging our religious society to think seriously about evolution, it
emphasized the possibility of reconciling a belief in divine creation with Darwin's theories of
evolution and natural selection. That was a position that many students here said they were
comfortable with.

Darwin's theory of species says nothing about the appearance of life - or about the origins of the
universe read panel 7, in an evolution of man exhibition put up put on display during the
conference . “It is perfectly possible to uphold a scientific account of how natural laws allowed
the universe and life to develop and to believe that a deity created those laws. Judging from
public comments made during the gathering, the effort to reconcile faith and science left avowed
atheists in the audience frustrated and did little to convince the religious fundamentalists.

Question 1) From the last sentence of the passage it can be inferred that the Bibliotheca
Alexandrina conference

(A) Failed miserable in its objective.

(B) Failed in its efforts to eradicate religious fundamentalism.
(C) Failed to reconcile faith and science.
(D) Failed to convince the extreme ends of the religious spectrum.
Question 2 )The author attributes the unacceptance of Darwin's theory in Egypt to

(A) Religious fanaticism.

(B) Hold of religion over education.
(C) Education impervious to creative thinking.
(D) Absence of scientific temper among the public.

Question 3) The author says that to discuss Darwin is to engage in a debate between science
and religion probably because

(A) The tenets of religion clash with the theory of evolution .

(B) Darwinism is anti-religious.
(C) The theory of evolution demeans God.
(D) Science and religion have always been at loggerheads.
D. Quantitative Aptitude

1. Find the number of positive integral solutions for the equation

19x + 11y + 8z = 240.
(A) 7 (B) 14 (C) 5 (D) 21

2. If 2 f(x) +5 f ( ) = 3x2 + 4, then find the value of f(3).

(A) -40/21 (B) 121/63 (C) -121/63 (D) 40/21

3. P = 1057, Q = 1739, R = 6326

The ascending order of P, Q, R is ___

4. If integers x and y are such that 0 ≤ x ≤ 5 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 5, then find the number of
rectangles that can be formed with vertices of form (x,y) and sides are parallel to the
(A) 100 (B) 225 (C) 1296 (D) 196

5. The remainder of 31264 Divided by 549 is __

(A) 1 (B) 9 (C) 81 (D) 160

6. PQRS is a rectangle which is folded along the line UV such that the vertex R coincides

with the vertex P.

If the length of crease UV is equal to length of rectangle, find the ratio of the length to the
breadth of the rectangle.
√3 + 1 √5+1 1/2
(A) √2 : 1 (B) ∶1 (C) √3 : 1 (D) ( )
2 2

7. Cos2A = 4𝑝𝑞
and p>0, q>0, then which of the following is definitely true?

(A) p < pq <q (B) pq < p <q (C) p = pq (D) None of these

8. A uniform cylindrical tank is initially filled to 60% of its capacity. The radius of the base of
the tank is then increased by 10%. By what percent (approx.) of the height of the tank
does the level of water fall?
(A) 30% (B) 20% (C) 10% (D) 7.35%

9. An article is marked at 80% above the cost price. What is the maximum number of
successive discounts of 10% each, which can be offered, before selling the article such
that loss is not incurred?
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 5 (D) 7

10. If the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 ( where a, b, c are real ) and

x3 + x2 - 2x - 8 = 0 have exactly two roots in common , then which of the following is
(A) a+b = c (B) a+2b = c (C) a+c = b (D) a+2b+c = 0
E. DILR – 1 Set

Directions for questions 1 to 5: The questions are based on the following table. The
percentage growth in sales turnover of five companies over the respective previous years.

Name of the company 2015 2016 2017 Projected for 2018

A 10 20 30 45
B 15 15 30 38
C 8 20 30 30
D 5 30 20 40
E 12 20 28 42

1. In which of the following companies, is the percentage growth in sales turnover highest
from 2014 to 2017?
(A) A (B) B (C) D (D) E

2. Company D had earned a profit of Rs. 41 crores, which was 25% of its total sales in
2017. What was its sales in 2014 approximately?
(A) Rs. 64 crores (B) Rs. 88 crores

(C) Rs. 164 crores (D) Rs. 100 crores

3. In 2016, the sales of company B and company D are Rs. 100 crores and Rs. 130 crores
respectively. What was the ratio of their sales in 2014?

(A) 420 : 529 (B) 10 : 13

(C) 529 : 710 (D) 11 : 19

4. In 2016, the sales of each company was Rs. 130 crores. How many companies had
sales below Rs. 100 crores in 2014?

5. By what percent is the projected sales of company C, for 2018 more than its sales
turnover in 2014?

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