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SAM ODUMOSU- ISRAEL With Prayers To Help Avoid Dangerous Pitfalls In Marital Relationships SPOTTING THE RED FLAGS IN RELATIONSHIPS SPOTTING THE RED FLAGS IN RELATIONSHIPS With Prayers To Help Avoid Dangerous Pitfalls In Marital Relationships SAM ODUMOSU-ISRAEL Author of Prophetic Prayer Manual Page 1 of 42 0% Copyright © June 2023 Sam Odumosu-Israel All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be used without the written permission of the pub- lisher with the exception of brief excerpts in maga- zine, article, reviews, etc. Published by: SMATO GLOBAL RE- SOURCE For Further Information Or Per- mission Contact SAM ODUMOSU-ISRAEL MINISTRIES 58, Adekoroye Street, Lagos Nigeria Tel: +2348035760275, +2349044380169 E-mail: somi2003@yahoo. com Testimonies, Calls and Text are welcomed Page 2 of 42 0% TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication Introduction RED FLAGS ONE RED FLAG TWO RED FLAG THREE RED FLAG FOUR RED FLAG FIVE RED FLAG SIX RED FLAG SEVEN RED FLAG EIGHT RED FLAG NINE RED FLAG TEN RED FLAG ELEVEN RED FLAG TWELVE RED FLAG THIRTEEN RED FLAG FOURTEEN RED FLAG FIFTEEN Page 3 of 42 2% RED FLAG SIXTEEN RED FLAG SEVENTEEN RED FLAG EIGHTEEN RED FLAG NINETEEN RED FLAG TWENTY Conclusion Introducing Our Ministry Our Programs About The Author Page 4 of 42 6% Dedication This book is dedicated to my wife, who makes being married an enjoyable experience to me. Thank you for giving me peace. I love you dearly. You are irreplaceable, God made you specially for me, thanks for always been there. Page 5 of 42 13% Introduction Mathew 16:1-4 The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven. He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather today: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed The bible never said marry the person you love. It says love the person you married. When you have not been joined together, the bible has no instruc- tion for you. The only instruction the lord have for you is that you will locate the right person and that you too will prepare yourself to be right person. Looking into Mathew 16;1-4 which is our text, Jesus confronted the Pharisees and the Sadducee saying they understand how to interpret signs and predict the coming events, making us understand that God is faithful and he will always give signs to shows is faithfulness, no human will be able to judge got unfaithful. He always give signs. The challenge is that men are too stubborn and selfish to yield. These signs can come in different ways and forms but He will not fail to show it. It could come in form of dreams, attitude and the likes, both the one we accept, the one we don’t accept or the one we pretend not to see. Let me tell you the truth, no one person who has known God before getting into marriage and are having problem in that marriage that can deny that God didn’t give them signs, Page 6 of 42 16% God always give the signs but we often do what we want. God will not see dangers coming towards his children and fold His hands, He is a loving father. He will always reveal. Mathew 7:9-11. What man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? We just need to be honest with ourselves. Songs of Solomon 2:15. Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grapevine are blossoming. (NLT) Page 7 of 42 16% RED FLAGS ONE If every time, you must take permission before you visit him/her, then, it’s a red flag. If every time, he or she demands you must take permission before visiting then something is fish- ing. If he/she shouts at you or gets angry for visiting without prior notice, then, check it out. You don’t need the permission of your lover to visit. You have the right to do a surprise visit; it is part of the game. When aman constantly shouts at you saying, why do you barged into me without in- forming me and you are still begging and apologiz- ing, then, something is wrong with you. It is your right to visit him or her anytime you want if there is nothing he or she is hiding from you. Please, pray the following prayer points Father, let your power descend upon me today for good and successful marriage in Jesus name. Father, today I demand open heavens, | break free from every demonic influence against my marital life today in Jesus name. Father, send the fire of revival into my spirit today and let no devil hold down my marital destiny in Jesus name. Every territorial strong man, using his power to take advantage of my marital destiny, your time is over, catch fire in Jesus name. Father, every contamination in my relationships that is demonically motivated, receive fire today now in Jesus name. Page 8 of 42 19% RED FLAG TWO If he or she gets easily provoked and gets physical Proverbs 21:19, Proverb 14:17, 22:24. “It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman. He that is soon angry deals foolishly: And a man of wicked devices is hated. Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go” Anyone who gets easily provokes cannot be trusted. If he cannot manage it in courtship you he would not be able to control in in marriage. If he shouts at you in courtship he will raise his hands on you in marriage. Pray the following prayers Father any of my lifestyles that are cooperating with the enemy to bring their plans to pass against my marriage; I break free from them by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name. My father my fighter, by the blood of the covenant, I cancel any covenant or agreement I have entered into without good understanding, that is fighting against my marital breakthrough in Jesus name. Father, multiply my peace, increase my prosperity and make me fruitful in all my ways. Father, give me more than enough rooms to en- large my coast, increase my strength, wealth and empower my fortress in Jesus name. Every negative behavior, character and lifestyle that the enemy has identified in me as a loophole Page 9 of 42 21% to work against my marriage, be cut off now in the name of Jesus. Page 10 of 42 25% RED FLAG THREE If he/she talks low/ down on / about his/ her parents/siblings/ family members Anyone you want to marry who talks down on his or her family members, who speaks disrespectfully to and about his or blood relations will not have regards for your parents and family members too. If you can handle that in future, in the presence of your children and family members, then you can continue in that relationship but if you can’t, quit. Any lady that insults her mother or elders before you will one day beat up your mother. It does not matter how spiritual she sound, even speaking in tongues or how beautiful she looks, she will end up inflicting pain on you one day. You don’t need tongues to live happily in your home; all you need is godly sense. If that guy can dishonor his mother or father in your presence while courting, he will one day beat up your parents in your absence. Please, take cover. Please pray following prayers. Witchcraft calendar, programmed against my life and household, scatter by fire in Jesus name. Foundations of witchcraft, working against my marital destiny, catch fire now in Jesus name Witchcraft foundations in my biological lineage, working against my marital breakthrough by fire in Jesus name Every demonic contamination, making me attrac- tive to the wrong partners, your time is up, catch fire in Jesus name. Page 11 of 42 28% Father, set my spirit on fire afresh, making me untouchable to the kingdom of darkness in Jesus name Page 12 of 42 28% RED FLAG FOUR When he or she behaves as if he/she is helping you or doing you a favor by trying to marry you Anyone who makes you feel inferior to him or her is not someone you should marry, if you do, you will suffer in that marriage. People like this try to make you feel you are nobody without them. If you stay with such people, your self-worth will be eroded. You will be treated like an animal. They will treat you like a piece of furniture. Anyone that will not treat you special does not de- serve you. Proverbs 18:22: Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, And obtaineth favour of the LORD If he will not honor and treat as special in courtship he will not treat you as a queen in mar- riage. Anyone that behaves as if he doesn’t want you in courtship will never cherish you in mar- riage. If you have to run after him to keep him in courtship, then be ready to run mad to have him remain with you in marriage. If you beg to marry, you will suffer to keep the marriage. Do not marry someone who does not want you and it appears you are practically beg- ging to be loved and accepted. Once they show no respect and commitment in that relationship cut it off. Prob. 18:22. Note that, whosoever finds a wife obtains favor, which is what the bible says. You are an agent of favor, let no one molest you. A man that will not respect you during courtship will not fail to molest you during marriage Page 13 of 42 32% Prayers *Spirit of greatness, take over me now and make it easy for me to breakthrough in Jesus name. «Father, I receive victory over every manifestation of the flesh that want to hinder my marital bless- ings henceforth in Jesus name. *Spirit of the living God, Baptist me afresh with the tongue of fire, making my words an authority on earth as from today. As I speak it, I will see it in Jesus name. ¢Father, envelop me with your presence that every- one that sees me will see glory, favor and virtue henceforth in Jesus name. Anointing of royalty, envelop me now, so that wherever I appear, royalty will be seen. Page 14 of 42 32% RED FLAG FIVE When