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Joel C.

Reflection Paper
As I watch the Inauguration of President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr., I am
overcome with emotion because I was raised in a pro-Marcos family, from my parents to
my relatives from the province; they all supported the Marcos campaign from the 2016
elections for his Vice-Presidential election to the 2022 elections for his Presidency. The
first thing that struck me was when the president said, "The voice of the people has
been heard, and it is resounding." Reminded me that the 2022 elections were lopsided
due to Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr.'s massive lead in votes, and stated, "I did not
offend any of my opponents during this campaign; I merely listened to what they had to
say." And "I did not consider refuting my competitors, I listened to you, and I did not
deliver a lecture on who has the greatest stake in our success." Which clearly indicates
the time when he was criticized for missing multiple presidential candidate debates and
Another thing that stuck with me from the speech was when he said, "Your
dreams are mine." Pangarap niyo ay pangarap ko." And I sincerely hoped that his goals
were in line with those of the people, and not simply to erase the name of his father
from the annals of history. The President of the Philippines, Ferdinand Romualdez
Marcos Jr., touched on a variety of topics, including education, international affairs,
agriculture, overseas Filipino workers, and more. It was the first time I heard him speak
anything about his future plans in detail, so it felt a little mediocre coming from the
President. However, in the end, it still felt short. I know just a little hard to trust in it
words, so I really do hope he follows through with his promises. In addition, when he
stated, "I am not talking about history, I am talking about the basis–the sciences, the
sharpening of theoretical aptitude, and imparting vocational skills, such as in the
German example alongside the National language with equal emphasis and facility in
global language, which we had and lost," he was referring to the foundation. I sincerely
hoped that he would put the past in the past and focus on what is necessary in the here
and now rather than what his family desires.
One of the things that he said that I liked is that he would "complete as scheduled
the projects that have been started." This is something that he promised to do, which is
really encouraging in light of the fact that many projects after the presidency are
abandoned when a new term begins. However, he stated that he would complete it,
which is a really positive sign in light of the fact that there are already good projects in
the works. As such, with regard to the prospects that lie ahead for this nation, I had
hoped that I would not be let down, and I had hoped that I would not be scared that we
would have attained the nation that each and every Filipino deserved.

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