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Name and Student number : Machubeni DS 14248638

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Date: 24 October 2022


Student Name : Machubeni Dimakatso Surprise

Student Number: 14248638

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Question 2


Censorship of the internet implies putting restrictive measures and strict laws that
are meant to prevent free access of information especially information that is
deemed to be too sensitive for the public domain, this censorship of the internet is
usually done by State institutions that are controlled by the State in order to prevent
the public from access to information on either corruption, human rights abuses or
violence of a political nature. The following essay will therefore discuss some of the
advantages and disadvantages of internet censorship.

Ruling political elites control content regarding their countries by putting laws that
prohibit free access to certain political events and cases to do with corruption,
mismanagement and media freedoms and this makes access of information totally
impossible and affects the work of media practitioners who have the mandate to
disseminate any information of public interest. Internet censorship is also used by
some Academic Authors who are bending on protecting their academic information
and sources and denying students access to such information which could be of help
during the course of their studies and research work.

In a conversation title "Online content: paternalism versus parental guidance", Indra

(2015) drew contrast on the issue of internet censorship alluding to the fact that
some aspects of censorship are positive in the sense that ,according to majority of
parents in South Africa media restrictions especially those imposed by the
Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa (BCCSA) which are designed
to protect children against broadcasting that is harmful and of bad taste to children
under the age of 18 are welcome as they safeguard the behaviour of children. Some
of the programming is deemed unsuitable for children hence such restrictions are a
worthy cause, as well as restrictions by the South African Film and Publication Board
which regulates both cinema and video distribution in the country. On the other hand
critics from Organizations such as Freedom of Expression Institute ,the Right to
Know Campaign are contrary to these restrictions and are of a firm view that" they
are more draconian and are unworkable".

The Guardian newspaper also carried a story on the issue of internet censorship and
it was a fact that in authoritarian countries censorship of the internet is more brutal
and cannot be totally justified .For instance during the Presidency of Donald Trump
of United States of America an IP address system was used to censor all visitors
who organized mass demonstrations against his administration which was a very
bad thing to do for a country and which claims to be a champion of democracy,
equally so the Chinese government's attempts to "Censor the output of the
Cambridge University Press" was also a serious cause of concern

The censorship of the media has on the other hand played a leading role in
censoring media content which is against the existence of LGBTQ in the country and
created an environment which makes this group feel part and parcel of the
mainstream society.

It is also important to note that xenophobic sentiments against foreign nationals had
reached alarming levels with many foreign nationals either killed or displaced from
thier places of residence due to internet hurt speech which was directed at foreign
nationals as "Unwanted species " in the country. My personal experiences regarding
internet censorship is more on the positive aspect as the above issue of xenophobia
towards fellow African brothers and sisters put our country in bad light the world over
,hence censorship of some of the content which was send on social media networks
which ignited xenophobic attacks needed to be curtailed and censored.

It is therefore based on the above discussion that media and internet censorship
should be done to guard against any form of hurt speech rather than to infringe on
the rights and privileges of others in society.
Reference List

Indra,D.L.(2015): Censorship of Online Content:Paternalism versus Parental

guidance,University of Witwatersrand,South Africa.


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