you discover he/she has no one they reference, fears, obeys and honors, stay clear from them. This is a sign that there is trouble waiting. No one is above rebuke and correction because no one is above mistake. If you cannot be corrected you cannot be correct in life. When you have no one that can correct you then you are heading for destruction. No one is perfect but we must all show the willingness for change and accountability. When you finds out that your partner has no one he fears or respect enough that he will not want to bein their bad book, then, it’s time to check out be- cause when challenges come in that relationship, there will be no one to mediate. If there is no one you can report him or her to, who can rebuke, cor- rects and instruct him or her in righteousness, then there is danger, run. If his or parent can’t call him or her to order, if his or her pastor can’t can rebuke him that he will obey, there is trouble. He that fears nobody should be feared by everybody because that is a beast in human form. As great as Moses was, Jethro the priest of median, his father in-law was still able to correct him. Exodus 18; 13-18. Someone who does not listen to anyone or have regard for anybody is a devil, run away from such. They are always right and will uphold ideology that is inhuman. Don’t date a man that cannot be corrected by an- other. If the only person you can report you part- ner to is God, then you are in trouble. I can assure Page 15 of 42 35% you, he is not hearing God. He who does not listen to man does will not listen to God. If he cannot re- spect man, he will not respect God. Pray the following prayers. Who must die must die, who must live must live, and my weeding must hold in the name of Jesus. Sponsors of witchcraft altars against my marital breakthrough and home, die in the name of Jesus. Father, let the sustainers of evil altars against my relationship die in the name of Jesus. My Father, my Father, whosoever has a vow with death to live to frustrate and destroy my marriage, let them die now in the name of Jesus. Every power, misrepresenting me to my future partner, your game is over scatter by thunder in the name of Jesus. Page 16 of 42 37% RED FLAG SIX When you notice inconsistency in his or her lifestyle Revelation 3:15 -16: I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth When you finds it difficult to believe him or her by the virtue of her lifestyle there is danger. Living both as an unbeliever and as a believer and saying it doesn't matter. If you marry such, you will soon be the matter. The scripture state categorically that our life should show our stand. Mathew 5:14-16 “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a can- dle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Ifhe or she is still living a double life then your fu- ture with such partner is in jeopardy. Pray the following prayers. Silence destroyers wreaking havoc in my home un- known to me presently be exposed and die by fire in the name of Jesus. Page 17 of 42 40% Holy Ghost fire invades my life and exposes every hidden powers and personalities working to scatter my relationship in Jesus name. Any part of me that has been exchanged for an- other through sexual intercourse or love covenant be replaced now in Jesus name. From today, I forbid the re-union or re-gathering with partners with negative energy in the name of Jesus. Page 18 of 42 42% RED FLAG SEVEN When you consistently feel uncom- fortable with his/her past If you can’t live with his past you don’t have a future with him. If her past is too rough for you to handle then the future will be too tough for you to deal with. Be sincere with yourself because it will be both wrong and disastrous for you to be using his or her past against them. If you can’t live with it, don’t go into it. Everybody has a past but it’s not every past you can handle. Do your findings; find out all you need to know. All these are important if you don’t want the story that touches the heart. Find out how long is the past from the present. Find out the nature of re- pentance, get to how or the process of repentance. Who was involved in the process of repentance and how was he/she rehabilitated. All these questions need to be cleared. Unresolved past will sink your expected future. Pray the following prayers. Every good things that ought to be alive but was killed in the cause of my rough past, father, today I receive them back by mercy in the name of Jesus. Every negative laws, spiritual and physical that I set in motion as a result of my past negative life- styles I terminate them now by the blood Jesus in Jesus name. Everything that got missing or stolen mysteriously in my life, in the cause of my dirty past, be restored now in the name of Jesus. Page 19 of 42 45% Every