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Lesson 1: overview SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY Objectives: Explain the definition of science, technology and society Deseribe how science and technology affects society and how in tum society affects science and technology Cite real life examples of tools and procedures that shows the relationship between science, technology and society. Science, Technology and Society Science and technology studies, or science, technology and society studies is the study of show society, politics and culture affect scientific rescarch and technological innovation, and how these, in turn, affect society, polities and culture, SCIENCE Came from the Latin word “Scientia” meaning knowledge. An organized body of knowledge attained using, scientific method Sclentific method refers to a system o acquiring knowledge which uses systematic observation and experimentation, There’s a difference between Facts and Non- facts Facts — were processed in a series of systematic studies. How did Science came about’? Curiosity triggers our hunger for knowledge. The human attempt to understand the natural world. With or without concern for practical uses, Curiosity, afer a series of systematic observation and experimentation, we established this body of knowledge. TECHNOLOGY ‘came from two Greck word: TEHCNE meaning art, craft, or skill. LOGOS meaning to speak of, imply the practical application of rechne. (to study) is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of life. We are using the knowledge we acquire to use in our life ina very practical way Technology involves: Tool and Devices, Procedures and Techniques, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SCIENCE explores for the purpose of knowing. Its the search for knowledge. TECHNOLOGY explores for the purpose of making something useful from the knowledge SCIENCE is theory, TECHNOLOGY is practice. (Theory is ba for practice. When seience is applied there is technology) We apply knowledge into a series of procedures to make something useful to help us in our daily lives. (ex. Coal — water= steam. Steam train) SOCIETY Latin word “Soctetas” meaning friend, ally or interaction between people. A Society is a group of individuals, which is characterized by common interest and may have distinctive culture and institution, > NS Life of society becomes more convenient because of technology. Science is applied to make technology, and Technology is invented to ‘make the lie of society casier and more convenient. We need to unlock new bodies of knowledge, we need to lean more. Society demands more from Science and technology. Hindi makakapag imbento ng bago kung hindi nag demand o kinailangan ng society. Science and Technology affects society. The present condition of society influences Science and technology. ‘Technology makes life easier for the society, so society benefits from technology. Society isn’t stagnant, and science will always seek to improve our way of life, and when we encounter more problem we demand more from science and technology. Lesson 2: Science +Who started science? > Science existed since the dawn of human existence > The human attempt to understand the natural world with and without concern for practical uses, > The desire to survive has made way for human to discover new forms of knowledge. *The history of science and technology Pre historic > the primitive man must have: > Recognized the distinctive difference between living and non-living things > Practice instinetive therapeutics Inverted and used primitive stone tools for hunting and gathering resources. Ancient world -MESOPOTAMISA =: THE CIVILIZATION CRADLE OF > Formed from the ancient words MESO meaning, between or in the middle of and POT4MOS meaning river. > Situated in fertile in valleys between the Tigris River and Euphrates River, > Now known as the Middle East SUMERIA OF THE ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA (4100-1750 BCE) ‘engaged in the technological innovation MOST IMPORTANT INVENTIONS CUNEIFORM > first writing system > word pictures and triangles carved in clays. WHEELS, > used for farming and food processing > a device for milling SAIL BOAT > the first mode of transportation > based from observing the wind effect on a piece of clothe IRRIGATION AND DIKES to bring water to farmland, > to control the flooding of rivers ANCIENT BABYLON (2300 BCE) MOST IMPORTANT INVENTION BABYLONIAN ASTROLOGY > Making predictions based on the seasonal ‘movement of stars, the sun and the moon, CATOGRAPHY The science of map-making. map of the world carved in clay. BABYLONIAN LUNISOLAR CALENDAR > -A calendar based on mathematical calculations