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Sandra: Welcome to "Meet the People." I'm Sandra Waters.

My guest today is
Larry Patel. Larry is an inventor. His newest invention is the "whistling
wallet." Good evening, Larry.
Larry: Good evening, Sandra.
Sandra: Larry, what is a "whistling wallet"?
Larry: Well, it's a special wallet with a small battery inside. If you sing near
it, the wallet whistles. People often lose their wallets in their
homes. Now they can easily find them.
Sandra: Do you need to sing a special song?
Larry: No. Any song is OK.
Sandra: Oh, great! It's easier to sing than to look all over the house. Where
can I buy the wallet?
Larry: Well, I still have to work on it. I gave wallets to some of my
friends. Now two of them are angry at me. They went to a concert,
and their wallets made noise all the time. The people around them
were very angry.

Do It!
I always remember my mother saying, "Wake up. Clean your room. Don't eat
candy. Hurry up. Do your homework. Be good. Don't run. Sit down. Stand up. Do
this. Do that." I always thought, "Hmm, I like that job."
Five years ago, I started the Clean-House Agency. I put an ad in the newspaper. I
answered all the telephone calls and letters, and started my business. I told all the
new workers, "Be quick, and be clean." I showed them how to
clean homes and offices. First, we all worked together. Now, they usually work
Last night I showed my daughter how to make a cake. "First, take four eggs from
the refrigerator and some sugar from the cupboard. Then, open the box ... "
Suddenly I had a wonderful idea: cookbooks! I'm starting a new business! With my
cookbooks, I can tell hundreds of people what to do!

- Isn't that Robert Richman, the movie star?

- Yes, you're right. I think he's the greatest.
- The greatest? He's the worst actor I know.
- What? But he won an Oscar for best actor last year.
- Yeah? Well, to me he's terrible.
- Well, I like him.

-We didn't work yesterday. We had the day off. We played tennis all day.

-Hey, Where did David go?-Oh, he left early because he had a headache and he gave me all his
- Did you ask the boss about money?
- Yes, I did.
- Well, what did she say?
- She said no.

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