man or women using my past or waiting to use my past to destroy my marital life, father dis- grace them in the name of Jesus Page 20 of 42 46% RED FLAG EIGHT If he/she maltreats his/her subordinates, do- mestic staff, strangers and love to bully people. This is a sign of impending ABUSIVE MARRIAGE. The sign is that you are rushing into a traumatic marriage. Your emotions will be crushed and self- worth destroyed. Let it be cleared here, the emo- tional abuse will not stop with you, you children will also go through it, please, avoid this unneces- sary trauma. Any man or woman that you are going out with, who constantly shout, abuse, yell and insult you, especially in the public does not deserve you. Get out of that relationship. If he maltreats, moles, abuse and yell at subordinates, it’s a sign of what awaits you. It will start verbally then it grows into physical Pray the following prayers. Agents of darkness on assignment over my mari- tal relationship, saying I will not no peace in my home, you are a liar, in the name of Jesus, die. Every evil gathering summoned to pull me down in marriage, scatter in Jesus name. I fire back every arrow fired at my relationship, in Jesus name. Every power calling my name in the night in order to scatter my marital destiny, die in Jesus name. Thrones of wickedness speaking against my rela- tionship catch fire now in Jesus name. Page 21 of 42 49% RED FLAG NINE If he or she disregards spiritual things and spiritual authority If he or she finds it difficult to obey God’s words as a single person, he/she will definitely disre- gard divine instructions in marriage. Please, find out his or her stands on bible doctrines, such as monogamy, polygamy, church attendance, drink- ing, giving, service to God and humanity and so on. What you believes determine how you behav- iors. Doctrines determine decisions. Find out his stands on anti-scriptural believes and doctrines that can create room for demonic interference. Pray the following prayers. Powers, confronting my relationship, your time is up, expire in Jesus name. Every enemy, hunting for my marital glory, you are a liar, scatter in Jesus name Every man or woman that is sustaining the altar of delay against my marital life, catch fire in Jesus name. Every power oppressing my relationships because of spiritual laws I broke in the past, catch fire in Jesus name. Every satanic determination to ruin my marriage, backfire now in Jesus name. My relationship rejects manipulation in Jesus name. Every demon, attacking my relationship catch fire in Jesus name. Page 22 of 42 50% RED FLAG TEN When he/ she consistently lies if his/ her words mean nothing to him Liars cannot be trusted. There is nothing that breaks relationship like lack of trust. If you can’t find his/her yes to be yes, check out of that re- lationship because tears and shocking revelations await you. +Every repeated satanic dreams, attached to my relationship to bring failure and afflictions, your time is up, catch fire in Jesus name. *Every virtues and benefits, buried or stolen from my marriage through dreams, I recover them back now in Jesus name. «Every calamity of wasters and oppression, fash- ioned against my marital destiny, be scattered in Jesus name. ‘Spirit of rising and falling, confronting and dis- turbing my relationship, be crushed now in Jesus name. *Every wicked personality that has vowed to wreak havoc on my relationship, die in Jesus name. *Destiny monitoring agents, assigned against my marriage and home, loose your hold now in Jesus name. Page 24 of 42 53% RED FLAG ELEVEN Undefined source of income When you cannot define the real source of income of your spouse, there is danger. You need to be cer- tain if he or she has a legitimate source of income otherwise you are playing with prison. Find out if what he or she does is godly and legally acceptable to the laws of the land. You need to be sure if he or she is actually earning by himself or herself or maybe he is a parasitic person and a liability. An adult that is qualified to go into relationship must not be depended on other people financially to sur- vive, otherwise you will be disgraced. Pray the following prayers: . Witchcraft exchange process, going on or about to go over my life and my marriage, Holy Ghost fire scatter them in the name of Jesus . Every altar of speaking against my rela- tionship, you are a liar be silenced by the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus. . Every strange meeting I attend without my consent and knowledge, causing havoc in my relationship scatter by fire now in the name of Jesus. . Oh God of Elijah, by fire by thunder separates me from spirit husband and wife in Jesus name. . Strange personality, carrying my image to attend evil gathering, in order to scatter my rela- tionship, what