and astronomy. ANCIENT EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION (2300 BCE) MOST IMPORTANT INVENTIONS PAPER OF PAPYRUS > from clay, writing was made easier using plant- based paper. INK > made from vegetable gum, bee's wax and carbon, HEIROGLYPHICS > Egyptian writing system, Believed to be language from the Gods CLEPSYDIA Water clock » The amount of water remaining determines the time, COSMETICS > for health and aesthetics. > to protect or cure eyes from eye diseases. wics > for health and wellness > protection from heat and head lice. MUMMIFICATION > the process of preserving bodies > drying or embalming PYRAMIDS > one of the largest structures ever build in the worlds, ANCIENT GREECE, -BUILD THE INFLUENCE OF ANCIENT EGYPT AND MESOPOTAMIA KNOWLEDGE IS BASED ON DEDUCTIVE REASONING knowledge is build from pure thoughts, + Greek believes that the only acceptable way of obtaining knowledge is deduction. Thus, observation is undervalued. Ex, All man are mortal, Don is a man. Therefore, Don is mortal. All boys eat apples Maria is eating an apple. Therefore, Maria is a boy. MOST IMPORTANT INVENTIONS, GREEK ARCHITECTURE, WATER MILLS ROMAN EMPIRE, -FOCUSES ON REFINEMENTS THAN BUILDING. NEW IDEAS MOST IMPORTANT INVENTIONS. GAZETTES > the first ever newspaper used to inform the public FIRST BOUND BOOKS > papyrus papers covered with animal skin and preserve and protect the pages. ROMAN NUMERALS ROMAN ARCHITECTURE ANCIENT CHINESE CIVILIZATION IMPORTANT INVENTIONS SILK PRODUCTION used for paper and clothe production TEA PRODUCTION > China's trademark beverage. GREAT WALL OF CHINA protection for the invaders GUNPOWDER accidental invention, instead of making the elixir of life (chemical that perpetuate a human life), they made explosives Middle Age Industrial Revolution *Problems encountered during ancient times ‘Transportation and navigation Communication Health Security and prot Architciehnd egincring Mass production Aestheties Record keeping The History of cience and Technology tec leap MIDDLE / MEDIEVAL AGES © Most innovative mind came from this period. ‘© Also known as the DARK AGES. ISLAMIC SCIENCE: © ARABIC NUMERALS replacement for roman numerals, © Algebra, trigonometry and geometry. (© Discoveries diseases like smallpox and measles caused by pathogens. ‘Middle age most important inventions: 1. Scholasticism and scientific method © Initiated by St. Thomas Aquinas and Robert Grosseteste © Founded by St. Thomas Aquinas and Robert Grosseteste Involves experimentation and prediction The earliest systematic discussions of the nature and kinds of law. © Based on deductive reasoning of greek. People of religion contributed to science discoveries. 2. Printing press ‘+ To duplicate body of knowledge. + For record keeping 3. War weapons and armors © Chain mail full-body metal 4. Telescope ally used for nav -a to avoid danger, ‘+ Further developed by Galileo Galilei to observe heavenly bodies. 5. Microscope * Used to observe organisms unseen Help in finding cure for illnesses n and observing waked eye Modern Age © known as The Scientific Revolution ‘Modern Age Most Important inventions: ‘Computers © Ithad the ability to be programmed and calculate mathematical equations. Pasteurization © This provided a way to prevent the growth of bacteria n substances such as wine, beer, and milk. It made milk safer to drink. © This isa process of heating and cooling the food. Plastic © During 1905 (© Substitute to ivory (elephant tusk) balls ‘Telephone © Accidentally invented by Alexander Graham Bell © Inresearching ways to teach the deaf, he experimented with transmitting sound via electricity. Lightbulbs © Nikola tesla and Thomas Edison Motor Cars © Invented by a German engineer named Karl Benz in 1898, © Produced the fi Camera. © By George Eastman developed the first small Kodak box camera Mobile x-ray machine (© Matie curie developed this and through her work by 1914. It able to successfully create an x-ray machine which could be used to take images of human skeleton, 3 modern automobile Aeroplane © The Wright brothers piloted the first sucessful heavier than air acroplane. Radar System © By Edward Appleton developed a way of detecting aircraft using sonic radar. 