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Group 1

BSOA 1 - 1 and BSOA 1 - 2

Asumbrado, Eden Karylle

Colarina, Jovert

Depetillo, Ernesto

Ducot, Pretty Ann

Marinduque, Minvel

Peconcillo, Jieanne

Tolentino, Elyza
Leadership is an act of guiding, directing, and motivating a group or individual to

achieve specific goals and objectives. Leaders inspire and encourage people to take the steps

necessary for success. To be a successful leader, you must first learn and build the necessary

skills such as connecting people, effective communication, creativity, compassion, fairness,

respect, accountability, and problem-solving skills. In this study, you will learn about the ten

great and effective leaders who have inspired the entire globe with their eminent

contributions to politics and world history.


Abraham Lincoln, an exceptional leader whose legacy is etched in the annals of

history, stood out not only for his political acumen but also for the profound compassion and

boundless love he harboured for his fellow human beings. His leadership was characterised

by a deep-seated belief in the sanctity of life, a conviction that transcended the boundaries of

species and embraced the entirety of the natural world. According to Lincoln, life, in all its

intricate and diverse forms, held an inherent sacredness that demanded preservation. Central

to Lincoln's philosophy was the unwavering commitment to protect and uphold human life as

the highest priority. He viewed the safeguarding of human existence as a moral imperative,

emphasising the responsibility we share as individuals and as a society to ensure the well-

being and security of each person. In articulating this principle, Lincoln sought to instil a

profound sense of duty and responsibility toward the preservation of life, recognizing the

unique value inherent in every individual. Furthermore, Lincoln recognized the intricate

tapestry of humanity and believed in the collective potential for goodness that resides within

each person. He passionately appealed to the better angels of human nature, urging society to

tap into its reservoir of empathy, compassion, and understanding. In his view, by invoking

these "better angels," humanity could collectively strive towards a higher moral ground,

fostering an environment where the sanctity of life is not only acknowledged but actively


In essence, Abraham Lincoln's leadership was imbued with a holistic perspective on

life, extending beyond the human realm to encompass the interconnectedness of all living

beings. His enduring message resonates with the idea that, as stewards of this planet, we are

entrusted with the responsibility to nurture and protect life in its myriad forms, with a special

emphasis on the imperative to safeguard and cherish the precious gift of human existence.

Adolf Hitler, a historical figure whose life spanned from 1889 to 1945, occupies an

unquestionably central role in the profoundly tragic saga of the Holocaust—a period marked

by unimaginable human suffering and systematic genocide. Within the intricate tapestry of

historical events, Hitler's significance extends beyond the mere embodiment of virulent

hatred directed at the Jewish population; rather, it lies in the intricate interplay of various

factors that propelled him to a position of unprecedented influence. At the heart of Hitler's

pivotal role was not only his profound animosity towards the Jewish people but also his

unparalleled success in orchestrating the rise of a formidable political movement. This

movement, characterised by fervent nationalism, authoritarian ideologies, and an acute anti-

Semitic agenda, culminated in the Nazis assuming control of Germany. Hitler's charismatic

leadership, coupled with a strategic political vision, enabled him to forge a path to power,

capturing the collective imagination of a nation grappling with economic turmoil and a sense

of collective resentment. It is this intersection of Hitler's visceral anti-Jewish sentiments and

his adept navigation of the political landscape that created the conducive environment for the

initiation and execution of the Holocaust. The systematic genocide of millions of Jews

became tragically possible as the Nazi regime, under Hitler's command, employed state

machinery to implement policies of exclusion, persecution, and ultimately, extermination.

In essence, Adolf Hitler's historical legacy is intertwined with the tragic narrative of

the Holocaust, not merely as an individual harbouring hatred, but as a complex orchestrator

of political machinations that unleashed unprecedented horrors upon the world.

Understanding the multifaceted dimensions of Hitler's influence and the socio-political

context that facilitated the implementation of genocidal policies provides a comprehensive

view of the devastating events that unfolded during this dark chapter in human history.

Alexander III of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great, was a king of

the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. He succeeded his father Philip II to the throne in 336

BC at the age of 20, and spent most of his ruling years conducting a lengthy military

campaign throughout Western Asia and Egypt. Alexander the Great was one of the greatest

military strategists and leaders in world history. He was also ruthless, dictatorial, and

ambitious to the point of regarding himself as divine. His conquests of the Mediterranean

states, the Persian empire, and parts of India spread Hellenistic culture across these regions.

The period of history from his death to 31 B.C., when his empire folded, would come to be

known as the Hellenistic period, from “Hellazein,” which means, “to speak Greek or identify

with the Greeks.” Alexander the Great is revered as one of the most powerful and influential

leaders the ancient world ever produced.