are you waiting for, die by fire in the name of Jesus. Page 25 of 42 56% RED FLAG TWELVE When His/her view on forgiveness and how he talks about/treat people that have offended him/her in the past is negative and revengeful. It’s a red flag. Marriage is the coming together of forgivers. The bedrock of successful marriage is unconditional forgiveness. If you don’t know how to forgive, you can’t build a successful home. When you hear him/her talks negatively consistently about people who have offended him/her in the past and how he desires to revenge, know it that he is not a forgiver, get out of that relationship. If you don't know how to forgive, you won't stay long in marriage. The people that will live and build a successful marriage must be two people who have learnt how to forgive others and forget their offence. If she can’t forgive before marriage, she won’t forgive you in marriage. Don’t say she will change, she will not change and you will not change her. No marriage can survive unforgive- ness. If you marry someone who does not know how to forgive you will live in hell in that marriage. Any- one who keeps reminding you of your offence or mistakes towards them is not worth living with. Check out. When Jesus was talking about forgiveness and how often we should forgive in Mathew 18: 15-22. “Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be estab- Page 26 of 42 59% lished. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglects to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican. Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven” Peter asked him saying, “How often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Till seven times? But what Jesus said chocked him. Jesus said, “T say not unto thee, until seven times: but, until seventy times seven. Let me tell you the gospel truth, that is the standard for a brother or a sister, but when it comes to marriage, there is no limit. It is unending. Your spouse can offend you seven times a day for seven days and you are to forgive. Marriage is the institution for forgivers. You must find out if he or she is a forgiver or a pretender. There is no room for keeping the record of wrongs, if you don’t know how to forgive and let go, you won’t stay long in marriage. Pray the following prayers. Father, from today, let your nature be formed in me so, I will represent you well in my relationship in the name of Jesus. +Every good thing needed for my marriage to be successful release it unto me now in Jesus name. Page 27 of 42 63% *Everything generational, working to destroy my relationship I neutralize and flush them out by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name. -Agents of evil diversion assigned against my mar- riage, die in Jesus name Page 28 of 42 66% RED FLAG THIRTEEN When you noticed that he gives excuses for not giving always and complain financially too, know it that he is a stingy man. Red flag spotted. According to scripture, the first proof of love is giv- ing. John 3:16. You can give without loving but you can’t love and not giving. If he does not know how to give while in courtship, he won’t take care of you when you are married. If in a period of three months of courtship he hasn’t shown care, not even a flower, it’s a sign he won’t be responsible towards you in marriage. It’s not a function of no having; it’s a matter of attitude. Go and ask those who ignored this sign, they are living as singles financially even though they are married. Their husbands are always not responsible financially and they are not seeing it as being wrong. I will say it again; a man you are going out with and for three months have not thought of giving you a gift will not see it as being wrong not taking care of you in marriage. If he is not giving during courtship he will be stingy during marriage. If as lady in courtship, you are always the one taking the financial responsibility in you outings, watch it, you are about to marry a liability or a stingy man. If he always forgets his wallets or his debit cards, you are setting yourself up for trouble. If he can’t show you care in courtship, he will not fail to show you hell in marriage. It is the nature of man to give to the lady he love, if he is not giving he is not loving. If he finds it Page 29 of 42 69% difficult to care for you in courtship, he will not fail to neglect you in marriage. If he’s not a giver in courtship he will not turn to a career in marriage. If he is giving excuses for not giving and showing care during courtship he will be stingy and irre- sponsible in that marriage, therefore, be prepared to pay the bills alone. You are warned. Let me make something clear here, it is not about what he gives or does not give; it is about attitude, the giving attitude. If he doesn’t care