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Dear Team,

Hope this memo finds you well. I would like to take a moment to remind the office staff about the
importance of promptly reporting any planned leaves or anticipated lateness to the Human Resources

As a responsible and efficient organization, it is crucial for us to have a clear understanding of our
employees' availability and attendance. By informing HR in advance, we can ensure proper staffing
arrangements and maintain uninterrupted workflow.

To report your absence or anticipated lateness, please follow these simple steps:

1. Leave Requests: If you need to take a leave, whether it's for personal reasons, illness, or any other
valid circumstance, kindly submit a formal leave request or inform prior to the office timing. Make
sure to provide accurate dates and reasons for your absence.

2. Anticipated Lateness: If you anticipate being late due to unforeseen circumstances such as traffic
congestion or public transportation delays, please notify HR as soon as thus allowing us to adjust
schedules accordingly and minimize any disruption.

We understand that unexpected situations can arise, which may require immediate notification on the
day of absence or lateness. In such cases, please contact your immediate supervisor directly and copy
the HR department in your communication.

Remember that timely reporting not only ensures smooth operations but also showcases
professionalism and respect towards your colleagues who depend on your presence for collaborative
projects. If you have any questions or need further clarification regarding our absenteeism policy, feel
free to reach out to the designated personal.

Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining effective communication channels within our

Best regards,

Ayesha Shiraz

Admin/HR, Unique Trading and Contracting W.L.L

Tel: 443 14 200, Fax : +974 443 15 200, P.O. Box:32006, Doha – Qatar, email :

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