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The Turn of the Screw – excerpts for analysis

Chapter VI – Middle of paragraph starting “This moment dated from an afternoon

hour…”, from “My attention to them all really went to seeing them amuse
themselves immensely without me…” till end of next paragraph finishing “Nothing
was more natural than that these things should be the other things they absolutely
were not.”

Chapter VII – From “Mrs Grose tried to see it. “Fixed her?” to the end of the chapter.

Chapter VIII – From “Lord, how I pressed her now” “So that you could see he knew
what was between the two wretches?” to the end of the chapter.

Chapter X – Middle of first paragraph, from “You naughty: where have you been?”
till end of paragraph that starts “She absolutely declined to be puzzled…”

Chapter XII – From the beginning to “And to ply them with that evil still, to keep up
the work of demons, is what brings the others back.”

Chapters XIV and XV– From “I want my own sort!”, near the end of ch. XIV, to the
end of first paragraph ch. XV: “What was so unnatural for the particular boy I was
concerned with was this sudden revelation of a consciousness and a plan.”

Chapter XV and XVI – From end of Ch. XV, “Dishonoured and tragic, she was all
before me…” till the end, + section Ch. XVI starting “I thought a moment. “You were
too sweet too…” to “And what do you call “everything”? Why to sending for their

Chapter XIX – From “Flora, a short way off, stood before us on the grass…” to the
end of the chapter.

Chapter XX – From the beginning to the end of the next paragraph: “What a
dreadful turn, to be sure, Miss! Where on earth do you see anything?”

Chapter XXI – From “No, no: it’s the place itself. She must leave it.“ to “Do you mean
he took it? I gasped.”

Chapter XXII – From “To mark, for the house, the high state I cultivated I decreed
that my meals…” to “The journey will dissipate the influence –oh I was grand!—
and carry it off.”

Chapter XXIII – From the beginning to “He had really a manner of his own, and I
could only try to keep up with him. “Well, do you like it?”

Chapter XXIV - From “Well—I said things.” to the end.

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