enough to give to you, he may not give adequately for your children. The stingy attitude will not stop at you alone; it will spread to your children. May the Lord give you wisdom. Please Prayers “Witchcraft calendar, programmed over my rela- tionship and household, scatter by fire in Jesus name. ¢Witchcraft foundations in my biological lineage, working against prosperity in marriages, my life and marriage is not available, break by fire in Jesus name *Witchcraft contaminations, making me attractive to wrong relationship your time is up, catch fire in Jesus name. *Pillars of witchcraft in my fathers’ and my moth- ers’ house, working against relationships, catch fire in Jesus name Page 30 of 42 70% RED FLAG FOURTEEN If his/her view of Monopoly is negative If he doesn’t believe in monopoly, then, there is a tendency he believes in polygamy. God created them male and female, it’s not male and females. From the beginning, it was one man one woman. ‘Spirit of polygamy hunting after my marriage, crash by fire in the name of Jesus. *Powers, running my relationship against my will, your time is up, die, die, and die in the name of Jesus. «Every garment of polygamy passed down from my lineage, I reject you by fire in the name of Jesus. Page 31 of 42 73% RED FLAG FIFTEEN When all his or her discussions are centered on sex When you noticed that all his or her discussions always en with sex, you are heading for a troubled and polygamous home. Marriage is not all about sex, sex is just a part of it, if all his/her focus is sex, he is not looking for a wife, what he is simply looking for is a sex object. The day you did not give him, he will go out. Marriage is not a cure for sexual recklessness, if you can’t control your sexual appetite while in courtship, you won’t stop it when you gets mar- ried. Marriage is not a cure for sex; it’s a medium of management. | Corinthians 7: If he pressurizes you for sex during courtship, he will cheat on you in marriage. If he doesn't see sex before marriage as a sin, he won't see sex outside marriage as being wrong. Hear me, if he does not see sex before marriage as a sin, he will not see sex outside marriage as being wrong. If he/she cheats with you in courtship, he/ she will cheats on you in marriage. Please, pray the following prayers Oh Lord, let my dreams and visions reject every witchcraft projection in Jesus name. Every sexual pollution of spirit husband/wife in my body, be flushed out by the blood of Jesus Any evil ever done against me through sexual ac- tivities be reversed by the blood of Jesus. Page 32 of 42 75% Every curse, spell and bewitchment assigned against my marriage die in Jesus name. Page 33 of 42 77% RED FLAG SIXTEEN Violent Tendencies If he or she shows the tendency of violent, don’t condole it, don’t excuse it, don’t conceal it but ex- pose it and distant yourself from it. Don’t say “but I love him/her”, if you say such, you are signing your death warrant unknowingly. Ifhe slaps or yell at you uncontrollably in courtship, he will beat you mercilessly to death without remorse in marriage so, be warned. Pray the following prayer: *Concluded work of the enemies, hidden to me but waiting to manifest against my marriage, crash by fire now in the name of Jesus. *Every inherited marital evil pattern from my household; catch fire now in the name of Jesus. «Any human, turning to animal to fight against my relationship die by fire, by accident in the name of Jesus. Page 34 of 42 80% RED FLAG SEVENTEEN When you notice a reckless lifestyle A reckless person cannot be trusted and marriage is about trust. Such people are not organize, nei- ther are they coordinated nor focused. These peo- ple are scattered and lack vision. Anyone who is involved in social and destructive vices like alcohol, immoralities, drugs and so on should not be associated with, run. Please pray the following prayers . Witchcraft instruments, being used against my life and destiny, scatter by fire in the name of Jesus. . Every material, taken from me as a point of contact to the altar/camp of witchcraft be roasted by fire in the name of Jesus. . Agents of witchcraft in my place of work confess and die in the name of Jesus. . Arrows of witchcraft, fueled against me and my houschold, back to the sender in the name of Jesus . Powers, using nature against me, scat- ter by fire in the name of Jesus. . Witchcraft banks, keeping whatever that belong to me; release them by fire now in the name of Jesus. . Charms of witchcraft powers holding down whatever good things that belong to me break by thunder now in the name of Jesus. Page 35 of 42 81% RED FLAG EIGHTEEN When you notice a competitive spirit or attitude and you discover he or ts not secured with your success or progress and is ready to stop you Marriage is for completeness