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Freight management is the process of planning, coordinating, and overseeing the

movement of goods or materials from one location to another. It involves a wide range of
activities, including transportation planning, routing, scheduling, and tracking, as well as the
management of warehouses, distribution centers, and other logistics facilities. Freight
management is a critical component of supply chain management, as it helps to ensure that
goods reach their destination on time and in good condition.

 Improved efficiency: Freight management can help to optimize the movement of

goods and materials, reducing lead times and increasing the efficiency of the supply
 Reduced costs: By optimizing routes and scheduling, freight management can help to
minimize transportation and logistics costs.
 Enhanced customer satisfaction: Freight management can help to improve delivery
times and reliability, which can enhance customer satisfaction.
 Environmental benefits: Freight management can help to reduce fuel consumption
and greenhouse gas emissions by optimizing routes and using more efficient modes
of transportation.
Q2. The functions of packaging are : 12

 To attract buyers' attention and enhance the appearance of the product

 To protect the goods inside the packaging from damage, spoilage, or tampering
 To be easy to open and use, and to provide convenience for storage, handling, and
 To describe and give information about the contents, such as ingredients,
instructions, or expiration date
 To explain the benefits and features of the product, and to provide warranty,
warnings, or consumer matter information
 To give value, price, and use indication, and to offer profit possibilities for the
 To identify the goods and the brand, and to promote and communicate the product
to the customers

List of top seven materials used for packaging of products:- 1.

Paper 2. Plastic 3. Nylon 4. Metal Foil 5. Glass-Wares 6. Metal
Containers 7. Wood Containers.
34 Major Types of Packaging Materials to Consider | Amazon Business

Q5. Shipping logistics is the process that involves handling,
managing, and transporting goods. The term “logistics costs”
encompasses all of the expenses associated with this process. Your
overall logistics costs include everything from purchasing raw
materials to paying a third-party logistics company to help facilitate
The specific costs may vary depending on your business and
industry, but generally, you can group costs into four different
categories: warehousing, transportation, labor, and equipment.

Q6,(a) Inbound and Outbound Logistics: What’s the Difference? (

Q.7(a) 11 Basic Components of Logistics Cost (

Q8. 20 Best Logistics KPIs and Metric Examples for 2022 Reporting - insightsoftware

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