Alexander's most immediate legacy was the introduction of Macedonian rule to huge

swathes of Asia. Many of the areas he conquered remained in Macedonian hands or under

Greek influence for the next 200 to 300 years.

Alexander is considered one of the most famous leaders because his leadership style

can be characterised by his charisma, tactical brilliance, personal bravery, and ability to

inspire loyalty in his troops. He was known to lead from the front, often participating in the

thick of battles, which earned him the respect of his soldiers and commanders.

George Washington was the first President of the United States of America after

being an American general and commander in chief of the Continental Army during the

American Revolution wherein 13 of Great Britain’s North American colonies fought for

independence. Though not a great military strategist, Washington was a great general and his

strength lies with him holding the colonial army together, and being a great disciplinarian to

his soldiers. He earned the loyalty of his men through demanding the Congress to give them

better treatment. With the aid of France, The Battle of Yorktown ended the Revolutionary

war where George Washington was declared a national hero. George Washington won the

first presidential election with the most votes, followed by John Adams who became his vice

president. He helped establish a lot of laws by signing a lot of bills including the bill

establishing the permanent U.S capital, a bill establishing a national bank (Bank of the United

States), the first United States copyright law (protecting the copyright of authors), the first

Thanksgiving proclamation, and the ratification of Bill of Rights.

George Washington is a known leader because he was one of the prominent figures

that led the United Stated to make the country it is today. His leadership during his time as

the general and winning the first presidential election of the United States showed how

effective he was and how much the public wanted his leadership.

Mahatma Gandhi emerges as an extraordinary paradigm of a transformational leader,

distinguished by his unique and impactful approach to leadership, notably grounded in

leading through personal illustration. His visionary perspective on leadership transcended the

confines of self-centric motives, steering clear of any inclination toward a conventional

power grab. Instead, Gandhi steadfastly exhibited a profound sensitivity to a higher, altruistic

purpose, elevating his leadership beyond the ordinary trappings of authority and political

manoeuvring. What truly sets Gandhi apart as an exemplar of transformational leadership is

his unwavering humility, manifested in his deliberate choice to inhabit modest living

conditions reminiscent of the everyday struggles experienced by millions of individuals in

India. This intentional embrace of a humble lifestyle underscores his commitment to forging

a deep connection with the common person and aligning himself with the prevailing socio-

economic challenges within the nation. By immersing himself in the realities faced by the

masses, Gandhi not only spoke eloquently about the need for societal change but, crucially,

lived out his convictions by embodying the very principles he advocated.

In essence, Gandhi's transformative leadership style is characterised not only by the

enunciation of visionary principles but, significantly, by the consistent and authentic

embodiment of those principles in his own life. His intentional choice to live amidst the

struggles of the marginalised population served as a powerful symbol of solidarity,

reinforcing his status as a leader who didn't just preach change but actively participated in it.

This holistic integration of principles into personal conduct not only reinforced his credibility

but also inspired countless individuals to emulate the values he championed.


Martin Luther King Jr. was a really important leader because he wanted to fix unfair

things happening to some people. He didn't want anyone treated badly because of their skin

color. He worked hard so that people of all colors could be treated the same way, without any

unfairness or discrimination. He did peaceful marches and protests to show how important it

was for everyone to be treated fairly. He helped with big events like the bus boycott and

marches, where people walked together to ask for fairness and equal rights for all. His words

inspired lots of people to stand up against unfairness and fight for equality.

Martin Luther King Jr. is considered a famous leader because of his powerful efforts

in the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. He became a prominent figure because of

his dedication to justice, equality, and his powerful speeches that inspired millions of people

to stand up against racism and fight for equal rights for all. His peaceful approach and

powerful words made a huge impact, leading to significant changes in the laws and attitudes

toward civil rights in America.


Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu MC, known as Mother Teresa, was the founder of the

Missionaries of Charity. Mother Teresa received various awards and honours in

acknowledgment of her remarkable and compassionate work. Some of her accomplishments

include founding the Missionaries of Charity to provide vital assistance and give hope to

those who're poor and sick, and promoting interfaith harmony because Mother Teresa

believed in encouraging solidarity among individuals of different faiths. Also, Mother Teresa

creates homes for abandoned children and provides medical care and a nourishing

environment where every child receives love and education to ensure that they have a better


Mother Teresa became a famous leader because of her accomplishments and

dedication. Mother Teresa devoted herself to helping others in need; she fought poverty,

advocated for the rights and dignity of individuals, created awareness and provided care to

those affected by a disease, and encouraged those people who have different backgrounds and

religions to cooperate to build a peaceful world.