and not contention. Marriage is meant to be complimentary not detri- ment. Your spouse is meant to bring out the best in you and not to contest with you. Your success should but our success. Once you notice a compet- itive and a domineering spirits, think twice. A word is enough for the wise Page 36 of 42 83% RED FLAG NINETEEN If he/she talks negatively generally about people and is disrespectful always A disrespectful man is a disaster, he will struggle in life. A disrespectful person will lack help and favor. You can’t get help without men and when you dis- respect them will discard you. Page 37 of 42 87% RED FLAG TWENTY When he doesn’t know how to say thank you and I am sorry. The most difficult people to live it are those who do not know how to apologize and give apprecia- tion. Ifit’s hard for him or her to say I am sorry in courtship then be ready to always carry the blame in marriage. If he doesn’t know how to say thank you, be ready to suffer emotional shortage in that marriage. An ungrateful person is an ingrate, they can never be faithful. Even if you kill yourself for them, they will still complain about the way you died. When you notice he/she does not know how to appre- ciate people or apologize to them, that is a red flag. If you marry someone who doesn’t know how to say sorry, you will be sorry for yourself in that marriage. It’s only proud people that don’t apolo- gize. They believe they don’t make mistakes; they are never wrong, always right in whatever they do. That is how they think. Page 38 of 42 88% Conclusion There is no limit to the red flags, just be sensitive and observant. Read wide, be ready to change and be humble enough to take corrections, I pray the lord grants you wisdom in the name of Jesus. Amen. Proverbs 31:30 “Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain: but a woman that fears the lord shall be praised.” In marriage, character is the ultimate. Marrying for beauty is vain. Character is what brings peace of mind. Once your character is wrong your mar- riage will fail. Good characters are the sure pillar of successful marriage. Page 39 of 42 89% Introducing Our Ministry Our Vision: To help through teaching, coaching, praying and godly counsels in raising the foun- dation of godly homes, support young people in becoming better spouses/couples, help in the restoration of troubled or dysfunctional homes and training men and women for better parenting. These visions are being carried out through the fol- lowing avenue. Our Programs 1) Male and Female. This is a monthly meeting where singles and mar- ried gather together for the word, discussion, im- partation and practical realities. 2) Campus fellowships male and female. This is a campus to campus tour of the program male and female in order to reach out to the young ones in helping to build the godly marital founda- tions. 3) Young couples fellowship. lday - 10years of mar- riage. This is the meeting of young couples from 1 day to 10 years of marriage. It's a form of mentoring pro- gram to help the newly Weds to navigate the trying and delicate years of marriage. This meeting comes up 3 times in a year. 4) Annual singles and married conference. This comes up once a year. 5) Family Life Academy. This is a school where individuals are trained on divine and relevant in- formation on how to build a godly and successful home. Page 40 of 42 91% We are available for churches and fellowships that need our ministry for singles and married related seminars. Male and Female: Becoming the will of God mar- tially. Page 41 of 42 93% About The Author Sam Odumosu-lIsrael is the President of Dominion Christian Ministry International and the Senior Pastor of faith and family life bible church Lagos. Nigeria. An erudite teacher of the word of faith with a strong prophetic flow, he has the passion and calling to help raise people to walk with God. He is also the President of Destiny Institute of Learning, an institution committed to training believers for Effective, Productive and Dynamic Leadership, thereby fulfilling Destiny. With over two decades in independent ministry, he also reaches out to other ministers of the gospel through his bi-annual Ministers and Lead- ers Training Sessions. He is the popular host of the program Male and Female which comes up every third Sunday of the monthly. He is available for in- vite from churches and fellowships for singles and married seminars and conferences. An accountant by training, he was commissioned into ministry by Pastor Poju Oyemade, Senior Pas- tor of Covenant Nations, Lagos Nigeria. He is married to Pastor Mrs. Adetutu, also an ordained minister of the gospel. They are blessed with three godly children and reside in Lagos Nige- ria. Page 42 of 42 96%

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