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ENGL1040: Rewriting and Writing Back

Term 2, 2024
Dr Haewon Hwang,

SHORT ASSIGNMENT: DUE TUESDAY, 20 FEB by 6pm. Please upload the soft copy
on Turnitin. (20% of final grade). If you have plans for CNY, aim to submit it before the

Choose ONE (or more) works we have read thus far: Selections from The World’s Wife, two
versions of ‘Diary of a Madman’ or ‘Madame Butterfly’.

Pastiche project: (borrowing or mixing from different works to create an original work that
pays homage to the original work)

Create your own version of any of the texts above by taking on a different perspective of any
character, animal, object in the narratives. Develop a distinct style, language and tone of your
chosen narrator. What details would your character notice? How would this shifting
viewpoint impact the underlying theme or message in the tale? You can restructure the text or
change the timeframe (prequel/sequel?) or alter the gender to see if you can develop your
own perspective or a contemporary twist on an existing text.

1. You can choose the perspective of Mavra the housekeeper and keep a diary of your
2. You can write a play/conversation between two madmen
3. You can write a poem about another ‘world’s wife’ or ‘world’s partner’ of any
hero/anti-hero (mythological/literary/canonical)
4. You can rewrite a modern context/ending for ‘Madame Butterfly’
5. You can even combine characters from different texts to discuss a particular theme.

Some Notes:

1. Word Count: 800-1000 words on the creative work (Please append a word count at
the end)
2. In addition, please attach a brief reflection paragraph or two at the end describing the
purpose of your work and what intertextuality you were using to create your own
perspective. Which of Bloom’s revisionary ratio does it reflect? (300-500 words)
3. Note you don’t have to address the entire source text. Find one small, specific angle,
theme, or idea that you want to explore more and develop your ideas.
4. You will be marked on the convincing nature of your work, your attempt at
‘imitation’/rewriting and your use of detailed observations and intertextuality to create
an ‘original’ or fresh perspective on the work. What different systems, ideas, values
have you expressed in your rewriting?

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