21" century Internet (1973) WIFI (1997) Mobile phones (1980s) Personal computers (1980) Smartphones (2007) Remarkable contributions of Philippines to science and technology Bamboo incubator © Invented by Dr. Fe Del Mundo © Tohelp families in rural communities without electricity, Erythromycin © Invented by Dr. Abelardo Aguilar Erythromycin is an antibiotie used in treating, infections of the respiratory tract, as well as urinary ‘act infections and sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis Jeepneys © The leftover US military keeps were converted to Sarao Jeepney to use as public utility vehicle Single-chip graphical user interface accelerator, © Invented by Diosdado Banatao © This made computers work a lot faster and for helping develop the Ethernet controller chip that made the internet possible, Karaoke Sing Along System Invested by Roberto Del Rosario Hlorescent_ © Invented by Agapito Flores Feminine Hygiene © Invented by Virgilio Manalang ‘Salt Lamps © This are lamps powered by salts. It was invented to provide electricity to the rural community at night. Amphibious vehicle © Can run in land and waters. Lesson 3: Selentifie revolution ~ Intellectual revolutions that defined the society. Science can be deceiving. We believe prior body of knowledge without considering other observations and explanation. Perspective and views. People are conditioned to see a certain way, believing it is the only way to look at things and don’t even consider the possibility of « different explanation for what they are seeing. PARADIGM SHIFT (a concept of perspective is dynamic) A paradigm is a worldview, or a particular way of doing, things, that encompasses different concepts and postulated about how a particular field works and why it works the way it does. When a paradigm shift happens, things get ted upside down on their heads. Aristotle believe and proposed to people that “motion of an object is relative to its mass”. That is normal science during that time. As the time passes, people began to observe anomalies which resulted into ertsts. This is revolutionary science. But duc to Galileo and Newton, they experimented by dropping to objects, one light weighted and another which is heavier than the other. That experiment revealed that both object landed together. And people started to believe G and N. Newton proves that through his 3 laws of motion, This idea was now accepted and considered as normal science. 1. How does universe works? CLADIUS PTOLEMY - proposed an idea and model called GEOCENTRIC THEORY (2™ century). THE EARTH IS STILL. The geocentric model is a superseded description of the universe with carth at the center; Under the geocentric ‘model the sun, moon, stars, and planets all orbited earth, NICOLAUS COPERNICUS - propo: IOCENTRICISM (1543). The sun is the center of the universe. Heliocentricism is the astronomical model in which the earth and planets revolve around the sun at the center of the universe. This idea was accepted because it was supported by the famous person who invented the telescope (GALILEO GALILED). 2. HOW HUMANS AND ALL CREATURES CAME ABOUT? Divine Creation ~ religion belief. What all things looks like it is the way on how God created them. Before Charles Darwin, nearly all sciemtists believed that life on earth, including humans, was created by God thousands of years earlier and had remained unchanged over time. DARWIN'S THEORY OF EVOLUTION 1859 His proposition that all species of like have descended over time from common aneestors is now widely accepted, and considered a foundational concept in This theory declared that species survived through a process called “natural selection,” where those that successfully adapted or evolved to mect the changing requirements of their natural habitat thrived and reproduced, while those species that failed to evolve and reproduced died off. 3. WHAT MAKES US WHO WE ARE? THE EXISTENCE OF THE UNCIOUNSCIOUS “Mental Illness was almost universally considered ‘organic’; that i, it was thought to come from some kind of deterioration or disease of the brain.” Physiological illness thats why they open the skull and examine the brain during that time. “Sharp dividing line between the “insane” and the “sane.” Insane people were those w/ physical diseases of the brain. Sane people were those w/o diseased brains.” Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory ~ most accepted way to treat mental illness Psychoanalysis was founded by Sigmund Freud, He believed that people could be cured by making conscious, their unconscious thoughts and motivations, thus gaining “insight”. Psychoanalysis sees mental illness as a result of human experience rather than biological errors of the brain and central nervous system Id — instincts, immature, low, unconscious energy Ego — reality, middle, conscious Superego ~ morality, highest, preconscious Id and superego should be balance for ego to exist 4. WHAT MAKES UP STUFF? (universe) 3 paradigms Aristotle > Alchemy > Chemistry The 4 elements of matter ‘The ancient Greeks believed that there were four clements that everything was made up of: EARTH, WATER, AIR, and FIRE. This theory was suggested around 450 BC, and it