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Day 1 Assignment
Sirinya Laochinda

Requirements to Become a Great Areas to Develop

Level 5 Leadership: Self-awareness: Understand your impact,
- Humility: Prioritize the organization's strengths, and weaknesses through
success. feedback and reflection.
- Fierce Resolve: Unwavering focus on
making difficult decisions for the
company's good.
First Who, Then What: People Skills: Building relationships, hiring
- Right People: Prioritize character and effectively, motivating and developing a
values even over skills. strong team.
- Team Alignment: Everyone on board
with the mission and direction.
Confront the Brutal Facts: Analytical Mindset: Dissect data and see
- Honesty: Address challenges directly, patterns to uncover the reality of a
without sugarcoating. situation.
- Unwavering Faith: Belief in ultimate
triumph, even during setbacks.
Hedgehog Concept: Strategic Thinking: Plan for the long-term,
- Deep Understanding: Know what you connecting Hedgehog Concept to big
can be the best at. picture goals.
- Passion: Do work you genuinely care
- Economic Reality: Strategy aligns with
what drives profit and success.
Culture of Discipline: Disciplined Approach: Set consistent, high
- High Standards: Demand excellence, standards for yourself and the team.
not tyranny.
- Self-Discipline: Lead by example.
Technology Accelerator: Understanding of technology: Be informed,
- Strategic Thinking: Align tech with not just driven by the fear of being left
mission, not trends. behind.
- Selective Adoption: Choose tech that
aligns with your specific needs and
Flywheel Effect: Patience: Recognize that greatness takes
- Consistency: Focused, disciplined time, avoid seeking shortcuts or dramatic
steps each day. shifts.
- Momentum: Build on small wins for
major long-term impact.
Category Motivating Factors
The Lure of the The last remaining "first" in polar exploration.
Unknown Chance to restore British dominance in exploration.
Opportunity for significant scientific discoveries.
Shackleton's Personal Desire to overcome the near-miss of the Nimrod
Goals expedition.
Need for financial support and sponsorship.
Ambition to solidify his legacy as a legendary explorer.
Circumstances of the Pre-WWI environment with greater resources and optimism
Time about risk-taking endeavors.
The "Heroic Age" of exploration fueled public interest in
these daring feats.
Growing societal need for tales of adventure and heroism.

Factor How Shackleton Overcame It

Charisma and Reputation Inspired loyalty, attracting both major sponsors and a
dedicated crew.
Built a compelling narrative of the expedition, fueling
public attention and support.
Networking and Support Cultivated relationships with influential figures in
society and science.
Used public interest to gain press coverage and attract
smaller backers.
Resourcefulness and Employed creative fundraising schemes like selling
Determination expedition shares.
Persisted relentlessly in finding support, even making
risky, last-minute appeals.
Adapted plans and strategies often to fit the available
The Right Timing Took advantage of the public fascination with polar
exploration during the 'Heroic Age'.
Launched the expedition before WWI, allowing better
access to funds and supplies.

Factor Description
Shackleton's Maintained optimism and resolve, inspiring hope in the crew.
Leadership Demonstrated flexibility, constantly adapting plans to the
changing situation.
Prioritized unity and discipline by enforcing shared routines and
Made decisive calls in critical moments, avoiding deadly
Crew The men possessed resilience, adaptability, and a willingness
Characteristics to work together.
Their diverse skillsets allowed for hunting, resource
management, and essential repairs.
Strategic Planning Shackleton implemented strict rationing and carefully utilized
available resources.
Element of Luck Favorable weather shifts, finding safe landing spots, and the
successful navigation to South Georgia played a crucial role.

Lesson Description Implementation

Optimism and Maintain a positive focus even Leaders emphasize possibilities,
Positivity amidst hardships to boost celebrate victories, and build a
morale and inspire resilience. culture of resilience.
Flexibility and Abandon initial plans readily Encourage open communication,
Adaptability when facing the unexpected. empower decision-making at lower
Rigid strategies can be levels, and reward innovation.
Unity and Build cohesion and a shared Establish clear roles, reward
Fairness purpose to keep everyone collaboration, address conflicts
aligned. transparently, and promote
Decisiveness in Make tough calls quickly, Develop decision-making
Crisis even with imperfect frameworks, encourage calculated
information. Indecision can risks, and practice acting decisively
lead to greater harm. under pressure.
Focus on Prioritize what's critical for Clearly define core objectives,
Essentials immediate survival. This avoid distractions, and empower
simplifies the situation and teams to focus their efforts.
builds a sense of control.

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