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Keyla Castellanos

A healthy lifestyle is important for everyone. When we take care of our physical health, we
also feel better: fitter, more relaxed and better able to cope. This is especially important
when you have a mental illness.

Current Situation

Currently, more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of leading a
healthy lifestyle. Information and resources on health and wellness are easily accessible to
everyone, so start today!

There are many ways to be healthy that, in addition to making you feel good, make you feel

Conclusions And Key Tips

Food is one of the most important factors in this process, which is why to finish with our
topic I am going to share with you some key conclusions and advice.

Healthy Eating

Choose fresh foods, stay hydrated, and avoid added sugars.

Also, consume more fruits and vegetables. These foods provide us with a number of
vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, which is ideal for maintaining normal digestion in
our body.

Regular Exercise

Move daily, strengthen your body, and also train your mind.

It is necessary to find a method or make the time to do exercises, whether at home or doing
sports outside the home.

Remember that your heart is a muscle that needs to be exercised to stay healthy, just like
the rest of the muscles in your body.

Rest and Relaxation

Get enough sleep, create a conducive sleeping environment, and manage stress

Stress is normal. It can be a great motivator and works in some cases. However, too much
stress can lead to health problems such as insomnia, upset stomach, anxiety, and mood

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