was later supported and added to by Aristotle, Alchemy — Egyptian: “QEM” (black) Greek: CHYMA. (to cast) Arable: Al Kimia “Everything around us contains a sort of universal spirit, and metals were believed no only to be alive but also to ‘grow inside the earth.” GOLD IS EVERYTHING Centered their search on a mythical substance they knew as philosopher's stone, which was supposed to possess many valuable attributes such as the power to heal, to prolong life, and to change base metals into precious, metal- such as gold.” (CHEMISTRY is the branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is composed Today we know that the universe is made up of atoms: and elements. John Dalton —all are made up of atoms (proven). That ‘was prior revealed by Democritus but was neglected by ‘many during that time. ‘The first modem chemist was ROBERT BOYLE (1627- 1691). Boyle was also the first to disagree with the Greek Idea of four elements in his book THE SKEPTICAL CHYMIST, published in 1661. Human curiosity encouraged investigation, discovery, modem day knowledge. It triggers the mind to question current beliefs. During the era of the scientific revolution, people began using experiments and ‘mathematies to understand mysteries. Lesson 4 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND NATION, BUILDING + PRE COLONIAL PERIOD + COLONIAL PERIOD * POST COLONIAL PERIOD PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD 1900-15605. The precolonial period broadly refers to the span of time prior to the introduction of European colonialism areas across the world The archipelago has its own belief system and indigenous knowledge that has sustained their community. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT STARTED IN THE PHILIPPINES IN THIS PERIOD INCLUDING: -Plants and herbs as medicine (herbolario) -Systems of farming and animal- raising. - Development of transportation both maritime and terrestrial, BANAUE RICE TERRACES A-complicated architecture achieved by the natives of Cordillera An elaborate farming system that used irrigation from mountain top and forests Through this, they cultivated erops on the mountain side in cold temperature COLONIAL PERIOD (from 1565 to 1898) + The Spanish colonial period in the Philippines was the period during which the Philippines were part of the Spanish Empire as the Captaincy General of the Philippines from 1565 t01 898, + Designed to spread Christianity and to establish control over the region, COLONIZATION OF SPANIARDS PROVIDED ‘THE PHILIPPINES WIT! MODERN MEANS OF CONSTRUCTION (churches, roads, bridges and other large infrastructures.) Dect Cra Tale COLONIZATION OF SPANIARDS PROVIDED THE PHILIPPINES WITH: The Spaniards also developed FORMAL, EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM through parish schools that ‘were only enjoyed by the Principalia class. The core curriculum is usually Spanish language and literature (and the language and literature of the autonomous region if applicable), mathematics, gcography, history, « foreign language and physical education. Optional subjects include music, technology, a sccond forcign language, and social/moral studies. AMERICAN OCCUPATION PROVIDED THE PHILIPPINES WITH: + A Government agency + The Bureau of Science + Modern agriculture and food processing + Publiceducationalsystem + Modern engineering + Public Healthcaresystem MODERN RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES FOUNDED DURING AMERICAN OCCUPATION * University of the Philippines ‘© Manila Trade School (Technological University of the Philippines) * Philippine Normal School (Philippine Normal University) + Manila Business School (now Polytechnic University of the Philippines) POST COLONIAL PERIOD (from 1902 - PRESENT) + After the Philippines’ independence from its colonizers, the country under different administration continued to pursue programs in Seience and Technology. FORMER PRESIDENT FERDINAND MARCOS + One of the presidents who ushered in advancements in Science and Technology. Under his term, many agencies in Science and Technology were established and strengthened, + The advancement of Science and Technology had been the priority in the National Government. PIONEERING HOSPITALS BUILT DURING THE TIME OF MARCOS + Philippine Heart Center + Lung Center of the Philippines + National Kidney and Transplant Institute MANILA LIGHTRAIL TRANSIT SYSTEM ‘THE PHILIPPINE ATMOSPHERIC, GEOPHYSICAL AND ASTRONOMICAL, SERVICES ADMINISTRATION + In place of the abolished WEATHER BUREAU + Under the Department of National Defense + Established to provide environmental protection and to utilize scientific knowledge to ensure the safety of the people, NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY->DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY oe ered pert) Ul Teller tint as development of science and technology’ A eee) Lesson 5 Science education in the Philippines ‘When was sclence first taught in schools In the Philippines? 