Napoleon Bonaparte or Napoleon I is a French general, first consul, and emperor of

the French. He was a skilled military strategist who left France larger than it was during the

outbreak of the revolution. Napoleon became one of France’s leading political figures when

he became a part of the group that overthrew the French Directory (a five person group that

governed France) which was replaced by a three-member Consulate where Bonaparte is the

first consul. In 1804, in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, he crowned himself as emperor

of France. The battles that he won were the Battle of Marengo (where France defeated the

Austrians), Battle of Austerlitz (Napoleon’s army defeated the Austrians and Russians), and

the Battle of Wagram (the French defeated the Austrians in 1809). During the post-

revolutionary France, he made the government centralised, instituted reforms in education

and banking, supported science and arts, and sought to improve the relationship between the

pope and his regime which has suffered because of the French Revolution. He also enacted

France’s new legal framework that contributes to the foundation of French civil law up to this

day which was called the Napoleonic Code. Napoleon also gave noble titles to his families

and friends which reestablished the French aristocracy which got eliminated during the

French Revolution.

Napoleon Bonaparte is a famous leader because he became a well-known person after

the French Revolution. During his time, France won wars and even had the chance to extend

their lands. His Napoleonic Code also helped France to establish a framework of their legal

system that still helps France’s civil law until this day.

Nelson Mandela stands as an indomitable symbol and the acknowledged patriarch of

the metamorphosis that ushered South Africa into the realm of modernity. His profound

influence and pivotal role were instrumental in dismantling the shackles of an oppressive

government and orchestrating the transition towards a democratic and inclusive society.

Mandela's enduring legacy is deeply rooted in his tireless dedication to the principles of

justice, equality, and human rights. The transformative journey led by Mandela was marked

by his unwavering commitment to eradicating the deeply entrenched Apartheid regime, a

system that propagated segregation and discrimination. His strategic vision and tenacious

efforts culminated in the peaceful dismantling of this oppressive structure, fostering an

environment conducive to democratic governance. The year 1993 witnessed a monumental

milestone in Mandela's illustrious career, as he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, a

testament to his role in fostering unity and dismantling the divisive Apartheid system.

The Nobel Peace Prize not only recognized Mandela's personal sacrifices but also

symbolised international acknowledgment of the monumental changes he spearheaded.

Mandela's transformative leadership not only laid the groundwork for democracy but also

served as a beacon of hope for oppressed communities worldwide. His legacy extends beyond

political accomplishments, encapsulating the resilience and triumph of the human spirit in the

face of adversity. Furthermore, Mandela's enduring impact is evident in the enduring

principles and values he instilled in the fabric of South African society. The democratic

foundations he established continue to shape the nation's trajectory, emphasising the

importance of unity, reconciliation, and inclusivity.


(April 13, 1743- July 4, 1826) was a draftsman of the Declaration of Independence of

the United States and the nation’s first secretary of state (1789–1794) and second vice

president (1797–1801) and, as the third president (1801–1809), the statesman responsible for

the Louisiana Purchase. An early advocate of total separation of church and state, he also was

the founder and architect of the University of Virginia and the most eloquent American

proponent of individual freedom as the core meaning of the American Revolution.

Most notably, he wrote a bill establishing religious freedom, enacted in 1786.

Jefferson succeeded Benjamin Franklin as minister to France in 1785. His sympathy for the

French Revolution led him into conflict with Alexander Hamilton when Jefferson was

Secretary of State in President Washington’s Cabinet.

In the 1770s, Jefferson supported the American Revolution against Britain. He is

probably most famous for being the lead writer of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson

went on to hold many positions in the country’s new state and national governments. He

served as governor of Virginia, a minister to France, secretary of state for President George

Washington, and the vice president under President John Adams.


Acharya, N. (2019, October 2). Mahatma Gandhi at 150: Lessons on Leadership. Forbes.


Coutu, D. (2014b, August 1). Leadership Lessons from Abraham Lincoln. Harvard Business

Knapp, W. F., Lukacs, J., Bullock, A., & Bullock, B. (2023, November 30). Adolf Hitler |

Biography, Rise to Power, History, & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica.

George Washington: Facts, Revolution & Presidency. (2009, October 29). HISTORY.

Godechot, J. (2023, November 26). Napoleon I | Biography, Achievements, & Facts.

Encyclopedia Britannica.

Graff, H., & Nevins, A. (2023, November 5). George Washington | Life, presidency,

accomplishments, & facts. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Hope, C. O. (2023, November 8). Mother Teresa’s Top 7 Major Accomplishments.

Knapp, W. F., Lukacs, J., Bullock, A., & Bullock, B. (2023, November 30). Adolf Hitler |

Biography, Rise to Power, History, & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Napoleon Bonaparte - Biography, Facts & Death. (2009, November 9). HISTORY.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (2018). Biography of Nelson Mandela.

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