1904- science was first introduced by the Americans under the subject matter, nature study, but abolished a year after to give more time to language arts. 1938- signs was again introduced with a focus on nature and health. 1950s- the importance of science to development was only recognized by leading sciemtists. 1987-science became a part of the curriculum from rade 1-6 Concepts of setence education teaching sclence- involves developing ways on how effectively teach science( explore pedagogical theories and models) earning seience- includes both pedagogy and helping students understand and love signs. understanding signs- focus on developing and applying science-process skills and using seience literacy and understanding the natural world and activities in everyday life. Why is science education taught in school? Important of science education: -the knowledge and skills developed by science ‘education will prepare citizens in a scientifically and technologically driven world. Therefore, developing a science culture is immense responsibility for schools, How is science education taught in the philippines? Science education in basic education grade 1-12 Science education helps students learn important concepts and facts that are related to everyday life. gives important skills such as; ¢ Process skills + critical thinking skills life skills -Develop positive attitude such as; + love for knowledge ‘+ passion for innovative things + curiosity to study nature © Creativity Science education in tertiary education ‘© Deals with developing students’ understanding and appreciation of science ideas and scientific ‘works through the general education curriculum, ‘+ Focuses on the preparation of science teachers, scientists, engineers, and other professionals in various science-related fields such as engineering, agriculture, medicine, and health science. +The state also provides scholarships to encourage your students to pursue science courses. Philippine science high school system (PSHS SYSTEM) A government program for gifted students in the country. a rescarch-oriented and specialized publie high school system in the Philippines that operates as ‘an attached ageney of the philippine department of science and technology. continues to pursue its Vision To develop Filipino science colors with scientific minds and passion for excellence. ‘with a view of preparing students for a science career RA NO. 3661 manila seience high school The first science high school in the philippines the curriculum puts an emphasis on science and mathematics: ‘Aims to produce scientists with soul humanities courses and other electives are also included in the curriculum Encourages students to participate in various extracurricular activities special science elementary school project In pursuant to DepEd order number 73 series of 2008, and DepEd order number 51 series of 2010 started in 2007 with 57 identified elementary schools as science elementary schools in the country. SSES project aims to develop Filipino children ‘equipped with scientific and technological knowledge, skill, and. science is prioritized and learn on longer time. 70 minutes for grade1-3 and 80 minutes for grade 4-6. Quezon city regional science high school ‘+ Establish on Septem! 5 fice high school. regional scienee high school ‘+ Students have additional subjects in science and technology + avenue in proving maximum opportunities to develop the spirit of inquiry and creativity. 5. central Visayan institute foundation It is home and pioneer of the prominent school- based innovation known as a dynamic learning program DLP DLP isa synthesis of classical and modern pedagogical theories adapted to faster the highest level of learning, creativity, and productivity The school takes pride in its research center for theoretical physics are RCTP established in 1992 which organizes small international workshop. Notable alumni of selence high school in the FINALS Lecture 5: The Human Flourishing terms of science and technology. What does flourishing means? “flourishing is when people experience positive emotions, positive psychological functioning, and positive-seeial functioning, most of the time”, living “within an optimal range oF hu 7 - developing rapidly and successfully; thriving Happiness ~In psychology, Happiness is a mental and emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among

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